Button your seat belts folks....in a Tweet world, FACTS WILL MEAN NADA!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Next year, if you have a brain, if the cells are all intact and you have some sense......hold onto it....this new guy coming to the white house....FACTS WILL MEAN NOTHING TO THIS CLOWN....AND HIS HILLBILLIES. How this orange clown can deny the Russians their hand picked puppet, ie Trump and say its all a bunch of shit???? Just expect more denying of facts and hold onto what sanity you have...this guy is lie his way through the next 2 years if that....there is no way in hell, he won't get impeached in a few years, no way.
You weren't dropped on your head as a baby,

you were spiked like a football.

Or some other horrific act of child abuse must have happened to you. Whatever it was I hope the bastard is in prison.

I'm actually confident they are.


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