Buttigieg Attacks Christian Trump Supporters As Violating Their Faith And Scripture

And when you get done not-answering that, you might enlighten us on what the fuck religion has to do with POTUSing in the first place in a country that doesn't have state religion.
Maybe you should be axing Mayor Buttplug if his religion talk offends you

Maybe the OP needs to come out from behind the curtain and admit his fucking bullshit got busted.
The vast majority of people who I busted for child molestation were heterosexual men victimizing girls. Your ignorance is quite dangerous. You need to educate yourself or shut the fuck up because what you are doing here is dispicable Now hear this:

lol note how these liars won't address what I actually said, that faggots molest far more kids than the deviants who molest little girls, they instead mis-direct the issue to numbers of molestors rather than children that have been molested. They can't refute anything I said, so they hope to distort and avoid a real answer. The fact is faggot molestors molest far more children than their 2% of the population would indicate, and these sicko defenders can't refute it. Pee Pee is a joke poster, so is his fan club Syriously. They count on bullshitting the uneducated and dope addled by this tactic.

As for the Xian bashing agenda, it's part of a program, and most of the MSM is on board with it and openly so.

THE OVERHAULING OF STRAIGHT AMERICA -  By Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill

This is the program, and it's no surprise it is modeled after the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci's playbook on how to manipulate semantics, since Harry Hay was himself was a card carrying Communist, so he trained his flunkies and fellow pedophiles on how to get sociopaths and tards on board with the agenda by marketing their sickness and themselves as poor hapless victims, and standing up for them is some sort of a noble act defendless the helpless from Da Evul Xians N Stuff. The dope addled and stupid of course can't resist being manipulated like fools, as Syriously proves nearly day.
Mayor Pete and his homo "wife" want to "have kids"


If you can't reproduce the normal way, do it "your way" by MOLESTING KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queers can't have kids. It's physically impossible.

But they can rape them, and they do in high numbers. If they can get the school systems to de-sensitize them into believing faggots are harmless they can make it a lot easier to con the kids as well.
Gay Youth Mentoring 101:

these two 'life partners' provide us with a typical example of homos providing 'guidance' for an adolescent kid, whose mother was no doubt desensitized to what faggots really are, sicko deviants, and of course the fags being hairdressers and all, and beloved by all the ladies.

Murder of Jesse Dirkhising - Wikipedia

Note how the article still pretends Mathew Sheppard was murdered by two heterosexual men for being a faggot, when they were in fact his fellow faggot butt buddies, and he was killed over a dope deal, not to mention his juvenile record has two arrests involving two 8 year old boys that never came out in the trial of his murderers, due to the fact that his parents refused to ask for the death penalty, so the defense couldn't subpoena his juvenile records. As for the police report on Dirkhising's death...

Police Report – Affidavit in Jesse Dirkhising Murder against Davis Don Carpenter and Joshua Macave Brown » Americans for Truth

Both of them look pretty harmless, eh? Their defense was ' but ... but he LiKED it!!!!" and of course they cried in court, which would no doubt melt Syriuosly's and Pee Pee's lil hearts, they're so dedicated to defending these poor helpless faggots from Da Evul Xians N Stuff.


The following is a facsimile of the Rogers, Ark., police affidavit of probable cause against the
men who would ultimately be convicted of murdering Jesse Dirkhising: Davis Don Carpenter
and Joshua Macave Brown:

W/M, DOB: 08-02-61
W/M, DOB: 6-7-77

Comes now Detective Sergeant Terry Woodside of the Rogers Police Department Criminal
Investigation Division, and under oath doth state:

After extensive investigation, on September 26, 1999, the Defendant, Joshua Macave Brown,
DOB: 6-7-77, was arrested on the charges of Capital Murder, Class Y Felony, and Rape, Class Y
Felony (6 COUNTS). Defendant Davis Don Carpenter, DOB: 8-2-61, was arrested on September
26th, 1999 at approximately 7:45 p.m., on the charges of Capital Murder, Class Y Felony, and
Rape, Class Y Felony (6 COUNTS).

