CA Governor Brown pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Any of these will be better than a stinking Tesla, like I said you can keep your teslas don’t expect anyone else to like them... lol

God, what a stupid fuck you are. 3.5 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 11.6 quarter mile. Tesla P100D, 2.4 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 10.72 quarter mile.
Funny thing electric cars Are run by toxic batteries... lol
Funny, ICE engines emit all kinds of toxic gases, have toxic lead-acid batteries in them, and toxic oil in the crankcase. The batteries in EV's are sealed and can be re-cycled. You 'Conservatives' are so damned stupid in use arguements that invalidate your own points.
Those toxic ingredients to the batteries have to be mined, As do the rest of the materials for solar and wind and other renewables. You just lost the argument
The materials for the gas wells, gas generators, coal generators, and mining equipment have to be mined. Then you have to keep right on mining to generate electricity. Where, with solar and wind, the mining is done when the panels or mills are put up. Just a grid needed from that point. No pipelines, or rail lines needed. And you are fucking stupid enough to think you ever had an argument.
Like I said you can keep your renewables, just don’t expect anyone else to want them. All in good time they just are not ready for prime time yet, there is no hurry. You sound like a fucking energy Nazi... lol
Over 100,000 high end Tesla's sold this year, 600,000 Tesla 3's on order. The Founder's series of the Roadster already sold out, and at least 400 Tesla Semi's ordered. Sounds like a lot of somebodies want Tesla's. And they are putting their money where their mouth is. Hell, some people road only horses right up to the time of WW2. If you want to drive your ICE until you croak, I don't care. Just make sure you can meet all the pollution laws.
There is not going to be any pollution laws in red states you stupid fucker
My 92 chevy dually has two tanks , from South Carolina to Las Vegas I would be there a day already before you check in driving a telsa clown.

Wanna put a few grand on that my furry friend? :D

Longest Range Electric Car = Tesla Model S 100D (335 Miles!) | CleanTechnica

Music to the ears, and the smell of roses... lol

Noisy stinky rigs undrivable on the street.

Watch a Tesla Model S P100D set a new world record for a quarter-mile run

Now for most car manufacturers, the Model S P100D would represent an incredible achievement not in need of improvement. But seeing as how Elon Musk is an absolute glutton for raw speed, Tesla over the past few months has made the P100D even more of a speed demon.

Thanks to a recent over the air software update, P100D owners can now take advantage of a new Ludicrous+ Mode that can take the car from 0-60 in just 2.4 seconds. All the more impressive is that Musk relayed via a tweet earlier this month that a 0-60 time of 2.34 seconds might even be possible.

As for the P100D’s quarter mile time, well, that’s been improved upon as well. In fact, DragTimes recently took a few P100D vehicles out for a spin this weekend where they pushed the cars to new heights. Taking to a track at the Palm Beach International Raceway in Florida, DragTimes manged to post an official 1/4 mile time of just 10.72 seconds.

The video below which chronicles the achievement pits a Model S P100D against a 2017 640HP Cadillac CTS-V. When the dust settled, the Model S “set a new world record for the quickest stock 4 door sedan.” As a point of interest, the previous world record stood at 10.76 seconds

And you can cruise the Tesla through the Safeway parking lot without any noise whatsoever and in the comfort of a high end luxury car.

I don’t want to drive through the Walmart or Safeway parking lot quietly, I much rather have a grand Cherokee or I can go off-road and it doesn’t sound like a fucking wind up car

And if the damned thing is too noisy, in goes your license number to the police. LOL

In red states there are not any of those laws
…yes they can easily have cars that run on water , but by doing so all the industries involved in car making or maybe that should be fuel , would lose billions.

No, they cannot. At least not chemically. Water is the result when you combine hydrogen and oxygen, in a reaction that releases energy. There's no energy left in it, at this point. You can separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, but to do so requires that you expend at least as much energy as was released by combining those elements in the first place.

There will never be a car that gets its power from water. At least not using any technology that can reasonably be anticipated in the lifetime of anyone living today. Possibly, in the very distant future, if nuclear fusion is ever evolved enough to allow automobile-scale fusion reactors, that use the hydrogen in water as their fuel, but we're a long,long way,yet from any controlled fusion reactions that yield more power than we have to put into getting them to happen. The only net-positive fusion reactions that we have yet managed to achieve have looked something like this:

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Which neatly explains, but does not excuse, your abject lack of understanding for the vast majority of us who have real jobs that require us to commute significant distances to get to them. As a construction worker, I may have to travel up to 80 miles to a jobsite on a daily basis, with my car stuffed with the tools of my trade. I can't exactly ask my employer to bring the construction project closer to my home. I have to go where the work is that needs me to do it.

