Café Closed to Some


Mar 10, 2016
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

A business ought to be able to choose who they serve, right? If a business wants only a certain clientele, that’s up to them. It’s OK if they only serve rich white men or only skinny middle aged women or only people who smell nice, right? Besides, Café 8.5 assures us that they aren’t grilling people at the door over this, if a Trump voter should order a meal, they won’t spit in his salad or anything.

Why put up such a sign at all?

Discouraging people who believe differently than you from visiting your place of business can’t be wrong, can it? You are a proud liberal running a restaurant. It’s perfectly reasonable that you don’t want any nasty right wingers ruining the nice left wingers’ dining experience. Keep the undesirables out. Call them Nazis! They’ll take their business elsewhere. It’s a win/win! (If anyone complains, you can always tell them you were just kidding.)

It happens all the time. It must be perfectly fine (legal even?!) for a business to turn away customers. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. That’s OK, right? It’s a public health issue. We can’t have bare skin touching various surfaces. People without shoes don’t have much money to spend anyway. Surely this is an example of sound business practice trumping the cold heartedness of leaving poor scantily clad homeless people outside of your store.

No More than Two Teenagers in the Store at a Time. That’s OK, right? It discourages hoodlum flash mobs. It’s not like teenagers are being targeted or anything. It’s not like, say, ordering black people to sit in the back of the building. That’s not OK. That is discriminating against someone based on their skin color. There are laws against that.

How about a baker turning down a request to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding? That’s not OK, is it? The baker might hurt the couple’s feelings. They might sue the baker and the baker might lose his business paying to defend himself for a business decision based on his religious belief.

We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis? And what if they aren’t really Nazis? Do those Bernie supporters who voted for Trump have grounds to sue Café 8.5?

Should Café 8.5 be forced to serve Trump voters, even if it goes against their deeply held beliefs? Do we need more laws? Do we need to expand the list of categories of people businesses are not allowed to vex? Should we include political affiliation? If so, should that be all political affiliation or just the group who lost big in the last election?

On the other hand, maybe we need fewer laws. Maybe businesses should be able to exercise their freedom of choice to turn away anybody, for any reason.

In the case of Cafe 8.5, the people who voted for Trump will eat somewhere else. Café 8.5 will lose revenue. Some other restaurant will gain customers. Donald Trump voters tend to believe in competition, capitalism. (The Bernie supporter Trump voters may learn to believe!) Now, there’s a win/win!

Wait. Do we need laws to protect businesses like Café 8.5 from shooting themselves in the foot?

Hawaii Cafe Refuses Trump Supporters
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake 8 1/2 Honolulu HI&ss=ypid.YN873x108394225&ppois=21.3082599639893_-157.859893798828_Cafe 8 1/2_YN873x108394225~&cp=21.30826~-157.859894&v=2&sV=1
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

A business ought to be able to choose who they serve, right? If a business wants only a certain clientele, that’s up to them. It’s OK if they only serve rich white men or only skinny middle aged women or only people who smell nice, right? Besides, Café 8.5 assures us that they aren’t grilling people at the door over this, if a Trump voter should order a meal, they won’t spit in his salad or anything.

Why put up such a sign at all?

Discouraging people who believe differently than you from visiting your place of business can’t be wrong, can it? You are a proud liberal running a restaurant. It’s perfectly reasonable that you don’t want any nasty right wingers ruining the nice left wingers’ dining experience. Keep the undesirables out. Call them Nazis! They’ll take their business elsewhere. It’s a win/win! (If anyone complains, you can always tell them you were just kidding.)

It happens all the time. It must be perfectly fine (legal even?!) for a business to turn away customers. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. That’s OK, right? It’s a public health issue. We can’t have bare skin touching various surfaces. People without shoes don’t have much money to spend anyway. Surely this is an example of sound business practice trumping the cold heartedness of leaving poor scantily clad homeless people outside of your store.

No More than Two Teenagers in the Store at a Time. That’s OK, right? It discourages hoodlum flash mobs. It’s not like teenagers are being targeted or anything. It’s not like, say, ordering black people to sit in the back of the building. That’s not OK. That is discriminating against someone based on their skin color. There are laws against that.

How about a baker turning down a request to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding? That’s not OK, is it? The baker might hurt the couple’s feelings. They might sue the baker and the baker might lose his business paying to defend himself for a business decision based on his religious belief.

We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis? And what if they aren’t really Nazis? Do those Bernie supporters who voted for Trump have grounds to sue Café 8.5?

Should Café 8.5 be forced to serve Trump voters, even if it goes against their deeply held beliefs? Do we need more laws? Do we need to expand the list of categories of people businesses are not allowed to vex? Should we include political affiliation? If so, should that be all political affiliation or just the group who lost big in the last election?

