By far easiest way to make economy grow:

MNCs providing the best possible products at the lowest prices whilst still paying high wages to the majority of their workers.

dear stupid liberal if the products were not the best the world would not buy them and instead would buy the best from whomever produced them. 1+1=2
The only way that the free market started the unions is because those at the top pissed off the workers by putting them in dangerous working conditions.

dear, a capitalist business must provide the best possible jobs and products in the entire world just to survive. Are you really too stupid and liberal to understand that??

No, they have to provide the best product at the lowest price that will still allow them to make a profit.

Nothing was said about working conditions I noticed. Working conditions (not the product the company was putting out) was the reasons that unions were formed, because they were basically sweatshops that paid the lowest possible wage. And, one of the examples of the deplorable conditions that existed at the time was a thing called the Triangle Shirtwaist fire. Here.............lemmie help you out.......

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in Manhattan, New York City on March 25, 1911 was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, and one of the deadliest in US history. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers – 123 women and 23 men[1] – who died from the fire, smoke inhalation, or falling or jumping to their deaths. Most of the victims were recent Jewish and Italian immigrant women aged 16 to 23;[2][3][4] of the victims whose ages are known, the oldest victim was Providenza Panno at 43, and the youngest were 14-year-olds Kate Leone and "Sara" Rosaria Maltese.[5]

The factory was located on the eighth, ninth and tenth floors of the Asch Building, at 23–29 Washington Place in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, now known as the Brown Building and part of New York University.

Because the owners had locked the doors to the stairwells and exits—a then-common practice to prevent workers from taking unauthorized breaks and to reduce theft—[6] many of the workers could not escape and jumped from the high windows. The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU), which fought for better working conditions for sweatshop workers.

The building has been designated a National Historic Landmark and a New York City landmark.[7]

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
MNCs providing the best possible products at the lowest prices whilst still paying high wages to the majority of their workers.

dear stupid liberal if the products were not the best the world would not buy them and instead would buy the best from whomever produced them. 1+1=2

Dear 100% stupid Neo-Conservative who can't provide a list of 10 modern day MNCs providing the best possible products at the lowest prices whilst still paying high wages to the majority of their workers.
I believe you have left enough evidence here to display your dulled Neo-Conservative thought process.
Thanks once again, for play dumb Neo-Conservative.
Nothing was said about working conditions I noticed.

dear stupid liberal. If working conditions are not the best an employee will quit and go where they are the best possible. Do you now understand the beauty of capitalism??????
Nothing was said about working conditions I noticed.

dear stupid liberal. If working conditions are not the best an employee will quit and go where they are the best possible. Do you now understand the beauty of capitalism??????

Really? Did you even read what I posted about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? 146 people DIED when the fire broke out because they were locked in their workspace to prevent theft and unauthorized breaks. Because those people were locked in, they either burned to death or jumped out the window and died. Those people didn't have the luxury of finding a better job, that was the only one they could find, and the owners of the factory took advantage of them, resulting in many deaths.

That was when the union for garment workers was formed.

Might help if you actually read up on some history, rather than just cherry picking posts.
We're all waiting for those 10 MNCs.

you want 10 companies the have the worst products and jobs possible yet still survive and prosper???? It seems a million people could start a company like that tomorrow???

See why we say the liberal will always be stupid??
Really? Did you even read what I posted about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?.
100% stupid of course. Job safety and product improvements come at the fastest possible rate under capitalism thanks to competition.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Looking at the history of work conditions in china or read up on our own country of the 19th into the early 20th century. Regulations are very necessary not only to promote "middle class" job creation, but also for the standards that our workers enjoy.

Sadly, life has gotten so easy for people in this country that they now can rage against the government. They really have no clue what they're fighting for.
Nothing was said about working conditions I noticed.

dear stupid liberal. If working conditions are not the best an employee will quit and go where they are the best possible. Do you now understand the beauty of capitalism??????

Really? Did you even read what I posted about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? 146 people DIED when the fire broke out because they were locked in their workspace to prevent theft and unauthorized breaks. Because those people were locked in, they either burned to death or jumped out the window and died. Those people didn't have the luxury of finding a better job, that was the only one they could find, and the owners of the factory took advantage of them, resulting in many deaths.

That was when the union for garment workers was formed.

Might help if you actually read up on some history, rather than just cherry picking posts.

"he brought up the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of 1911, which killed 146 women: not enough government, and something bad happened. Certainly it was a horrible event, making any of the tragedies caused by governments, such as the Armenian genocide, the Ukrainian famine, the rape of Nanking, the Bataan death march, the nazi Holocaust, the fire-bombing of Dresden, the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, and the killing fields of Cambodia, those disappeared in Chile and Argentina, pale in comparison. The logic is flawless: when a private business accidentally kills 146 people, we need to increase the power of the government, an entity that deliberately kills millions.
Looking at the history of work conditions in china or read up on our own country of the 19th into the early 20th century. Regulations are very necessary not only to promote "middle class" job creation, but also for the standards that our workers enjoy.

Sadly, life has gotten so easy for people in this country that they now can rage against the government. They really have no clue what they're fighting for.
Looking at working conditions in china .

yes made better at the fastest possible rate thanks to competition if govt allows it. do you have the IQ to understand??
Really? Did you even read what I posted about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?.
100% stupid of course. Job safety and product improvements come at the fastest possible rate under capitalism thanks to competition.

Do you have the IQ to understand??

Conditions for job safety didn't come around until AFTER those 146 people had died and a union was formed to protest the conditions they had before. I guess you wouldn't have a problem being locked in your workplace, only being let out for authorized breaks and quitting time? Job safety didn't really exist until after the unions came into being. Matter of fact, if you had actually READ the article, you would see it was because of the fire that the garment workers union was formed.
Really? Did you even read what I posted about the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? .

To a liberal fire is an indictment of capitalism!! Without govt we would all die in fire!! ONly govt can protect us!!

Never said anything about the government. I said it was because of poor working conditions that unions were formed and gave just one example. Do you need more?

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