California falls deeper into the sh*thole!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
What a trainwreck this once proud state has become?

Middle class is disappearing in California as wealth gap grows

The question becomes, how long before Americans are all bailing out this jerkoff state? Only a partisan hack nutter can defend the policies at this point.:113:. Too....should it not be considered that California be dropped from the electoral college? Clearly.....
a clear and present danger to the republic!
Last time I was there, I couldn't believe the tent city that was established behind Angel Stadium along the river bed. I used to ride my beach cruiser along there and didn't see one tent.

What a trainwreck this once proud state has become?

Middle class is disappearing in California as wealth gap grows

The question becomes, how long before Americans are all bailing out this jerkoff state? Only a partisan hack nutter can defend the policies at this point.:113:. Too....should it not be considered that California be dropped from the electoral college? Clearly.....
a clear and present danger to the republic!

Its a bi-partisan problem, look at the party affiliations of their governors.

Perhaps some federal money can be withheld from water projects to encourage ppl living in Ohio or someplace reasonable
Hey when your government officials are earmarking big bucks to have streets painted white, that should be your first sign that the train has derailed. When your state pays other states to use your glut of energy, you best know the trains not getting back on the ever!:flirtysmile4:

I must admit though, while sad....does make for some hysterical levels of entertainment in here.
Last time I was there, I couldn't believe the tent city that was established behind Angel Stadium along the river bed. I used to ride my beach cruiser along there and didn't see one tent.

i moved from that area in 2015 and there were no tents there and no one at all living there......pretty sad in just 3 years time....
I don't know how anyone could afford to live in that State.
It’s a great visit.

That was not my experience, CA may well be nice but not seeing the airport until we were below 500 ft back in 1966 I have never wanted to go back. (Dad decided it would be fun to show me the Grand Canyon and other sites driving back from the West Coast where his contract was up.)
Those that can afford to Those that can afford to stay, fuck it up for everyone else doomed in having to stay. All we can do is vote....and hope a conservative gets in there, shuts the doors on illegals, removes the sanctuary bullshit, does something about the atrocious rents and in general.....fixes this shit.
Between taxes and incompetence CA seems likely to lose seats in the census. Mostly because of a compound interest rate of job loss. ( Currently just a slow leak involving the loss of small businesses when most of the nation is seeing an uptick in job and business creation but shipping costs are going higher and that causes problems.)
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Last time I was there, I couldn't believe the tent city that was established behind Angel Stadium along the river bed. I used to ride my beach cruiser along there and didn't see one tent.

Add in a few thousand additional illegals. That's what they want.

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