By far easiest way to make economy grow:

Today's jobs pay far better than 100 years ago because of new inventions that make work more efficient and productive. Thus, the Republican supply of new inventions (through tax cuts, deregulation, and support for a business culture, etc) creates better paying jobs while the Democratic interference with new inventions creates lower paying jobs.

If that ever worked, you can see where it stopped working below:


so is the 100% perfect idiot liberal saying that if we destroy inventions that will make our incomes grow??
Wrong. Today's jobs pay better because of
1) Unions
2) Competition from high paying government jobs
3) Welfare

If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God. The Market God Utopia has no place for a middle class. Only the exploiters and the exploited.
This person should be put on ignore for anything economic. Not only did he not attend economic 101, he did not attend economic 1. He can't understand that the government makes NOTHING. Money is worthless if there are no goods or services to purchase with said money. You can have 100 billion dollars, and if someone plants you on Mars, what are you going to buy with it? What would you want then on Mars? A government official? Or someone to build a shelter for you?

exactly, if liberals had been in charge in the stone age they would have printed money and raised taxes to stimulate demand while Republicans would have encouraged new inventions.

Simple for adults and children to grasp but not for liberals.
Wrong. Today's jobs pay better because of
1) Unions
2) Competition from high paying government jobs
3) Welfare

If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God. The Market God Utopia has no place for a middle class. Only the exploiters and the exploited.

If you are on welfare then you don't have a job.
Today's jobs pay far better than 100 years ago because of new inventions that make work more efficient and productive. Thus, the Republican supply of new inventions (through tax cuts, deregulation, and support for a business culture, etc) creates better paying jobs while the Democratic interference with new inventions creates lower paying jobs.

You are aware wages are stagnant? The bush tax cuts only added to the debt.
The money was never the federal government's to begin with, are you that stupid?? The government just can't tax more when is gets itself in over its head financially. It can't claim what is not theirs, it's the people's money.

The federal government cannot be trusted

And what happens when we collapse economically? Hope you speak russian and Chinese.
Better have your house in order...
Today's jobs pay far better than 100 years ago because of new inventions that make work more efficient and productive. Thus, the Republican supply of new inventions (through tax cuts, deregulation, and support for a business culture, etc) creates better paying jobs while the Democratic interference with new inventions creates lower paying jobs.

If that ever worked, you can see where it stopped working below:


so is the 100% perfect idiot liberal saying that if we destroy inventions that will make our incomes grow??

English please.
Wrong. Today's jobs pay better because of
1) Unions
2) Competition from high paying government jobs
3) Welfare

If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God. The Market God Utopia has no place for a middle class. Only the exploiters and the exploited.
This person should be put on ignore for anything economic. Not only did he not attend economic 101, he did not attend economic 1. He can't understand that the government makes NOTHING. Money is worthless if there are no goods or services to purchase with said money. You can have 100 billion dollars, and if someone plants you on Mars, what are you going to buy with it? What would you want then on Mars? A government official? Or someone to build a shelter for you?

exactly, if liberals had been in charge in the stone age they would have printed money and raised taxes to stimulate demand while Republicans would have encouraged new inventions.

Simple for adults and children to grasp but not for liberals.

Silicon Valley is in California, not Alabama.

Loserterianism is the last thing that would grow the economy. To be honest we need more of our population in business and innovating...NOT LESS.

Loserterianism would just help create massive monopolies and pool the wealth within a few percent of our population. We need government regulations as government regulations made the middle class possible in the 20th century.

We also need our science institutions and r&d investments or we're talking about hundreds of billions + of dollars in innovation gone.
If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God.

False. It was very much the free market that started the unions. The government didn't corral people to start striking and rise up. They did that on their own. Politicians only got involved once they realized it was a growing movement and could benefit politically from it.
I have been lectured over and over again how automation has lowered dependence on labor, and thus, lowered wages.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The hammer nail screw plow saw wheel etc etc replaced billions of workers and made wages go up not down!!

Econ 101 class one day one!! See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be slow? Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
I have been lectured over and over again how automation has lowered dependence on labor, and thus, lowered wages.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The hammer nail screw plow saw wheel etc etc replaced billion of workers and made wages go up not down!!

Econ 101 class one day one!! See why we have to be positive that a liberal will be slow? Do you want to be a liberal all your life?

What you said..."Ha, ha, stupid Liberal; my ad hominem is superior to your facts! Ha, ha, ha!"
Once again I'll ask for concrete examples and once again you'll call me a stupid liberal.

Loserterianism is the last thing that would grow the economy..
so how would they propose we make the economy grow and how would liberals propose to make it grow?

What you said...
Easy, off-shore all jobs to China and India and all Americans will automatically make more money.

If I said that, sub moron liberal, I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.!!

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