Calif Train to Nowhere Cost At $77B and

It must suck having nothing to do on Saturday but worry about the trains in California. Must be boring as hell being a right winger.

Unending seething hatred makes you do strange things.
You should know

Not as well as you Shrimpbrains.

Oh goody, is this where we start calling each other names? Candy-ass.

You started that on another thread fuckface.
Has anyone even considered all the property that was aquired through eminent domain?
People lost property, and businesses through that process and were given "fair value" of the property.
Anyone know how the government determines "fair value"? I bet it leans to the buyer and not the seller.

I have no clue as to how eminent domain works in California but I'm thoroughly familiar with the process in Florida.

The owner of the property is notified numerous times and well in advance with numerous public hearings. (years aren't unusual).

Once the project receives final approval. The body seeking the property, has an appraisal done. Following that, an offer is made to the owner. In all of my experiences, the offer far exceeds the actual value of the property. I have seen offers double the value of the property being taken. The governmental body, or whoever does NOT want to go to court. It is not because they may have to pay more but then there are attorneys and more appraisals (government pays for owners attorney and appraisal).

If the owner accepts the offer, they proceed to close. The Seller (Owner) can make a counteroffer. If that is accepted, proceed to close.

IF the owner and government cannot agree, then it goes to court. Each side has their attorney and has another appraisal, all paid for by the government. Then it goes to court for a jury trial. Once the jury reaches a determination of value, that's it. It is possible that the value from the jury is LESS than what was originally offered. That's it, the owner has no further options.
Keep your trains in crazy Cali and the east coast... they have no place in flyover America...

The ACELA high-speed rail runs in the NE corridor roughly between New York and Washington D.C. It is the only high-speed rail in America that is profitable. There are very few that meet their costs in the world. ACELA does it because the corridor in which they operate has 40 million people. Nowhere else comes close, nor does the proposed route in California.
One of the first things that Kascih did when took over as Governor was send DumBama his Train to Nowhere check back. I don't agree with Kasich on a lot of things, but sending that check back saved our state billions in future debt.

As did Gov. Rick Scott here in Florida. It saved our state BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!
It must suck having nothing to do on Saturday but worry about the trains in California. Must be boring as hell being a right winger.

I'm watching some great football games on my 6' QLED TV.

You're here so what exactly is your point?
By the time you get to Victorville your almost to Vegas. Who’s going to wait 2 hours for the train then have to rent a car once you get there?
You're not even almost to Barstow when you get to Victorville.
Yup. Victorville is just up the hill from San Bernardino, good grief, who thought up that one?

And we all know how special Victorville is....LOL.
Hey, hey, hey.....Roy Rogers had his Roy Rogers museum in Victorville, show a little reverence.

I may have to question you on this. Technically, wasn't Roy in Apple Valley?
Apple Valley and Victorville are basically the same place

Has anyone even considered all the property that was aquired through eminent domain?
People lost property, and businesses through that process and were given "fair value" of the property.
Anyone know how the government determines "fair value"? I bet it leans to the buyer and not the seller.

I have no clue as to how eminent domain works in California but I'm thoroughly familiar with the process in Florida.

The owner of the property is notified numerous times and well in advance with numerous public hearings. (years aren't unusual).

Once the project receives final approval. The body seeking the property, has an appraisal done. Following that, an offer is made to the owner. In all of my experiences, the offer far exceeds the actual value of the property. I have seen offers double the value of the property being taken. The governmental body, or whoever does NOT want to go to court. It is not because they may have to pay more but then there are attorneys and more appraisals (government pays for owners attorney and appraisal).

If the owner accepts the offer, they proceed to close. The Seller (Owner) can make a counteroffer. If that is accepted, proceed to close.

IF the owner and government cannot agree, then it goes to court. Each side has their attorney and has another appraisal, all paid for by the government. Then it goes to court for a jury trial. Once the jury reaches a determination of value, that's it. It is possible that the value from the jury is LESS than what was originally offered. That's it, the owner has no further options. does one put a price on their home, their memories, the place they raised their family, a house passed down through generations? does one put a price on their home, their memories, the place they raised their family, a house passed down through generations?

You don't. The price of a residential property is what someone is willing to pay in an open and free market with neither party acting under duress. The average household moves every seven years.

Juries set the value of someone's life every day.
And billions more just to complete 119 miles from Bakersfield to Madera on flat even ground.

The few remaining Republicans had to go to court to get Democrats to conduct the audit.

California's rush to start building high-speed rail sent costs soaring

One of these bad boys cost $250M. California could have purchased 308 of these.
View attachment 232051

Who wants to go from Bakersfield to madera?

Ask Calif Democrats. I have no clue. Car is faster and you have your car when you arrive.

I wonder, did your great great grandfather stand on the sidelines and yell at the driver of the first car he saw, "get a horse!"?
Flawed bullet train planning adds billions to cost, years to schedule, says audit

Heres the thing. If HS rail is the future in California. The Authority should have done a smaller project. Say one from Sacramento to the Bay area. Using that project model they would have learned a lot and perhaps gotten a lot of bugs out for the next big project.
But Politicians do not typically think using common sense that most California residents could have told them.
Instead now they have to feel their way through a mega project built on hopes and dreams.
A State Corps of Engineers should be on it.
High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

Lincoln got the Transcontinental R.R. going during the Civil War, in the days before greed and fiscal conservatism opposed major projects.

How much and how well did the Trillions $$$$$ of Dollars benefit our country, when spent to invade and occupy Iraq, and continue the war in Afghanistan? In fact we will continue to spend money to treat the thousands of men and women wounded physically and mentally (PTSD) in this war of choice well into the 21st Century.

Some may feel high speed rail is the future, unfortunately it needs to go HIGH SPEED, which it won't.
Flexible tunnel technologies; the Eureka State should be on it.

Great plan, you just quadrupled the cost.
We are getting into quantum mechanics, now; better planning can provide better solutions.

We should should establish a State Corps of Engineers to make sure public policy can be advanced in a practical manner.
Not that the state of Ca. has a debt of 400+ billion already. It can just put that pipe dream on the list.
We need to create more "manufacturing" jobs to raise more tax revenue.
High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Some may feel high speed rail is the future, unfortunately it needs to go HIGH SPEED, which it won't.
Flexible tunnel technologies; the Eureka State should be on it.

Great plan, you just quadrupled the cost.
We are getting into quantum mechanics, now; better planning can provide better solutions.

We should should establish a State Corps of Engineers to make sure public policy can be advanced in a practical manner.
Not that the state of Ca. has a debt of 400+ billion already. It can just put that pipe dream on the list.
We need to create more "manufacturing" jobs to raise more tax revenue.

If not mistaken, those "manufacturing" jobs will be created in China, where they'll actually make the train.
Flexible tunnel technologies; the Eureka State should be on it.

Great plan, you just quadrupled the cost.
We are getting into quantum mechanics, now; better planning can provide better solutions.

We should should establish a State Corps of Engineers to make sure public policy can be advanced in a practical manner.
Not that the state of Ca. has a debt of 400+ billion already. It can just put that pipe dream on the list.
We need to create more "manufacturing" jobs to raise more tax revenue.

If not mistaken, those "manufacturing" jobs will be created in China, where they'll actually make the train.
A State Corps of Engineers to engineer solutions for the Golden State! Eureka is our State motto, we have no excuse.

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