The records of the Rogers Police Department reflect that on Sunday, September 26th, 1999, at
0453 hours, Patrolman Ian Smith and Patrolman Jason Curry responded to 1207 West Sunset
Drive to assist an ambulance crew of the Rogers Fire Department regarding a call for medical
assistance. Upon their arrival, Davis Don Carpenter, 38 years of age, and a resident of 1207 West
Sunset Drive contacted them. Carpenter seemed very upset and repeatedly said, “He’s not
breathing”. Carpenter let the officers into the apartment and to the northwest bedroom. Another
male subject, Joshua (Josh) Brown, 22 years of age, was standing in the hallway, completely
naked, holding a flashlight and a telephone. The officers observed a young, naked male subject,
later identified as Jesse Dirkhising (aka: Jesse Yates), thirteen years of age (DOB: 5-24-86), on
the floor in the middle of the room, next to a mattress. Dirkhising’s genitals and abdomen were
covered with what appeared to be feces. Dirkhising’s mouth was blue, he had a weak pulse, but
he did not appear to be breathing. Patrolman Smith also observed that Dirkhising had masking or
duct tape wrapped around his right hand. When Josh Brown was asked about the tape, he replied
that they were just playing a game. An empty prescription bottle was observed on the mattress.
In addition, Patrolman Smith observed some pills and a razor blade on a mirror at the front
entrance, which appeared to be controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

Rogers Fire Department Paramedics transported Dirkhising to St. Mary’s Hospital emergency
room, where he was pronounced dead at 0532 hours.

During preliminary questioning at the scene, Josh Brown assaulted Corporal Rick Simmons, and
was placed under arrest. While being questioned by Detective Martha Armstrong after being
Mirandized, Josh Brown stated that he was Davis Carpenter’s lover. Brown also said that he
(Brown) and Dirkhising frequently tie each other up, although not for sexual purposes. Brown
stated that on this occasion he snuck up on Dirkhising, tied his hands behind his back, placed a
pair of underwear in Dirkhising’s mouth and secured them with a bandana and duct tape. He
placed a bandana over Dirkhising’s eyes and secured it in place with duct tape. He then placed a
tee shirt over Dirkhising’s head, and checked to ensure that Dirkhising’s nostrils were not
covered. He placed belts around Dirkhising’s knees and ankles to hold his legs together. Brown
then untied Dirkhising’s wrists and secured them to opposite sides of the mattress. He positioned
Dirkhising on his stomach, placing pillows under his stomach. Brown then proceeded to
penetrate Dirkhising’s anus with various items, including three (3) fingers of his hand, his penis,
a cucumber, a sausage, a banana and a douche bottle. Brown stated at one point he prepared and
administered an enema for the victim, using his own urine as the liquid. Brown then positioned a
cucumber so that it was slightly penetrating Dirkhising’s anus, and secured it with tape. He then
went to the kitchen, where he ate a sandwich before returning to the bedroom. Upon his return,
he found that Dirkhising was apparently not breathing. Brown pulled the tee shirt off
Dirkhising’s head, cut the tape and bandanas away, removed the underwear from Dirkhising’s
mouth and contacted Carpenter. Brown also guessed Dirkhising to be thirteen or fourteen years

Carpenter told officers that Brown woke him up and told him there was a problem with
Dirkhising. Carpenter found Dirkhising lying on the bedroom floor with his hands bound with
tape. He cut the tape and attempted to administer CPR before calling 9-1-1.

Det. Jarod Mason interviewed Paula McVey, the grandmother of Jesse Dirkhising (aka: Jesse
Yates). Ms. McVey stated that Davis Carpenter was a friend of Jesse Dirkhising’s mother and
stepfather, who live in Prairie Grove. She stated that for the last two or three months, Dirkhising
had been coming from Prairie Grove to Rogers to stay with Carpenter on the weekends. She
related that she was under the impression that Dirkhising had been earning money during those
weekends by working for Carpenter at the hairstyling shop where Carpenter worked. She stated
that Carpenter had a younger male lover who lived with him.