A Tesla 3 with 310 mile range would more than suite your needs.

And the rear door gull wings would be a stylish way to retrieve your tools!

That looks like a grocery getter, looks like a fucking piece of shit. Some progressive fucker designed it apparently. Give me a muscle car any day over that fucking piece of shit
Any of these will be better than a stinking Tesla, like I said you can keep your teslas don’t expect anyone else to like them... lol

God, what a stupid fuck you are. 3.5 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 11.6 quarter mile. Tesla P100D, 2.4 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 10.72 quarter mile.

And Look like shit doing it, if the car doesn’t start on fire first

Looks like shit, sounds like shit so must be shit. I’d be embarrassed to drive that piece of shit
It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

Do you understand how many solar panels it would take, and how much area they would have to cover, to produce enough power to charge an electric car at a rate that would come anywhere close to being comparable to the rate at which gasoline can be pumped into a conventional car?
Except when you are traveling, why would this be an issue? You charge it up at night when you are doing other things. As far as that goes, bet this won't be an issue in five years.
You go ahead and keep your renewables and your teslas the rest of us will just carry-on
Any of these will be better than a stinking Tesla, like I said you can keep your teslas don’t expect anyone else to like them... lol

God, what a stupid fuck you are. 3.5 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 11.6 quarter mile. Tesla P100D, 2.4 seconds 0 to 60 mph. 10.72 quarter mile.

What kind of progananda tool are you? A damn 1972 Datsun is faster then that, you act like you didn't know a electric motor was quicker?


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It also good to pay attention to the title of your thread. “Zero emission cars”!

Right - so you understand that these charging stations will go in with solar panels yes?

Do you understand how many solar panels it would take, and how much area they would have to cover, to produce enough power to charge an electric car at a rate that would come anywhere close to being comparable to the rate at which gasoline can be pumped into a conventional car?
Except when you are traveling, why would this be an issue? You charge it up at night when you are doing other things. As far as that goes, bet this won't be an issue in five years.
There is not enough real estate on the planet for solar to supply our energy needs, Anyway in some parts of the country renewables do not work, up here in the northern plains wind and solar are not just unpractical they are cost prohibitive...
This is sure to anger Trumpflakes :)

Gov. Jerry Brown outlined a $2.5 billion plan Friday to help Californians buy electric vehicles and expand a network of charging stations as part of a goal of getting 5 million zero-emission cars on the road by 2030.

The ambitious proposal to transform California's car culture comes as Brown begins his final year in office and works to set the stage for his environmental legacy to continue under his successor. The Democratic governor has positioned California as a global leader in fighting climate change amid President Donald Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord.​

California governor pushes for 5 million zero-emission cars

Not half as much as it will anger the poor Californians who suffer under Uncle Jerry's plans. For one thing, California doesn't have 2.5 billion to blow on this, second, there is no such thing as a zero emission car. Even electric cars have a carbon footprint from both the generation of the electricity they need to run to their very manufacturer. So in the end, just one more step pushing California closer to the brink of collapse and the formation of a split-away New California, free of the delusions of grandeur of their idiot governor. Go, Jerry, GO!
2015???? $50 bucks??

Boy you suck at debating you know that right..

Oh okay - here's something newer

Updated: 17 States Now Charge Fees for Electric Vehicles

WHO sucks at debating?

From your link a lousy $100 bucks a year starting in 2020? Yea you suck at debating and math ..

Do you know how much the state and federal taxes are on a gallon of gasoline ?

The California infrastructure plan passed in April raised the gas tax for the first time in 23 years, bringing the base tax to $0.30. It also imposed an annual $100 fee on electric vehicles starting in 2020. The deal is expected to raise $5.2 billion annually to fund roads, bridges, highways and mass transit projects
There is not going to be any pollution laws in red states you stupid fucker

There are federal air quality regulations - Can't legally roll coal anywhere Jethro

Is rolling coal legal in Georgia?
Na, Up here in the northern plains states no one cares. They are not a bunch of fucking control freak Nazis like yourself.
I am in that area about every three years. Do it to me, and you will find yourself in trouble, one way or another. That is definitely an offensive act, and should be treated as a form of physical assault.

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