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Cakes, Fakes & Counter-Quakes; Do The Kleins Have A Countersuit Against The Lesbians?

I advocate euthanasia for liberals.

Now, somebody tell me where I can find a liberal-owned sign shop where I can order a sign to carry in a parade.

I could use the money from the lawsuit that will bring on.

So you also think that gay people "choose to be gay" the way card carrying Righties "choose to advocate euthanasia for liberals"?

Okayfinewhatever but as you brought up the sign shop analogy, allow me to retort:
I don't make signs for a living but I do make videos.
When I lived in Texas (2001-2012) most of my clientele had that political bent.
Liberal as I am, I still shot and edited their Tea Party and secessionist videos anyway.
Someone was going to, and feed their family doing it, why not me?
Unlike these snowflakey conservative bakers, my political and religious convictions were not threatened by Larry Kilgore or any of the "Washington On The Brazos" types any more than theirs should have been by two gay people who just wanted a stupid cake.
I made their videos and cashed their checks.

It's for show, all of it, the whole damn thing, the gay people who wanted the cakes, the evangelicals who wouldn't make them, the whole goddam thing...except that's not really the truth because the REAL truth is, BOTH sides felt COMPELLED to push their agendas so that they would form the basis for a TEST CASE to be heard by the courts.

Oh believe me, I am SURE that once upon a time, a nice gay couple went up and down their town trying to get a cake made and probably got asked to leave at two or three bakeries and finally decided they'd had enough.

I'm also sure that some perfectly nice bakery owner somewhere got sick and tired of being asked to bake a gay wedding cake by two somewhat irritating gay folks, but that is just the point here...

At some point, a shit-ton of conservative bakery owners and a corresponding shit-ton of gay people
decided that it was time to push this.

As well they both should, because at some point, someone who owns a bakery WILL be heard and some gay couple WILL be heard by the courts and a decision to interpret the law WILL be made.

But one thing is for sure, and it would behoove you to learn this:
Being gay is not a choice, any more than your decision to be straight.

People do not choose to be gay, and here's the kicker, sexuality is not BINARY either, it's a continuum, with a majority set and a minority set and all points in between.
I advocate euthanasia for liberals.

Now, somebody tell me where I can find a liberal-owned sign shop where I can order a sign to carry in a parade.

I could use the money from the lawsuit that will bring on.

So you also think that gay people "choose to be gay" the way card carrying Righties "choose to advocate euthanasia for liberals"?

Okayfinewhatever but as you brought up the sign shop analogy, allow me to retort:
I don't make signs for a living but I do make videos.
When I lived in Texas (2001-2012) most of my clientele had that political bent.
Liberal as I am, I still shot and edited their Tea Party and secessionist videos anyway.
Someone was going to, and feed their family doing it, why not me?
Unlike these snowflakey conservative bakers, my political and religious convictions were not threatened by Larry Kilgore or any of the "Washington On The Brazos" types any more than theirs should have been by two gay people who just wanted a stupid cake.
I made their videos and cashed their checks.

It's for show, all of it, the whole damn thing, the gay people who wanted the cakes, the evangelicals who wouldn't make them, the whole goddam thing...except that's not really the truth because the REAL truth is, BOTH sides felt COMPELLED to push their agendas so that they would form the basis for a TEST CASE to be heard by the courts.

Oh believe me, I am SURE that once upon a time, a nice gay couple went up and down their town trying to get a cake made and probably got asked to leave at two or three bakeries and finally decided they'd had enough.

I'm also sure that some perfectly nice bakery owner somewhere got sick and tired of being asked to bake a gay wedding cake by two somewhat irritating gay folks, but that is just the point here...

At some point, a shit-ton of conservative bakery owners and a corresponding shit-ton of gay people
decided that it was time to push this.

As well they both should, because at some point, someone who owns a bakery WILL be heard and some gay couple WILL be heard by the courts and a decision to interpret the law WILL be made.

But one thing is for sure, and it would behoove you to learn this:
Being gay is not a choice, any more than your decision to be straight.

People do not choose to be gay, and here's the kicker, sexuality is not BINARY either, it's a continuum, with a majority set and a minority set and all points in between.

Henry is just trolling- even as he advocates for death of liberals.
So you also think that gay people "choose to be gay" ?
Probably didn't choose. Probably were tampered with, much like a teen given heroin and then became an addict. But in the end it's behavioral. And behaviors don't have Constitutional protections. Religions do.

I notice we have a nice "hate diversion" going on the thread. Are we going to be talking about "gay teen suicides" next? If you don't have a solid legal argument, you can always get some actors to help you play the violin strings and hope you can dupe another USSC into giving you want, no matter how much conflict it sets up in law and American democracy..
So you also think that gay people "choose to be gay" ?
Probably didn't choose. Probably were tampered with, much like a teen given heroin and then became an addict. But in the end it's behavioral.

