California dodges a bullet.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
California primaries took place yesterday. Fortunately Tony Villaraigosa, ex-mayor of Los Angeles, was sent packing. Seriously doubt if this will be his last bid for Governor, but we can only hope. The bad news is Gavin Newsom will be the Democratic candidate.

gavin Newsom anti trump - Bing video
Missouri just got a new governor, the last one had to duck and cover from his previous exploits as a super genius..
If you look at the policies that the two men stand for you can see newsome is far better for California.
If you look at the policies that the two men stand for you can see newsome is far better for California.

And what are some of his policies you feel are better for California?
Jerry Brown's efforts to destroy California could be what puts Republicans back in charge. Everyone I've talked to (including Democrats) hate Brown and are fed up with illegals and sanctuary cities. The only people who support that crap are illegals and other foreigners who work the welfare system. Everybody else wants a change.
Jerry Brown's efforts to destroy California could be what puts Republicans back in charge. Everyone I've talked to (including Democrats) hate Brown and are fed up with illegals and sanctuary cities. The only people who support that crap are illegals and other foreigners who work the welfare system. Everybody else wants a change.

I'm still amazed that Brown managed to become governor. He was definitely a screw up the first time.
I hope Newsome wins in Nov. Cox is worthless republican.
no more worthless than newsome is.....
Harry, you still in Cali?
no......retired and sold everything and escaped....California aint the California of yesteryear.....30 years ago it was arguably the best place on the planet to you can argue that it isnt and can win that argument....
LOL yeah, I've never lived there, but San Diego was really nice....want to go back...just to visit!
I hope Newsome wins in Nov. Cox is worthless republican.
no more worthless than newsome is.....
Harry, you still in Cali?
no......retired and sold everything and escaped....California aint the California of yesteryear.....30 years ago it was arguably the best place on the planet to you can argue that it isnt and can win that argument....
LOL yeah, I've never lived there, but San Diego was really nice....want to go back...just to visit!

Yup, no doubt, California is a nice place if you only consider the weather and scenery. Everything else sucks.
I hope Newsome wins in Nov. Cox is worthless republican.
no more worthless than newsome is.....
Harry, you still in Cali?
no......retired and sold everything and escaped....California aint the California of yesteryear.....30 years ago it was arguably the best place on the planet to you can argue that it isnt and can win that argument....
But the weather is great.
I hope Newsome wins in Nov. Cox is worthless republican.
no more worthless than newsome is.....
Harry, you still in Cali?
no......retired and sold everything and escaped....California aint the California of yesteryear.....30 years ago it was arguably the best place on the planet to you can argue that it isnt and can win that argument....

Yup, that was right around the time Moonbeam first got into office....and it's been going downhill since.
Newsom is just another corrupt Communist/Democrat. He'll only sink the state deeper into Third World Misery. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity? I don't get why Californians would support him.
Might be surprised. Hispanic vote was extremely low in the primary according to what I've heard so far.

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