A search warrant for 1207 West Sunset Drive, Davis Carpenter’s residence, was executed by
detectives of the Rogers Police Department. During the search of the residence, Detectives
recovered numerous small green pills, from the living room and bedroom, various bottles of
prescription medicine, including the controlled substance amitryptiline, a known heavy sedative
commonly used to treat depression. Also located in the living room, were a mirror with several
of the green pills, and a small quantity of off white colored powder suspected to be
methamphetaminc. Numerous items of evidence were recovered from the bedroom, including
two cucumbers, one of which was covered with what appeared to be petroleum jelly, the other
having what appeared to be fecal matter on it. Also located in the bedroom was a tube-shaped
sausage, as well as a crushed banana. A plastic disposable douche bottle with the applicator
secured in place with duct tape was found amongst numerous items used in bondage. The
bondage items included numerous belts, large quantities of duct tape and strapping tape,
handcuffs, nylon rope, what appeared to be a rubber jumprope, and electrical cord. Detectives
located a mass of items which included used duct tape, what appeared to be a shirt, a pair of
men’s brief underwear, and a bandana, which, according to a statement by Defendant Josh
Brown, were used to gag and blindfold the victim during the rape. Numerous containers of
petroleum jelly were found throughout the residence.

In the living room, detectives discovered a computer and related equipment that was still
running. When the monitor was turned on, a program entitled “Medical Drug Reference 4.0” was
running on the computer.

The search also revealed a piece of paper on which a note was written to “Baby.” (Investigation
has revealed that Carpenter refers to Brown as “Baby.”) In the upper right hand of the note are
listed three types of prescription pills.

The text of the note refers to making a male (“him”) take “those pills.” It then refers to
positioning pillows beneath the male in a certain way. A different portion of the same piece of
paper says to tell “him” not to fight or else for the next “14 hours” he will be sexually assaulted.
The search also revealed another note, addressed to an unnamed person, which refers to a piece
of meat being inserted in that person’s anus. The note also refers to “Davis” engaging in sexual
intercourse with “you blindfolded on pills.” There is also a note addressed to “Baby” that refers
to “duct tape in place.”
The search further revealed a hand-drawn diagram depicting a person on a bed.
There are notations that refer to pillows, “tape all the way around,” “face down,” the buttocks of
the person “raised app. 2 feet.” Another note was found in the kitchen area addressed to “baby”,
and states “could cause serious damage-back to 3” sticking out and duct tape in place.”
The search also revealed a five-page letter addressed “Hey Baby.” The letter is signed by
“Davie.” In the letter, “Davie” describes seeing “Baby’s” “little 10 year old blond whore” at her
bus stop in the morning. “Davie” graphically describes how he can envision “Baby” engaging in
various sexual acts with her.

The search also revealed handwritten texts on a legal pad. In those texts, the writer describes a
man making a “fine crushed white powder” from “the small oddly purple colored pill.” The
writer describes him cutting the pill in ¼ sections so that he would have “enough to do this again
in 4 hours or so, if he needed (or wanted!).” He then describes the man giving a nine year old girl
a glass of milk with the pill powder mixed in. The writer then writes of the man laughing out
loud “knowing in 20 minutes the pill dust he’d added would render her helpless and drunk…” He
then describes in detail the man having the girl first masturbate and then perform oral sex on

