California becomes first state to pass water law limiting toilet flushes, showers

If Cali had a lick of sense they would put in de salinasation plants in the State.

Hell the whole state is on the ocean.

Saudi Arabia did that and now have water for everything in their country.
We have desalinization plants! We have water sources coming out the wazoo if So Cal did not take it and give it to the farmers who use about 85% of the total water used in the state.
Enviro groups and the state blocked the building of many of those plants much so that companies willing to invest there simply walked away. The ones who finally built there had to wait almost a decade to get it approved, and only approved after the drought condition had gotten extremely critical.

Taking a reactive approach and enviro denial has killed many of those plants out there......which harms the people of the state.
If you folks think this is scary, take a look what California is already doing with SmartGrid and plans to do going forward.

SmartGrid is even scarier because it's already being tested in nearly a dozen places across the country. Oh, and if you've missed the connection, SmartGrid WILL affect all your "Smart" appliances.
Fortunately, I suspect there will be plenty of non-smart appliances available for the rest of my life.
Fortunately, I suspect there will be plenty of non-smart appliances available for the rest of my life.

I’m not as confident of that as you are. A lot more items are becoming “Smart” all the time, and soon you may see the Government start mandating “Smart” technology. At least if SmartGrid gets the go ahead in more areas.
Oh but there's never a drought for NESTLES's now is there. Why there is plenty of water for them. " water shortage my fkn ass". as usual liberal idiots fall for every scam these leftist political morons dream up just to rape you idiots of more taxes. " kinda like save the children" omg we gotta save the children......... " save the forest ( that one I actually believe)..

The Arrowhead Mountain Water Company bottling plant, owned by Swiss conglomerate Nestle, on the Morongo Indian Reservation near Cabazon, Calif. Photo credit: Damian Dovarganes/AP.
The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge.

The Nestlé Water Bottling Plant in Sacramento is the target of a major press conference on Tuesday, March 17, by a water coalition that claims the company is draining up to 80 million gallons of water a year from Sacramento aquifers during the drought.

The coalition, the crunchnestle alliance, says that City Hall has made this use of the water supply possible through a “corporate welfare giveaway,” according to a press advisory.

A coalition of environmentalists, Native Americans and other concerned people announced the press conference will take place at March 17 at 5 p.m. at new Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento.

The coalition will release details of a protest on Friday, March 20, at the South Sacramento Nestlé plant designed to “shut down” the facility. The coalition is calling on Nestlé to pay rates commensurate with their enormous profit, or voluntarily close down.

“The coalition is protesting Nestlé’s virtually unlimited use of water – up to 80 million gallons a year drawn from local aquifers – while Sacramentans

Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water During Drought

What's even more hysterical is people actually buy bs bottled water that isn't any cleaner than your tap and a bottle of water cost more than GAS per gallon.
I buy it because municipal water tastes horrible.
Fortunately, I suspect there will be plenty of non-smart appliances available for the rest of my life.

I’m not as confident of that as you are. A lot more items are becoming “Smart” all the time, and soon you may see the Government start mandating “Smart” technology. At least if SmartGrid gets the go ahead in more areas.
There will be plenty of older stuff available on Freecycle, Craigslist, and the like.
There will be plenty of older stuff available on Freecycle, Craigslist, and the like.

True, but will it work with a fully implemented SmartGrid metering system? Some of the info I’ve seen suggests that it may not.
How? I plug in my 20-year-old air conditioner and turn it does the "smart grid" know what it is?

Right now you’re correct. If they ever reach full implementation that means SmartOutlets in your walls and SmartBreakers in your main panel. Probably 20-30 ears out, but it could be on the way... by Government order.
Yo, knumb knut, "the west" and "over-reacting"....... Guess you missed those, try reading instead of reading in.......... Maybe if you looked at a drought map of the west right now.


Most of California is showing abnormally dry to sever drought, guess you're in a rain zone.......


2017, not looking so good for SoCal.......


2016, uuuuummmmm...........

Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.
You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

You are an ignorant baboon. California's water supply is based on the snowpack in the Sierras.

The last two winters have produced record levels.

The snow pack may be a record levels but it is how the loco politicians allot the amount that can be used and how much is flushed out to sea to protect endangered fish species.
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

You are an ignorant baboon. California's water supply is based on the snowpack in the Sierras.

The last two winters have produced record levels.
Yet you're the one rejecting the NOAA data because they're "radical left"........ Wow, just wow........ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

NOAA is a highly politicized group with an agenda to promote leftism.

It's sad, but advocate hacks run the agency for the benefit of the left.
I bet you believe Ancient Aliens is factual also and that Men in Black was a documentary....... :eusa_whistle:

That would be more you, as long as a leftist advocacy group told you to believe it.

