California becomes first state to pass water law limiting toilet flushes, showers

This comes at just the right time. The rightwing needs more hate california material to post. They do stick their nose in everybody's business, even a woman's body and her right to choose what to do with it.
We aren't the ones pushing for BS laws in this country. Pelosi and the rest of the lunatic asylum want the rest of the country to have similar views and laws. They can take those ideals and take a long walk off a short bridge.
Fortunately, I can swap outlets and breakers if required.

You’re missing the point. Like the incandescent light bulb, the current tech is likely going away . Once these things are mandated you will no longer be able to buy the old type and the old style breakers won’t fit in new style breaker boxes.

IF this move to SmartGrid happens, the Government will do everything in its power to ensure people like yo and me cannot avoid it, no mater how much we try.

No, YOU'RE missing the point. There will be old-style outlets and breakers available-used and old stock-for decades...and if this does happen, I-and many others-will stock up. Worst case, I can scavenge from demolished buildings...hell, I have done that. (A 30-pack of Bud Light got me about 500lbs of lead weights, and another got it loaded into my F-350 with a Bobcat.)
Complete bullshit.

I live here.

It's been a VERY wet winter, as was last winter.
You have powers that are amazing, you can actually tell what the west's weather is by what happens in your minuscule little world........ I'm impressed........ :rofl:

You mean actually living here?

The drought game is a favorite of the radical left.

All you have to do is ignore reality

'Pineapple Express' storm brings record rainfall, flood concerns, flight delays to Northern California
California sets new all-time record for northern Sierra rainfall
Northern California rains raise flood concerns; warnings and watches in effect
Northern California gets its wettest winter in nearly a century
Talk about ignoring reality...... Holy shit!!! You used to have at least half a brain, what happened?
Obviously you are clueless concerning how drought works and how long it takes to recover. Also, do yourself a favor (so as not to look any more uneducated) and look carefully at the maps again. Yes the Sierras are not in the drought areas and mostly all northern California is normal, obviously you missed that in your rush to be hyper partisan.

You are an ignorant baboon. California's water supply is based on the snowpack in the Sierras.

The last two winters have produced record levels.

The snow pack may be a record levels but it is how the loco politicians allot the amount that can be used and how much is flushed out to sea to protect endangered fish species.

Yes, they are dumping the water into the Pacific.

Water is power, the Stalinists are purely about power.
This comes at just the right time. The rightwing needs more hate california material to post. They do stick their nose in everybody's business, even a woman's body and her right to choose what to do with it.

I support a womans right to cut her hands and feet off.

But it isn't HER body we are talking about, now is it Comrade?

I've lived in California my whole life, I see no reason to let the Stalinists win.

The problem with the democrats is that they suffer from a lead defficiency.

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