Calif Train to Nowhere Cost At $77B and

And billions more just to complete 119 miles from Bakersfield to Madera on flat even ground.

The few remaining Republicans had to go to court to get Democrats to conduct the audit.

California's rush to start building high-speed rail sent costs soaring

One of these bad boys cost $250M. California could have purchased 308 of these.
View attachment 232051

This was the goal from the beginning as we all know......the democrats are making billions and they don't have to care about the results.....

From Robocop......1:50 mark......who cares if it worked or not.....

And billions more just to complete 119 miles from Bakersfield to Madera on flat even ground.

The few remaining Republicans had to go to court to get Democrats to conduct the audit.

California's rush to start building high-speed rail sent costs soaring

One of these bad boys cost $250M. California could have purchased 308 of these.
View attachment 232051

Who wants to go from Bakersfield to madera?

Ask Calif Democrats. I have no clue. Car is faster and you have your car when you arrive.

I wonder, did your great great grandfather stand on the sidelines and yell at the driver of the first car he saw, "get a horse!"?
Citizens with their own money created, sold, and purchased cars, Dufus.

California desperately tried to get companies to invest in the choo choo to nowhere, and nobody took the bait.

For good reason.
What is a mystery to me this; a freighter from China docks at Long Beach and it has 8,000 containers or so. Each container goes onto a truck or train and is taken somewhere else. If it's on the back of a truck you have a lag time of days before the goods are taken to a distribution center then sent to the stores from there. If the DC is in Denver, what is that, 2 days to get there, then unloaded then put on an outbound truck to the stores or (more than likely) another warehouse or wholesaler. Seems to me like high-speed freight trains would be the optimum solution for both importers, shippers, exporters on the other end, etc... Once you get that infrastructure up and going (Long Beach to Chicago in 12 hours for example) then add passenger cars to the mix I doubt high speed rail will ever take root in the US if passenger traffic is the only use.
Potential passengers already have a range of other far more suitable travel options.....If train travel was a viable option, they'd already be using it.
High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“
Follow the money............that's all any need to know................

Choo Choo............

Oh fires...........did you lose your home........we are so sorry our laws didn't allow the forest to be thinned or allow you to cut down a tree in your own yard...

Sorry all those died..................HEY but did you HEAR.......WE ARE GETTING A TRAIN........... need water........we'll get right on that...............

but did you hear.........WE ARE GETTING A TRAIN...........

High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.


Great post, not one word about the High-Speed Rail boondoggle in California.
And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.


Great post, not one word about the High-Speed Rail boondoggle in California.

Do you know what a boondoggle is? I thought not.

  1. work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value
  2. Waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects.
Building a Wall on the border of Mexico and the United States qualifies; not building a rail road.

And YADA times 3 is an idiot-gram times 3: no substance, thought behind it and not thought provoking.
High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…
The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…

You must be writing about the Military Industrial Complex?
High speed rail is the future, no wonder the Reactionaries seek to regress and keep the internal combustion polluters, and pull more oil out of the ground creating man-made earthquakes.

The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
So now you are equating the development of the worlds best fighter jet to keep the free world free with building a choo choo no one will ride?

This is good.

Tell the class how many high speed trains already exist in the world and how that dovetails to your latest spin.

And while you are at it, tell the class why anyone will take a 5 hour trip from LA to SF instead of a one hour plane ride.
And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.


Great post, not one word about the High-Speed Rail boondoggle in California.

Do you know what a boondoggle is? I thought not.

  1. work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value
  2. Waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects.
Building a Wall on the border of Mexico and the United States qualifies; not building a rail road.

And YADA times 3 is an idiot-gram times 3: no substance, thought behind it and not thought provoking.
I get back to my question of who will take a 5 hour train ride from LA to SF instead of a one hour plane flight
And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.


Great post, not one word about the High-Speed Rail boondoggle in California.

Do you know what a boondoggle is? I thought not.

  1. work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value
  2. Waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects.
Building a Wall on the border of Mexico and the United States qualifies; not building a rail road.

And YADA times 3 is an idiot-gram times 3: no substance, thought behind it and not thought provoking.
So stopping the drugs that kill 70,000 Americans a year is a boondoggle. Stopping future rapists and people violent towards women is a boondoggle? Slowing down human trafficking is a boondoggle. Getting a handle on immigration is a boondoggle. We can build the whole wall for one quarter of the cost of this high speed train to nowhere. Please tell me how this train is going to benefit the nation, then reread your own definition of a boondoggle.
The time for high-speed rail is long gone. A massive waste of money for something that will NEVER be cost effective.

Cost estimates for the California boondoggle have doubled. California, a state drowning in debt,

One of Richard Blum's companies just won a nearly ONE BILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for this fiasco. Who is Richard Blum and how did he get that contract? His wife is Senator Dianne Feinstein. Go figure!!

If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are worse and even more Worthless.
If there was anyway to make a profit on rails, private industry would have capitalized on it long ago. But the truth is there is no freedom like having your own personal transportation.

This is why they are all subsidized like most other public transportation systems. Most public transportation could never survive on it's own because most people don't want it.

Thank you for your uninformed opinion:

List of United States rapid transit systems by ridership - Wikipedia
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.
Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are worse and even more Worthless.
Interesting you don’t mind MS-13 breaking into your home and raping and torturing your family before they slit their throats.

Says a lot about you.
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.

Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…

our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are worse and even more Worthless.

Interesting you don’t mind MS-13 breaking into your home and raping and torturing your family before they slit their throats.

Says a lot about you.

When unable to post facts, it seems fear and hate mongering is the last refugee for fools and hacks.
Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.

Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…

our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are worse and even more Worthless.

Interesting you don’t mind MS-13 breaking into your home and raping and torturing your family before they slit their throats.

Says a lot about you.

When unable to post facts, it seems fear and hate mongering is the last refugee for fools and hacks.
Ah, so you think fighting crime and terrorism are wastes of time.

Good link, thanks for sharing.

“In FY 2016, Amtrak earned approximately $3.2 billion in revenue and incurred approximately $4.3 billion in capital and operating expense.“

And, how much was spent to develop the F-35 plane, and what was that overrun? How much did the war of choice in Iraq cost, and what was the benefit of that fiasco?

How much of a deficit will the Ryan, McConnell, Trump tax cut add to our national debt?

We can both cherry pick the Governments Largess in budgets, expenditures and boondoggles for ever. The Fact is corruption exists and will always exist on every level of government. The best way to reduce waste is for complete transparency, and that will never happen.

Thus this game played on accusing one side of tax and spend and the other of cutting taxes and spending will go on & on unless and until non partisan forensic auditors follow every penny spent, and provide to the MSM and to the FBI their findings.

Socialist entitlement programs are the biggest waste of government money by a longshot…

our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror are worse and even more Worthless.

Interesting you don’t mind MS-13 breaking into your home and raping and torturing your family before they slit their throats.

Says a lot about you.

When unable to post facts, it seems fear and hate mongering is the last refugee for fools and hacks.

Hmmm, so you feel being ignorant and stupid is a better choice.

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