Also found on the kitchen table was a receipt from the Price Cutter Food Warehouse dated
September 26, 1999, at ‘0307’ hours. Items purchased on the receipt included tape for $3.18,
“Eckrich” for $2.50, two cucumbers for $1.00 and “meat dept.” for $2.61. A package containing
one sausage was found in the refrigerator and was labeled “Eckrich.” The sausage found in the
package was consistent in appearance with the sausage found in the bedroom.
A detailed interview was conducted at the Rogers Police Department with defendant Josh Brown
on September 27th, 1999 by Detective Sergeant Hayes Minor. Brown told Sgt. Minor that he and
the victim had been sexually involved for approximately two months. Brown described the
sexual acts as “games” and “playing: with the victim. He said that the morning of the victim’s
death, he had performed anal sex on the victim for the first time. In sex acts up until this point,
Brown said his penis had never penetrated the victim’s anus. Brown told Sgt. Minor that on this
occasion he used his fingers, his penis, a cucumber, a sausage, a banana and a douche bottle to
anally penetrate the victim while the victim was immobile due to the bindings.
Brown was questioned about Carpenter’s involvement during the rape and told Sgt. Minor that
Carpenter stood in the doorway of the bedroom, naked, and watched Brown and the victim while
he (Carpenter) masturbated. Brown was also asked about the notes that were found in the
residence. When asked about the note found in the kitchen addressed to “Baby” and stating
“Could cause serious damage-back to 3” sticking out and duct tape in place”, Brown stated that
as he was using the cucumber to penetrate the victim’s anus, Carpenter stood in the doorway
trying to get his (Brown’s) attention without having to speak. When Brown walked to Carpenter,
Carpenter showed him the note indicating that he should not put the entire cucumber in the
victim’s anus as it may harm him. Brown stated he returned to the victim and duct taped the
cucumber in place as it penetrated the victim’s anus approximately one half inch.
Brown was also shown the diagram that depicts a person bound to a bed, much the same way
Brown described the victim. He stated that the drawing was completed by Carpenter on a much
earlier date. When asked about Carpenter’s knowledge of Brown’s and the victim’s sexual
activities, Brown stated that Carpenter had walked in on the two in the past. After that occasion,
Brown stated that he and Carpenter talked about Carpenter watching as the victim and Brown
participated in sexual acts.
Brown was also questioned about the receipt he found in the residence from the Price Cutter
Food Warehouse dated September 26th, 1999, at 0307 hours. Brown told Sgt. Minor that
Carpenter had gone to the store alone and purchased the items, some of which were used during
the rape of the victim.
On September 27th, 1999, an autopsy was conducted on the victim by the Arkansas State
Medical Examiner. Preliminary results of the autopsy indicate the victim died of “positional
A check of Davis Carpenter’s prior record shows no known prior convictions at this time. During
conversations held with Det. Sgt. Minor, Carpenter stated that he had lived in 26 different states,
and knew people in all 50 states.
Carpenter apparently has limited family in Springdale, Arkansas, but has lived out of state on
numerous occasions. Further investigation revealed that in the past two years, Carpenter and
Brown have lived in at least three different states, including Florida. A records check of Joshua
Brown reveals no known prior convictions. Joshua Brown also has no known ties to the
Northwest Arkansas area.
Based on the seriousness of the offense, the substantial likelihood of conviction, the nature of the
penalty that may be imposed, and the substantial risk of flight, the State joins me in requesting
that the Defendants, Davis Don Carpenter, DOB:08-02-61, and Joshua Macave Brown, DOB: 6-
7-77, be held without bond for the offenses of Capital Murder, Class Y Felony, Arkansas Code
Annotated 5-10-101; and Rape, Class Y Felony (6 COUNTS), Arkansas Code Annotated 5-14-
Det. Sgt. Terry Woodside
Rogers Police Department
212 West Elm Street
Rogers, Arkansas 72756
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September, 1999
Kathryn McMath
…that faggots molest far more kids than the deviants who molest little girls…

In absolute numbers, they're pretty close; faggots/demifaggots molest almost as many little boys as heterosexual men molest little girls.

But heterosexual men outnumber faggots by a factor of about two dozen. So any random faggot or demifaggot is more than twenty times as likely to be a child molester as any random heterosexual man.

Of course, you noted where TheOppressiveFaggot wrote that…

The vast majority of people who I busted for child molestation were heterosexual men victimizing girls.