On the other hand, maybe we need fewer laws. Maybe businesses should be able to exercise their freedom of choice to turn away anybody, for any reason.

In the case of Cafe 8.5, the people who voted for Trump will eat somewhere else. Café 8.5 will lose revenue. Some other restaurant will gain customers. Donald Trump voters tend to believe in competition, capitalism. (The Bernie supporter Trump voters may learn to believe!) Now, there’s a win/win!

Wait. Do we need laws to protect businesses like Café 8.5 from shooting themselves in the foot?

Hawaii Cafe Refuses Trump Supporters
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake 8 1/2 Honolulu HI&ss=ypid.YN873x108394225&ppois=21.3082599639893_-157.859893798828_Cafe 8 1/2_YN873x108394225~&cp=21.30826~-157.859894&v=2&sV=1
Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.
My God? Why on Earth would you pass a law to keep people from being stupid? It hasn't worked for the democrats.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

A business ought to be able to choose who they serve, right? If a business wants only a certain clientele, that’s up to them. It’s OK if they only serve rich white men or only skinny middle aged women or only people who smell nice, right? Besides, Café 8.5 assures us that they aren’t grilling people at the door over this, if a Trump voter should order a meal, they won’t spit in his salad or anything.

Why put up such a sign at all?

Discouraging people who believe differently than you from visiting your place of business can’t be wrong, can it? You are a proud liberal running a restaurant. It’s perfectly reasonable that you don’t want any nasty right wingers ruining the nice left wingers’ dining experience. Keep the undesirables out. Call them Nazis! They’ll take their business elsewhere. It’s a win/win! (If anyone complains, you can always tell them you were just kidding.)

It happens all the time. It must be perfectly fine (legal even?!) for a business to turn away customers. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. That’s OK, right? It’s a public health issue. We can’t have bare skin touching various surfaces. People without shoes don’t have much money to spend anyway. Surely this is an example of sound business practice trumping the cold heartedness of leaving poor scantily clad homeless people outside of your store.

No More than Two Teenagers in the Store at a Time. That’s OK, right? It discourages hoodlum flash mobs. It’s not like teenagers are being targeted or anything. It’s not like, say, ordering black people to sit in the back of the building. That’s not OK. That is discriminating against someone based on their skin color. There are laws against that.

How about a baker turning down a request to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding? That’s not OK, is it? The baker might hurt the couple’s feelings. They might sue the baker and the baker might lose his business paying to defend himself for a business decision based on his religious belief.

We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis? And what if they aren’t really Nazis? Do those Bernie supporters who voted for Trump have grounds to sue Café 8.5?

Should Café 8.5 be forced to serve Trump voters, even if it goes against their deeply held beliefs? Do we need more laws? Do we need to expand the list of categories of people businesses are not allowed to vex? Should we include political affiliation? If so, should that be all political affiliation or just the group who lost big in the last election?

On the other hand, maybe we need fewer laws. Maybe businesses should be able to exercise their freedom of choice to turn away anybody, for any reason.

In the case of Cafe 8.5, the people who voted for Trump will eat somewhere else. Café 8.5 will lose revenue. Some other restaurant will gain customers. Donald Trump voters tend to believe in competition, capitalism. (The Bernie supporter Trump voters may learn to believe!) Now, there’s a win/win!

Wait. Do we need laws to protect businesses like Café 8.5 from shooting themselves in the foot?

Hawaii Cafe Refuses Trump Supporters
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake 8 1/2 Honolulu HI&ss=ypid.YN873x108394225&ppois=21.3082599639893_-157.859893798828_Cafe 8 1/2_YN873x108394225~&cp=21.30826~-157.859894&v=2&sV=1

I don't think I have any Nazi tendencies, but I did vote for Trump. So. . .

If I came up to that restaurant and read that sign, and it was a place that looked like a place I would want to eat--I'm not all that fond of Italian food--I would go in, smile at the server, order my meal, and enjoy it.

THEN I would advise the proprietor that I voted for Trump and let him throw me out.

He's happy and I got a free meal so I'm happy.

Win win for all.
Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?
Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

The law does not give a fuck. No check mate for you, bub, you are not even in the game.
For the nine of you who care about objectivism and libertarianism, here on the Board, for you:

  1. Objectivism and libertarianism - Wikipedia
    For example, Objectivism argues positions in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, whereas libertarianism does not address such questions.

  2. Libertarianism - Wikipedia
    Objectivism; Right libertarianism; Social anarchism; Voluntaryism; Principal concerns. Anti-individualism; Authoritarianism; ... by definition, not ...

