C-Span- Why the modern male is struggling in the USA…. Twice as many black women enrolled in college compared to black men


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I was quite surprised that C-SPAN has covered a very important topic. I don’t see CNN or even Fox News really talking about this. It’s usually covered by alternative media sources. Richard Reeves was the guest on C-SPAN this morning and he is a left-leaning author aconcentrating on why the modern male in America struggling and what to do about it.

Reeves says we can help confront these issues without harming the status of women in America. Obviously this is a common sense point. But the radical left won’t like it.

Firstly this issue is across the racial lines right now. In university across America There are twice as many black female students compared to black men. When Tim Walz was a schoolteacher about 33% of school teachers in the USA were male. Now it’s only about 22%.

In the USA the suicide rate for men is 4 times higher compared to women.

Young men are twice as likely to be addicted to drugs or alcohol compared to young women.

Young men are much more likely to be living with their parents compared to young women.

Young men are nearly twice as likely to be single compared to young women.

A lot of this was due to the botched approach by the left-wing toward gender over the past few decades…With radical feminism, the me too movement. Instead of just having a common sense approach like for example hiring the best person for a job we have racial and gender quotas… and look what that’s got black men… black men are much less likely to be enrolled in college compared to black women.

Having educators and the media stress for men and women to treat each other with respect when it comes to dating… instead of a perhaps one way approach.
This is the result of radical left-wing policies and things like BLM. And look at what it’s done for the black man. Twice as many black females are enrolled in college campuses compared to black men.

Any man who supports BLM , DEI or similar agendas will hurt their own cause. Buying into the false idea that the white man is a problem, that America is the center for “white supremacy” and imperialism will lead to a bad life for many men.

Instead have a common sense approach. Hire the best people for the job. Believe in working hard and meritocracy that’s the way forward. Have mutual respect for history meaning why people and Black people can respect each other’s history… as opposed to the radical left which is very one-sided and incorrect in their approach to history.

End discriminatory hiring quotes by race gender in the USA. End DEI.

Otherwise if we continue to go down this trend by the government enforcing BLM and DEI policies the country will be a hell hole before you know it. We already have big problems and they need to be confronted before it gets worse.
I predicted back in 1990, when I had my epiphany about the impact of fatherless families among blacks, that within one more generation, black females would significantly outpace black males in terms of academic and professional success because their homes were headed by a female. It set a tone of self-reliance for girls that the boys lacked for having no fathers.
I was accused of making gross generalizations.

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