Given that we know that heterosexual men molesting little girls only makes up about half of child molestation, we can know from this, to no surprise given what we know of his character, that TheOppressiveFaggot was looking the other way when he came across cases of his fellow faggots molesting little boys. And, of course, he openly boasts of handing children over to faggots; so at least indirectly, he's probably responsible for enabling more cases of children being sexually molested as he claims to have busted, between cases of abuse that he willfully overlooked, and cases where he handed the victim over to the abuser.
Given the fact that little boys being molested by faggots occurs almost as often as little girls being molested by heterosexual men, do any of us really need to wonder why TheOppressiveFaggot, who boasts about handing children over to sick homosexual perverts, disproportionately busted few cases of homosexuals abusing children? Do any of us need to wonder? I think it's pretty obvious.

Yes, excellent point, plus he's probably lying in any case about his 'experience'.
But heterosexual men outnumber faggots by a factor of about two dozen. So any random faggot or demifaggot is more than twenty times as likely to be a child molester as any random heterosexual man.

This is the shit they always ignore.
Mayor Pete and his homo "wife" want to "have kids"


If you can't reproduce the normal way, do it "your way" by MOLESTING KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queers can't have kids. It's physically impossible.

But they can rape them, and they do in high numbers. If they can get the school systems to de-sensitize them into believing faggots are harmless they can make it a lot easier to con the kids as well.

I don't believe mayor Pete rapes kids. Yes, fag Nasi's are a pain in the ass and five gay people a bad name, but as a whole, gay people are like us except for the fact that they are gay. So you know, the disteict I work for has sent away one teacher a year for having sad with the children. They are mostly straight women.
Let’s not bring up every Democrat platform is anti-Biblical. And Trump is the most pro-Christian President in modern history.

Then there is his “military service”. He never went to boot camp, ROTC, OTS or the Naval Academy. He got in through the “direct commission officer” program, like Quid Pro Joe’s son. He got to play “military Uber” driving higher ranking officers around and never saw combat. But he counted how many times he drove so he could boast about it in future campaigns.
Let's just keep reminding Buttplug that his faggot pride parades have to be heavily censored, and that his beloved 'faggot 'rights' propaganda narratives were all founded by pedophiles, and they have to continually lie about that, along with the fact that faggots commit far more kiddie rapes than their 2% of the population would justify, and that he's just a sick deviant like the rest of his fan club.
More straight out of your ass horseshit. Let me tell you something slick. I spent 26 years investigating child abuse, including sexual abuse and I know who the abusers are. I also worked in foster care and placed kids with gay and lesbian people after their heterosexual parents fucked them over. You have know fucking idea what you're talking about.

The vast majority of people who I busted for child molestation were heterosexual men victimizing girls. Your ignorance is quite dangerous. You need to educate yourself or shut the fuck up because what you are doing here is dispicable Now hear this:

Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women.

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html - Bing

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.
Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.
A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.
Now we are getting to the crux of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of
Offenders The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation.
They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.

PP posts a big load of faggot propaganda written up by faggots themselves. Ask him to post a link to the actual studies themselves so we can see the ridiculously crappy methodologies used , and it's easy to see that they never expected them to be read, they just needed to provide the fake news peddlers and their fellow pedophiles with rubbish to respond with. This has been the game from the beginning, when the APA back in the 1970's caved in to faggot mau-mauing and removed faggots from the mental disorder list after three years of 'activism'; the vote was 5,800 to 3,800, out of a total membership of over 20,000 ... Does that sounds like some great change of mind due to 'Science N Stuff', or does it sound like a bunch of professionals caving in to threats to have their practices ruined and losing money?

Oh please! What bullshit! The post included reference and sources. Are you too fucking last to use them? Furthermore, the position taken relies on logic and a conceptual analysis of the way pedophiles are identified nd the difference between sexual orientation and the respective genders of the perp. and victim. Feel free to shut the fuck up now.
Let’s not bring up every Democrat platform is anti-Biblical. And Trump is the most pro-Christian President in modern history.

Your OP is based on a false premise. Being in favour of a restrictive theorcratic agenda being promoted by evangelical leaders is not being "pro-Christian". Promoting policies that harm families and children, separating families, and stealing their children, cutting poor families off from health care, and restricting women's right to choose is neither moral or Christian.