  3. Objectivists and Libertarians |
    Boaz addresses the question of whether libertarianism must rest on the Objectivist philosophical system.

  4. Libertarianism vs Objectivism; A Response to Peter Schwartz
    Libertarianism vs Objectivism; A Response to Peter ... legitimately owned property is, we can very easily define force, certainly so as to preclude trespass.

  5. Libertarianism and Objectivism : definition of Libertarianism ...
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

Much ado about nothing. They cannot know how anyone voted. So I smell bullshit here.
Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?

Same question for you.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

Much ado about nothing. They cannot know how anyone voted. So I smell bullshit here.

Yup. Looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and social media (q.v. this thread) is giving it to them for free.

Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?

Same question for you.

Unfortunately for you, I understand political persuasion is not genetic. Also unfortunately for you, it's obvious you can't answer my question, so why should I answer yours?
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

Much ado about nothing. They cannot know how anyone voted. So I smell bullshit here.

Yup. Looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and social media (q.v. this thread) is giving it to them for free.

Peony said:
We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis?

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?

Same question for you.

Unfortunately for you, I understand political persuasion is not genetic. Also unfortunately for you, it's obvious you can't answer my question, so why should I answer yours?

I can no more vote for the collectivist than the gay man can choose to like pussy. We were both born that way.

Your original argument has been countered and found lacking. Sorry sonny, you lost. Better luck next time.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

Much ado about nothing. They cannot know how anyone voted. So I smell bullshit here.

Yup. Looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and social media (q.v. this thread) is giving it to them for free.

Unless you're able to perceive the difference between the former - an immutable fact of the individual's life that they didn't choose - and the latter - a philosophy chosen voluntarily - any disagreement would be incomprehensible.

The restaurant's owners could have chosen a less in-your-face way to get their point across. However, maybe having watched Trump rallies they thought this was the only language his "fans" would understand.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?

Same question for you.

Unfortunately for you, I understand political persuasion is not genetic. Also unfortunately for you, it's obvious you can't answer my question, so why should I answer yours?

I can no more vote for the collectivist than the gay man can choose to like pussy. We were both born that way.

Implying that your political proclivities were evident in early childhood. Color me skeptical.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

Much ado about nothing. They cannot know how anyone voted. So I smell bullshit here.

Yup. Looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and social media (q.v. this thread) is giving it to them for free.

As a libertarian objectivist, it is an immutable fact of my life that I cannot choose to support a statist or anyone whose ideas are involuntarily forced upon consenting adults. I was born this way.

Dominant or recessive?

Same question for you.

Unfortunately for you, I understand political persuasion is not genetic. Also unfortunately for you, it's obvious you can't answer my question, so why should I answer yours?

I can no more vote for the collectivist than the gay man can choose to like pussy. We were both born that way.

Implying that your political proclivities were evident in early childhood. Color me skeptical.

Skeptical or not, that's the truth. As long as I can remember, my father said to me, "Boy, you sure do let water seek it's own level". Still do.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

A business ought to be able to choose who they serve, right? If a business wants only a certain clientele, that’s up to them. It’s OK if they only serve rich white men or only skinny middle aged women or only people who smell nice, right? Besides, Café 8.5 assures us that they aren’t grilling people at the door over this, if a Trump voter should order a meal, they won’t spit in his salad or anything.

Why put up such a sign at all?

Discouraging people who believe differently than you from visiting your place of business can’t be wrong, can it? You are a proud liberal running a restaurant. It’s perfectly reasonable that you don’t want any nasty right wingers ruining the nice left wingers’ dining experience. Keep the undesirables out. Call them Nazis! They’ll take their business elsewhere. It’s a win/win! (If anyone complains, you can always tell them you were just kidding.)

It happens all the time. It must be perfectly fine (legal even?!) for a business to turn away customers. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. That’s OK, right? It’s a public health issue. We can’t have bare skin touching various surfaces. People without shoes don’t have much money to spend anyway. Surely this is an example of sound business practice trumping the cold heartedness of leaving poor scantily clad homeless people outside of your store.

No More than Two Teenagers in the Store at a Time. That’s OK, right? It discourages hoodlum flash mobs. It’s not like teenagers are being targeted or anything. It’s not like, say, ordering black people to sit in the back of the building. That’s not OK. That is discriminating against someone based on their skin color. There are laws against that.

How about a baker turning down a request to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding? That’s not OK, is it? The baker might hurt the couple’s feelings. They might sue the baker and the baker might lose his business paying to defend himself for a business decision based on his religious belief.