That means that you are at risk!!
Given the right circumstances, you too could "catch the ga-hey germs" and be turned.
I could enlist one of my gay friends to turn you out and you might not even realize it till it was too late!


So tell me, when did you decide to be straight?
You, Sil, don't have a solid legal argument.

He also doesn't have a solid argument about "the ga-heyz" being so ga-hey either.
I think he might have some latent tendencies.

You know, that guy sorta looks like Billy Bob Thornton, doesn't he?
Put some tights and heels on him, you just never know, do ya?
Private property being used to conduct business with the general public…

…is still private property, and it is the owners of that property who most have the right to dictate what use will or will not be made thereof.
Not in public commerce when goods or service are offered to the public.

Where is there any language in the Constitution that supports the idea that one may be compelled by law to waive any of his essential Constitutional rights, as a condition of being allowed to engage in public commerce when goods or service are offered to the public? And how does engaging in such commerce cause private property to not be private property? Who owns the business, the businessman who has invested his time, money, and resources into it, or the government? Whose property is it? If the government is claiming that it is its property, then, per the Fifth Amendment, the government must pay the former owner just compensation for the property that the government has thus seized.
And how does engaging in such commerce cause private property to not be private property?

It doesn't cease to be private property, and the laws aren't about the property, they are about the type of conduct one may engage in when dealing with the general public, and it really has nothing to do with whether you are on your private property or not.
The same bakery could be conducting business in someone else's driveway, or in a county park, or on tribal land, or 35,000 feet in the sky above any state in the Union, and the same laws would apply.
They're STILL not allowed to discriminate.
The law has to do with dealing with the public.
Now, if these bakers choose to restrict their business to a named and clearly defined list of private clients and do not do business freely and openly with the general public, they may indeed discriminate all they like.
If I have a tow truck and the stickers say NOT FOR HIRE, I can choose to refuse to service anyone I like. It might be that my tow truck is dispatched by a private entity to serve a restricted list of private clients...in any case, the general public cannot call up and request my services.

But the moment I take that sticker off and apply the proper state, city or county permits, I am dealing with the public and if any member of the public calls my number and I arrive on the scene, I am not allowed to refuse service based on their political affiliation, religious orientation, skin color, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

The PROPERTY has NOTHING to do with it whatsoever, as evidenced by the fact that a tow truck can be on any type of property at any time, and in point of fact it is operating ON public roads, which are not private property.

The bakery building may indeed be private property however that property is "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" and is located somewhere which happens to be inside a geographical location intersected by public property.
And it almost always has a posted license to DO business WITH the general public.

So stop with the nonsensical arguments about "private property" and your feeble attempts to paint this as a case of the government deciding who owns the property.
You can bake cakes anywhere.
But if you choose to bake them for the public, it is the ENTIRE public, or it isn't the public at all. Those ARE the two clearly defined choices, and there is not "third choice".
So you also think that gay people "choose to be gay" ?
Probably didn't choose. Probably were tampered with, much like a teen given heroin and then became an addict. But in the end it's behavioral.

That means that you are at risk!!
Given the right circumstances, you too could "catch the ga-hey germs" and be turned.
I could enlist one of my gay friends to turn you out and you might not even realize it till it was too late!


So tell me, when did you decide to be straight?

Why do people turn gay in prison? That elusive gay gene kick in?
Nope, and they don't "turn gay" either.
Their choices are often dictated by the rules of POWER, first and foremost, so prison sex is an act of power and commerce more than anything else most of the time.
Weaker people survive by submitting themselves, desperate people find refuge, either in the compartmentalization of living under rules which contradict anything they identify with in the outside world, or they discover what science has known about sexuality for a long time, that it is NOT BINARY, but rather, a continuum.

Very few people are "100% percent straight" or "100% gay".
That doesn't mean that a person who is 60 percent straight and forty percent gay always acts upon that forty percent. It does however mean that if they land in prison, there is no opportunity for them to seek relationships which are based on what 60 percent of the sexuality defines as stable and feasible.
That's when their latent 40% tendency toward homosexual relationships suddenly becomes highlighted.

Furthermore, living in a prison environment, in a country where conjugal visits are often forbidden, contributes to a decline in mental stability, so when one explores the homosexual aspects of inmates in a prison environment, ignoring their resulting mental stability is foolhardy at best.

That is why hetero nonviolent offenders and low level criminals who DO receive conjugal visits with the opposite sex in prisons which allow them have a much lower recidivism rate, and are much more likely to be rehabilitated.
Nope, and they don't "turn gay" either.
Their choices are often dictated by the rules of POWER, first and foremost, so prison sex is an act of power and commerce more than anything else most of the time.
Weaker people survive by submitting themselves, desperate people find refuge, either in the compartmentalization of living under rules which contradict anything they identify with in the outside world, or they discover what science has known about sexuality for a long time, that it is NOT BINARY, but rather, a continuum.

