Buy cott arizona


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Do anyone have a list of Arizona mail order companies. Food, clothing, etc? I want to buy what ever I can from Arizona to support Arizona immigration law.

Arizona Mail Order Wide Selection of Women's Clothing Satisfaction Guaranteed Since 1946.

Welcome to Willow Ridge! - Willow Ridge2009 Arizona Mail Order Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved | | | | ... - Cached - Similar
By the way, I love this billboard, pictured on the Buycott website:

"Attention, illegal immigrants"
Arizona does not welcome you, but Los Angeles loves you.
Free Housing, Free School, Free Food, Free Medical, and Free Hospital.
No insurance costs, no taxes, and plenty of jobs.
Turn left on I-8 and follow your road to paradise!​
Arizona, they are my heart and soul, sweetheart . I know, I m the bane of the board, it's painfully obvious. I live many miles from Arizona or the Mexican border. I feel their pain. And then some. My state loves to be sodomized by Mexicans , what can I say? Colorado, it's a Hispanic name. I love the irony. The mayor of Denver hires illegal aliens , and he's ever SO sensitive. Except to blokes like me, that is. When those illegal assholes HE hires kills someone, Hicky practically begs on his knees to get the cocksucker back. ... (Raul Garcia-Gomez, fled south) .... it's what they do best. I see what illegals have done to the state, and it ain't pretty as our wise Governor Bill Ritter proclaims . His mansion is less than a mile from the worst hell hole barrio in the state, and less than 4 miles from mi casa and, senora, HE says all this fuss is an exaggeration, and I wonder who's ass HIS head is up. He weat’s to be just like California with their record deficits and enumerable uncountable “immigrants” from sur del border. They like to pretend we don’t notice. Your honor, we notice, yes indeed. Viva Arizona. Support Arizona , it’s the only rational thing to do.

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