California fights man's request for 'male' on birth certificate


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
WND EXCLUSIVE: Is it any surprise that the left has no problem with gender reassignment, but when someone wants to revert, they claim that they are nuts?

WASHINGTON – After a transsexual who was born male decided to reclaim the gender with which he was born, the California courts fought him.

For 28 years.

Walter Heyer told WND on Friday that it took him no more than 90 days in 1983 to legally become a woman, but after realizing his “sex reassignment surgery” was a grave mistake he was confronted with a judiciary stacked with activist judges who share a secularist ideology.

“You say you are a transgender and you go to the courts and say you want to change from male to female, they think you are perfectly sane – that you are just fine,” he said. “If you go back to court, and this is what many of the de-transitioners – what we laugh about is, if you say you want to de-transition, everybody thinks you are nuts. So you are perfectly sane to be transgender, but you are nuts if you don’t want to be.”

At issue was the designation on his birth certificate. He just recently obtained a corrected document, 28 years after first seeking it.

Heyer struggled with gender dysphoria from as early as the age of four. He blames the sexual abuse he experienced from a male family member and his grandmother’s decision to secretly clothe him as a girl as a child for his confused perspective on his gender identity.

He underwent a sex change operation, hormone therapy and began living his life as Laura in 1983. During his time as a woman, he extensively examined psychological studies which contended transgenderism is an emotional, psychological and psychiatric disorder. When he began to “embrace a relationship with Jesus Christ,” ultimately “reality … set in.”

“I thought I was perfectly fine for the first few years,” he explained.

But he said, “Gender dysphoria is only a symptom of a deeper and more morbid psychological and emotional disorder that cannot be treated with surgery and hormones. Gender dysphoria itself is a term for depression. Dysphoria is the opposite of euphoria – so it’s gender depression. Once I examined the studies that’s when regret – reality set in.”

Heyer decided to live his life as a man again, but would encounter judges, over and over, who would make reverting back to the gender he was born an arduous bureaucratic ordeal.

“At least seven different judges” over a 28-year period refused his request to change his birth certificate back to male, he said.

“[Judges] would stop me at every turn.”

Heyer sought legal assistance from the Liberty Counsel, and finally was successful – by circumventing the court system entirely.

California’s transgender law no longer requires court orders to change gender designations on driver’s licenses, social security cards, birth certificates or passports.

Matt Staver, president of Liberty Council, contends that Heyer was prohibited by the court from reversing his birth certificate gender – back to the original – because activist judges in California are committed to promoting an ideology which promotes gender confusion.

“People in the California government did not want to acknowledge that anyone would want to go back to their original birth sex. It’s all part of the LBGT agenda, they want to promote homosexuality and transgenderism, so they are very quick to switch your birth certificate from your original birth sex. It’s part of their ideological agenda,” Staver said.

“When you come back to term and tell them [trying to change your gender] was a mistake, they have a resistance to it because it undercuts their whole ideology that you are only going one way, this is not something that you are wired to do, this is a personal choice. And that cuts the whole LBGT agenda.”

“Institutions like the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association have become controlled by secularist who want to ‘remove normality to human sexuality,'” Staver warns.

“It goes back to Dr. Alfred Kinsey, and his book ‘Sexual Behavior in the Human Male’ – his whole point was to remove any kind of sexual restriction and engage in all kinds of sexual activity that is a way to ultimately destroy Judeo-Christian values – and ultimately destroy God,” he said. “That is what is behind the left’s agenda to promote transgenderism. It is an objection to objective reality. It’s a rebellion against our Creator who created us as male and female. It fits their narrative to deconstruct the natural creative order.”

Destroying religion is the primary objective of the LBGTQ agenda which is predominantly funded by billionaire communist George Soros, Heyer argues.

“The LGBTQ [agenda], which is funded in large part by Soros, has become a political action group to promote the destruction of gender. That is why the LGBT has identified so many gender pronouns, 40 some of them. The whole situation here is to destroy gender because if you destroy the male and female gender and break it into many pieces, then you destroy the biblical foundation of man and women and marriage between a man and woman,” he said.

He continued: “This is a total war on the biblical values of men and women and family. Make no mistake about it, this an agenda – the people who are funding this are not people who are basing their ideology on Scripture. If you read Scripture you will find out we should not be turning over our bodies to be sliced up, and chopped up and altered and falsify a gender pronoun and say that you’ve changed from male to female when in fact that’s not true.”

Heyer, who now publicly shares his story at numerous conferences and churches throughout the country and has authored numerous articles on transgenderism, says society isn’t providing those who struggle with gender identity issues with proper help and assistance.

“According to the research studies and the writings that I’ve done and the work I’ve done over the last 12 years, over 60 percent of the transgender population are suffering from what’s identified as a co-morbid disorder, which is a group of emotional psychological and psychiatric disorders. … Those include one sexual fetish that people don’t talk much about which is called auto-gynophilia – where the individuals actually fall in love with themselves when they are dressed up – they actually become the object of their own affection,” he said.

“Society really isn’t providing the proper help, education, and assistance to people who struggle with gender identity issues. We are just sending them off to the surgical mill. What we know is somewhere between 3 and 12 years later, regret sets in and a certain number of them will have the courage to de-transition to live the rest of their life unhappy.”

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech, and conscience by homosexual activists
I think the state should respect ones wishes...

Male, female, transfemale, Transmale....

Of course I am pro-freedom and freedom is personal choice.
Jeez! You'da thought he went black, with the hard time he's gettin' goin back...
I think the state should respect ones wishes...

Male, female, transfemale, Transmale....

Of course I am pro-freedom and freedom is personal choice.
Cool! I want mine to say Deity, and Ruler of Earth. I'll also be insisting that everyone play along with my delusion... That going to be a problem? If so... You're a bigot!
I think the state should respect ones wishes...

Male, female, transfemale, Transmale....

Of course I am pro-freedom and freedom is personal choice.
Cool! I want mine to say Deity, and Ruler of Earth. I'll also be insisting that everyone play along with my delusion... That going to be a problem? If so... You're a bigot!

Obammy got that one.

I think the state should respect ones wishes...

Male, female, transfemale, Transmale....

Of course I am pro-freedom and freedom is personal choice.
Cool! I want mine to say Deity, and Ruler of Earth. I'll also be insisting that everyone play along with my delusion... That going to be a problem? If so... You're a bigot!
I want mine to say canine. That way, I can get away with pissing on a tree, if I can't make it to the bathroom.

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