By far easiest way to make economy grow:


Loserterianism is the last thing that would grow the economy..
so how would they propose we make the economy grow and how would liberals propose to make it grow?

What you said...
Easy, off-shore all jobs to China and India and all Americans will automatically make more money.

If I said that, sub moron liberal, I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.!!

What you said...Sending manufacturing to China and Software Development to India has made America rich.
Try reading your ever repetitive postings.
The easiest way to make the economy grow is to put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. End our dependency on cheap foreign made goods. End off-shore job out-sourcing, end importing labor, and rid this country of illegal immigrants.

The problem is we Americans don't want our own products. They are too expensive because of labor. How are you going to change the minds of Americans? How are you supposed to end off-shoring when the American consumer is obsessed with "cheap?" Should we put a gun on any company wishing to move out of the country?
The government didn't corral people to start striking and rise up. They did that on their own.

wrong wrong wrong!! Only govt makes a strike effective. Without govt the employer simply replaces the striking workers at the free market wage.
The easiest way to make the economy grow is to put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. End our dependency on cheap foreign made goods. End off-shore job out-sourcing, end importing labor, and rid this country of illegal immigrants.

The problem is we Americans don't want our own products. They are too expensive because of labor. How are you going to change the minds of Americans? How are you supposed to end off-shoring when the American consumer is obsessed with "cheap?" Should we put a gun on any company wishing to move out of the country?

Legislation allowed massive off-shoring whilst money lending allowed the under and unemployed to borrow money to buy cheaper goods.
Reverse the process.
If it doesn't work after 2 or 3 years, go back to today's model.
If you get rid of the government and unions and unleash the capitalists, you'll be working slave wages like the 19th century again.

The Middle Class was created by government and unions, not the Market God.

False. It was very much the free market that started the unions. The government didn't corral people to start striking and rise up. They did that on their own. Politicians only got involved once they realized it was a growing movement and could benefit politically from it.

The only way that the free market started the unions is because those at the top pissed off the workers by putting them in dangerous working conditions, low wages, and long hours, as well as child labor. It was because of those conditions that the workers decided to band together to force better working conditions.

Google "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire" sometime.
The problem is we Americans don't want our own products. They are too expensive because of labor.

other reasons too like our companies facing the highest liberal taxes in the entire world, liberal unions, liberal deficits, the liberal attack on the family and schools rendering many Americans unfit for a life on the job, and 20 million illegal liberals taking what jobs remain and driving down their wages!!
The only way that the free market started the unions is because those at the top pissed off the workers by putting them in dangerous working conditions.

dear, a capitalist business must provide the best possible jobs and products in the entire world just to survive. Are you really too stupid and liberal to understand that??
Today's jobs pay far better than 100 years ago because of new inventions that make work more efficient and productive. Thus, the Republican supply of new inventions (through tax cuts, deregulation, and support for a business culture, etc) creates better paying jobs while the Democratic interference with new inventions creates lower paying jobs.

Send Comrade Bernard Sanders , all the welfare/warfare state politicians and the Parasitic caucus including rightwinger and his ilk out of the country . Otherwise we are doomed.
The only way that the free market started the unions is because those at the top pissed off the workers by putting them in dangerous working conditions.

dear, a capitalist business must provide the best possible jobs and products in the entire world just to survive. Are you really too stupid and liberal to understand that??

I think we proved that to be completely incorrect 2 weeks ago.
Provide 10 modern day examples.
Provide 10 modern day examples.

the total and perfect idiot wants an example of a company with the worst jobs and products in the world surviving thanks to capitalism????

see why we say a liberal will be 100% stupid?

No moron, 10 modern day examples of mega MNCs providing the best possible products at the lowest prices whilst still paying high wages to the majority of their workers.
One person, one plow.

no dear all farmers got a plow so all farmers could multiply their income 100 times all over the world!! This is not even Econ 101. I honestly learned this in 3rd grade!!

And Middle Class Tax Payers subsidize those farmers using automation to destroy a portion of their crops to keep prices high enough to sustain the MNCs that own them.
I learned that in Kindergarten.
I just went to a better school than you.

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