By killing one man, Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran

Trump is a brilliant strategist. He constantly amazes me with his insight and negotiating skills.

The first President in a long time that hasn't given away the store.

He was the right man for the job at the right time. Kind of like when Eisner came along and saved Disney.

I shudder when I think how fucked up this country would have been had Crooked Hillary followed in the footsteps of that disastrous Obama. This whole country would have been Californicated.
Imagine what Ayotollah Whats-his-name is thinking right now.

"Shit, I could be next!"

The men who run Iran are not crazy zealots who want to die and get 72 virgins.
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.

Trump bitch slapped them, then the Iranian fools shot down a commercial airliner that just took off from their own freaking airport. These Iranian thugs look extra stupid.
Everyone's saying Iran "accidentally" shot down the Ukranian airplane.

My question is this:

What did they think they were shooting down?
Everyone's saying Iran "accidentally" shot down the Ukranian airplane.

My question is this:

What did they think they were shooting down?

Some stupid shit manning a missile battery scared shitless that the US was coming to kill him fired on the airliner, bank on it.
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.

Trump bitch slapped them, then the Iranian fools shot down a commercial airliner that just took off from their own freaking airport. These Iranian thugs look extra stupid.
They didn't shoot down an American airplane though, I don't know why we'd have one there.

At any rate, at least for now, Iran is being a good little girl.
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

It might not have been this way, but what makes Trump so effective in these international struggles is his unpredictability. He's not a politician, he's not owned by anyone, he doesn't have anyone who has been by his side as he worked his way up the ladder to President. In short, he's an unknown quantity. He remains this way, in the shadow.

He doesn't want to go to war. He tells them he wants peace, he warns them in his way. If they ignore his warnings, they will pay a price. They don't know if he will or if he won't, but they can't be sure. Sometimes he seems to just let out some steam, other times, he drops an MOAB or attacks Syrian military. Who can tell what he is going to do?

As an example. Weeks before the attack on this terrorist, I read Trumps tweets telling Iran to stop messing around, funding terror etc. He often finished with an exclamation mark or types in caps, made it sound as if he was just yelling it out. It turns out he was deadly serious. Bringing their general to justice was one option, and he played it.

Next time he does that, and calls out a nation, they will put a freeze on activities and maybe even movement of assets for a little while. This would help the CIA if they went on the move. His unpredictability keeps countries on their toes. They listen to former political advisors "don't worry, he will give in eventually", and then next you know, you're paying a 25% tariff and signing a Free Trade Agreement.

Consider this, would you want to be a sponsor of terror from a nation or some foreign spy, read a tweet from Trump telling your nation "IF YOU HARM AMERICANS YOU WILL PAY A PRICE LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE" and then be told by your boss, "you have to head out to Syria tomorrow and meet a friend".

The response would be: "Yeeeah riiight...I think I'll pass...

I've said before, I don't know if Trump is this calculating, or, if he goes with the flow. I would imagine he has a number of options in his head, listens to arguments, puts out threats that he may or may not execute (depending on his final decision), and the he acts.
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The whole world is full of countries that are friends to the United States because we beat the living shit out of them and then made them our friends.
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.

Absolutely. And they'll all convert to Christianity, JFK will come back from the dead, and the Tooth Fairy really does exist!
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.

Peace through strength is real.

I've always felt, you can sit down and break bread with someone if they are reasonable and civilized. If someone is pure evil or intent on destroying you, there is no path to peace unless they respect and understand the cost of NOT having peace.
Peace through strength is real.
I've always felt, you can sit down and break bread with someone if they are reasonable and civilized. If someone is pure evil or intent on destroying you, there is no path to peace unless they respect and understand the cost of NOT having peace.
And stupid Democrats don't want us to be the world's police anymore. We've got to carry a big stick and use it.

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