Very few people are "100% percent straight" or "100% gay".
That doesn't mean that a person who is 60 percent straight and forty percent gay always acts upon that forty percent. It does however mean that if they land in prison, there is no opportunity for them to seek relationships which are based on what 60 percent of the sexuality defines as stable and feasible.
That's when their latent 40% tendency toward homosexual relationships suddenly becomes highlighted.

Furthermore, living in a prison environment, in a country where conjugal visits are often forbidden, contributes to a decline in mental stability, so when one explores the homosexual aspects of inmates in a prison environment, ignoring their resulting mental stability is foolhardy at best.

That is why hetero nonviolent offenders and low level criminals who DO receive conjugal visits with the opposite sex in prisons which allow them have a much lower recidivism rate, and are much more likely to be rehabilitated.

I can promise you I'm 100% straight.
By the way Sassy, did you know that autoeroticism is actually the second most common prison sexual activity? (masturbation)
Celibacy is #1
Homosexual relationships is #3
Sex via conjugal visits or illicit sex with prison employees of the opposite sex is tied for #4 but it is way down the list in terms of frequency of occurrence for obvious reasons.
Consensual homosexual sex in men's prisons consists mostly of situational consent, where coercion, manipulation, and compliance are the currency used.
I can promise you I'm 100% straight.

And I can promise you that I know maybe twelve lesbians who would immediately view that as a pleasurable challenge.
Hate to say it but only two of them are butch, and I am much more fascinated by that angle than the lipstick lesbians.
I'm very happily married but my very interesting wife and I get a hoot out of having conversations about how this or that lipstick lesbian is viewed as a challenge by straight guys...of course you KNOW that's the case.
Usually it's the result of binge watching Orange Is The New Black.

PS: I have a fair number of gay male friends, two of whom taunt me, much to the amusement of my wife. They are just sure that "any day now" one of them is going to crack the code and cause me to discover my gay side. :lol:
By the way Sassy, did you know that autoeroticism is actually the second most common prison sexual activity? (masturbation)
Celibacy is #1
Homosexual relationships is #3
Sex via conjugal visits or illicit sex with prison employees of the opposite sex is tied for #4 but it is way down the list in terms of frequency of occurrence for obvious reasons.
Consensual homosexual sex in men's prisons consists mostly of situational consent, where coercion, manipulation, and compliance are the currency used.

I wouldn't know, but it's awfully strange people who claim to be str8 all the sudden go gay.

Maybe they grew that elusive gay gene or something
I can promise you I'm 100% straight.

And I can promise you that I know maybe twelve lesbians who would immediately view that as a pleasurable challenge.
Hate to say it but only two of them are butch, and I am much more fascinated by that angle than the lipstick lesbians.
I'm very happily married but my very interesting wife and I get a hoot out of having conversations about how this or that lipstick lesbian is viewed as a challenge by straight guys...of course you KNOW that's the case.
Usually it's the result of binge watching Orange Is The New Black.

PS: I have a fair number of gay male friends, two of whom taunt me, much to the amusement of my wife. They are just sure that "any day now" one of them is going to crack the code and cause me to discover my gay side. :lol:

Lezbos can challenge all day long. Ain't happening. I've never entertained the remotest possibility. It repulses me
Lezbos can challenge all day long. Ain't happening. I've never entertained the remotest possibility. It repulses me

My wife got hit on more than a few times in the Navy.
She wasn't repulsed, she just simply realized that she doesn't roll that way.
No matter how much I tease her about it when the subject comes up I can't get a rise out of her.

I'm in the film business. The place is crawling with ga-heyz.
I've been hit on, didn't do anything for me.
I really care about my real actual gay friends though.
I don't want to fuck them but I love them.
I'm their "straight brother from another mother", I guess.
And hey, my gay friends are GORGEOUS by the way, and a couple of them
are pretty famous, too :D
All of them are 100 percent "out" too...no closet thing happening.
Maybe they grew that elusive gay gene or something

Well? Were they in prison?
The "gay gene" isn't elusive.
Do you know any bisexuals?

It's not elusive, there isn't one. I know a few bisexuals and a few gays. I don't really care what they do as long as it's not around me or our children.

Funniest thing I've ever seen is when two men lip locked in front of our then five year old. She literally yelled "stop that!!!" At that moment I knew she was normal
Lezbos can challenge all day long. Ain't happening. I've never entertained the remotest possibility. It repulses me

My wife got hit on more than a few times in the Navy.
She wasn't repulsed, she just simply realized that she doesn't roll that way.
No matter how much I tease her about it when the subject comes up I can't get a rise out of her.

I'm in the film business. The place is crawling with ga-heyz.
I've been hit on, didn't do anything for me.
I really care about my real actual gay friends though.
I don't want to fuck them but I love them.
I'm their "straight brother from another mother", I guess.
And hey, my gay friends are GORGEOUS by the way, and a couple of them
are pretty famous, too :D
All of them are 100 percent "out" too...no closet thing happening.

One of my favorite members on here, MDK, is gay. I keep him close he prevents me from being called a homophobe lol

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