Attacking your enemies using the power of your office isn't Christian or moral. Nothing that the Trump administration does is "pro-Christian". Trump is prepared to trample the right of the 80% of Americans who are NOT evangelical Christian, in order to pander to right wing evangelicals, who oppose rights for women, gays, and anybody they have decided is a "sinner".
More straight out of your ass horseshit. Let me tell you something slick. I spent 26 years investigating child abuse, including sexual abuse and I know who the abusers are. I also worked in foster care and placed kids with gay and lesbian people after their heterosexual parents fucked them over. You have know fucking idea what you're talking about.

Even here, trying to falsely paint yourself as an advocate for abused children, you're openly boasting about handing vulnerable children over to sick sexual perverts.

Really, who do you think you are fooling? You're as much an enemy of children as anyone is, and done as much as anyone to see that they get f•••ed over.

You truly are as subhuman piece of child-hating shit. You care nothing for them, only for giving sick perverts access to and control over them.

The vast majority of people who I busted for child molestation were heterosexual men victimizing girls. Your ignorance is quite dangerous. You need to educate yourself or shut the fuck up because what you are doing here is dispicable Now hear this:

Boys get sexually molested almost as often as girls. And it sure as Hell are not heterosexual men who are molesting little boys. By definition, if a heterosexual man was interested in molesting children, he'd only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.

Homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population, yet homosexual (or at least bisexual) men make up almost half of all child molesters.

The math doesn't lie, no matter ho much you and the filth which whom you align do.
Blaylock! You continue to prove that you are a demented crackpot. What sets you apart from most other bigots here is that actually believe your own horseshit
Mayor Pete and his homo "wife" want to "have kids"


If you can't reproduce the normal way, do it "your way" by MOLESTING KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That alone disqualifies him from president for me
Lol, at the left.

Buttigieg, "I am not going to tell Christians how to be Christians...."

Then proceeds to tell Christians how to be Christians.

Classic left wing double talk.

Such losers, the ones that vote for any democrat ever.
I love how the Christian right is saying that they cannot vote for a sinner like Pete Buttigieg who is in a faithful, committed relationship with his husband, on moral grounds, but they can voted for a straight white man who has been married three times, and cheated on all of his wives - (Thou shalt not commit adultery), who has lied over 16,000 times, (thou shalt not bear false witness), who brags about sexally assaulting women, who plays golf on Sunday (honour the Sabbath day to keep it holy), harms and steals children from parents and lock the children in cages (that which you do to the least of them, you also do to me), and is cutting food stamps, school lunches, and health care for the poor.

The hypocrisy of these statements is why nobody believes the Christian right is even Christian. Trump's so-called Christian voter have lost the right to claim any moral high ground whatsoever.
I love how the Christian right is saying that they cannot vote for a sinner like Pete Buttigieg who is in a faithful, committed relationship with his husband, on moral grounds, but they can voted for a straight white man who has been married three times, and cheated on all of his wives - (Thou shalt not commit adultery), who has lied over 16,000 times, (thou shalt not bear false witness), who brags about sexally assaulting women, who plays golf on Sunday (honour the Sabbath day to keep it holy), harms and steals children from parents and lock the children in cages (that which you do to the least of them, you also do to me), and is cutting food stamps, school lunches, and health care for the poor.

The hypocrisy of these statements is why nobody believes the Christian right is even Christian. Trump's so-called Christian voter have lost the right to claim any moral high ground whatsoever.
He's going to Hell and so his his Boyfriend, because Homosexuality, like Fornication, and Adultery are Mortal Sins and punishable by Hell.

He has not repented of his sins, and is actively engaging in them. He needs to repent, turn his back on Homosexuality, and become attracted to women again, and marry a woman and have a family that way.
I saw Pete's brother or brother in law talk about Butieieg's faith. He was very disturbed that he called himself a Christian. He said he's anything but. Talked about killing babies after they were born.

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