We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis? And what if they aren’t really Nazis? Do those Bernie supporters who voted for Trump have grounds to sue Café 8.5?

Should Café 8.5 be forced to serve Trump voters, even if it goes against their deeply held beliefs? Do we need more laws? Do we need to expand the list of categories of people businesses are not allowed to vex? Should we include political affiliation? If so, should that be all political affiliation or just the group who lost big in the last election?

On the other hand, maybe we need fewer laws. Maybe businesses should be able to exercise their freedom of choice to turn away anybody, for any reason.

In the case of Cafe 8.5, the people who voted for Trump will eat somewhere else. Café 8.5 will lose revenue. Some other restaurant will gain customers. Donald Trump voters tend to believe in competition, capitalism. (The Bernie supporter Trump voters may learn to believe!) Now, there’s a win/win!

Wait. Do we need laws to protect businesses like Café 8.5 from shooting themselves in the foot?

Hawaii Cafe Refuses Trump Supporters
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake 8 1/2 Honolulu HI&ss=ypid.YN873x108394225&ppois=21.3082599639893_-157.859893798828_Cafe 8 1/2_YN873x108394225~&cp=21.30826~-157.859894&v=2&sV=1
I voted for Trump (I already have heard enough about that). How would anyone know unless I wore a sign? If businesses want to filter out their customers, and can make a profit meanwhile, I can accept that. I wouldn't want to patronize such a business that dosen't want me as a customer. Buyer beware.
Honolulu Mom and Pop fancy greasy spoon specializing in Italian food, Café 8½ recently put up a handwritten message on the front door. It read, “if you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis."

A business ought to be able to choose who they serve, right? If a business wants only a certain clientele, that’s up to them. It’s OK if they only serve rich white men or only skinny middle aged women or only people who smell nice, right? Besides, Café 8.5 assures us that they aren’t grilling people at the door over this, if a Trump voter should order a meal, they won’t spit in his salad or anything.

Why put up such a sign at all?

Discouraging people who believe differently than you from visiting your place of business can’t be wrong, can it? You are a proud liberal running a restaurant. It’s perfectly reasonable that you don’t want any nasty right wingers ruining the nice left wingers’ dining experience. Keep the undesirables out. Call them Nazis! They’ll take their business elsewhere. It’s a win/win! (If anyone complains, you can always tell them you were just kidding.)

It happens all the time. It must be perfectly fine (legal even?!) for a business to turn away customers. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. That’s OK, right? It’s a public health issue. We can’t have bare skin touching various surfaces. People without shoes don’t have much money to spend anyway. Surely this is an example of sound business practice trumping the cold heartedness of leaving poor scantily clad homeless people outside of your store.

No More than Two Teenagers in the Store at a Time. That’s OK, right? It discourages hoodlum flash mobs. It’s not like teenagers are being targeted or anything. It’s not like, say, ordering black people to sit in the back of the building. That’s not OK. That is discriminating against someone based on their skin color. There are laws against that.

How about a baker turning down a request to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding? That’s not OK, is it? The baker might hurt the couple’s feelings. They might sue the baker and the baker might lose his business paying to defend himself for a business decision based on his religious belief.

We know that it is wrong to exclude certain classes of people based on such things as their skin color or disability. Is it OK to refuse service to Nazis? And what if they aren’t really Nazis? Do those Bernie supporters who voted for Trump have grounds to sue Café 8.5?

Should Café 8.5 be forced to serve Trump voters, even if it goes against their deeply held beliefs? Do we need more laws? Do we need to expand the list of categories of people businesses are not allowed to vex? Should we include political affiliation? If so, should that be all political affiliation or just the group who lost big in the last election?

On the other hand, maybe we need fewer laws. Maybe businesses should be able to exercise their freedom of choice to turn away anybody, for any reason.

In the case of Cafe 8.5, the people who voted for Trump will eat somewhere else. Café 8.5 will lose revenue. Some other restaurant will gain customers. Donald Trump voters tend to believe in competition, capitalism. (The Bernie supporter Trump voters may learn to believe!) Now, there’s a win/win!

Wait. Do we need laws to protect businesses like Café 8.5 from shooting themselves in the foot?

Hawaii Cafe Refuses Trump Supporters
Oregon bakery must pay gay couple for refusing to make cake 8 1/2 Honolulu HI&ss=ypid.YN873x108394225&ppois=21.3082599639893_-157.859893798828_Cafe 8 1/2_YN873x108394225~&cp=21.30826~-157.859894&v=2&sV=1
Whine whine whine whine whine whine fucking whine whine whine whine whine.

When will the establishment be targeted by the outraged public such as the bakers who refused selling to the queers?


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