I remember in 1974 when I was old enough to understand what a drought was. We had that fucker Jerry (Kim Jong) Brown as governor and I was scared. We were prohibited from washing cars, were to put bricks in our toilets, couldn't water lawns. But I was young and naive, so I bought into the horse shit. But all the doomsday shit spewed in school was just propaganda, and life went on.

A few years later we had mudslides with houses falling down hill sides, just like we had in Glendora this last winter.

Then in 1981, we had another drought - which lasted a couple of years followed by el nino years of flooding. Then in 1988 it all happened again. Then in 1995.

Somewhere along the line, a pattern became very clear, California has a 7 year weather pattern,

Now NOAA knows this, but no one gains power by pointing out obvious cyclical weather patterns. California is a Communist state, POWER is what Kim Jong Brown and his henchmen seek. The Communists want to dictate every aspect of the lives of those ruled in state.

Oh, there WILL be a drought, it will start in 3 years and last for 2. Then a mild year, then el nino, rinse repeat.

In the meantime, NOAA will lie and spin to promote ever more authoritarian rule, and Sacramento will use anything they can to be as Stalinist as possible.

The Spaniards new about the 7 year cycle in the 1700s.
Oh but there's never a drought for NESTLES's now is there. Why there is plenty of water for them. " water shortage my fkn ass". as usual liberal idiots fall for every scam these leftist political morons dream up just to rape you idiots of more taxes. " kinda like save the children" omg we gotta save the children......... " save the forest ( that one I actually believe)..

The Arrowhead Mountain Water Company bottling plant, owned by Swiss conglomerate Nestle, on the Morongo Indian Reservation near Cabazon, Calif. Photo credit: Damian Dovarganes/AP.
The city of Sacramento is in the fourth year of a record drought – yet the Nestlé Corporation continues to bottle city water to sell back to the public at a big profit, local activists charge.

The Nestlé Water Bottling Plant in Sacramento is the target of a major press conference on Tuesday, March 17, by a water coalition that claims the company is draining up to 80 million gallons of water a year from Sacramento aquifers during the drought.

The coalition, the crunchnestle alliance, says that City Hall has made this use of the water supply possible through a “corporate welfare giveaway,” according to a press advisory.

A coalition of environmentalists, Native Americans and other concerned people announced the press conference will take place at March 17 at 5 p.m. at new Sacramento City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento.

The coalition will release details of a protest on Friday, March 20, at the South Sacramento Nestlé plant designed to “shut down” the facility. The coalition is calling on Nestlé to pay rates commensurate with their enormous profit, or voluntarily close down.

“The coalition is protesting Nestlé’s virtually unlimited use of water – up to 80 million gallons a year drawn from local aquifers – while Sacramentans

Nestle Continues Stealing World's Water During Drought

What's even more hysterical is people actually buy bs bottled water that isn't any cleaner than your tap and a bottle of water cost more than GAS per gallon.

Nestle is one of the biggest consumer of water. Don't buy Arrowhead and Nestle branded water.



Here's their pipelines in San Bernadino county.

Review of Nestle water permit neglected for decades
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I saw this coming. A big amount goes to the farmers. The state provides all the fruits and veggies for the US. I'm okay with importing more water using trains, but not building more dams. I think two large tubes, instead of one, will be built to divert water from No Cal to So Cal. So Cal uses more water in a week than all the bottled water from California in a year.

"She likes to bathe three times a day and she does laundry all day."

We don't want people like this.

In 2016, after 39 years of living in Oxnard CA, I put that crap hole of a state in my rear view mirror. And took my pension with me. I be dammed if I was going to let that liberal cess-pool tax my retirement even though knucklehead Gov Brown wanted a new law to where they could tax me here in TN.

BTW, TN has no state sells tax.

How? I plug in my 20-year-old air conditioner and turn it does the "smart grid" know what it is?

Right now you’re correct. If they ever reach full implementation that means SmartOutlets in your walls and SmartBreakers in your main panel. Probably 20-30 ears out, but it could be on the way... by Government order.
Fortunately, I can swap outlets and breakers if required.
This comes at just the right time. The rightwing needs more hate california material to post. They do stick their nose in everybody's business, even a woman's body and her right to choose what to do with it.
Fortunately, I can swap outlets and breakers if required.

You’re missing the point. Like the incandescent light bulb, the current tech is likely going away . Once these things are mandated you will no longer be able to buy the old type and the old style breakers won’t fit in new style breaker boxes.

IF this move to SmartGrid happens, the Government will do everything in its power to ensure people like yo and me cannot avoid it, no mater how much we try.

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