California Gets Ready To Defy Trump's Washington

New York and other progressive states will also be crapping on the Orange fake presidents face

With Donald Trump set to become president next month and Republicans in control of both chambers of Congress, California's Democrats believe their state should take the lead in opposing the new administration's priorities.

And they have no interest in calls for national unity.

"We must be defiant whenever justice, fairness, and righteousness require," State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently told lawmakers. "Californians do not need healing. We need to fight."

Rendon's message was greeted with rousing applause from Democrats, who command super-majorities in both chambers of the legislature.

California Gets Ready To Defy Trump's Washington

You all might prevail yet.
The fact is, there are just way too many idiots and traitors to keep track of.
Like trying to deal with a locust invasion.
Once federal funds to California are cut off, lets see the state supporting illegals and the crazy train at the same time.

You mean after the feds stop taking much more from California than they give back? Yeah, California would hate that.

If freed from red state parasitism, the blue states would thrive, and red states would wither.
New York and other progressive states will also be crapping on the Orange fake presidents face

With Donald Trump set to become president next month and Republicans in control of both chambers of Congress, California's Democrats believe their state should take the lead in opposing the new administration's priorities.

And they have no interest in calls for national unity.

"We must be defiant whenever justice, fairness, and righteousness require," State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently told lawmakers. "Californians do not need healing. We need to fight."

Rendon's message was greeted with rousing applause from Democrats, who command super-majorities in both chambers of the legislature.

California Gets Ready To Defy Trump's Washington
just look at the demographic shift of the near future :badgrin:

You mean the shift created by Liberals giving free stuff to Illegal immigrants for votes? Rendon is a Liar, Their just upset because they are out of power. Being subversive is what the Psuedo liberals are good at. Now all of a sudden they believe in righteousness? And they are not Fair or Just to immigrants who come to this country legaly. Most legal immigrants Hate the democrates. I recently got an earfull of that from an Indian Cab driver.
Hey gooooooono!! :2up:

I'm a US citizen, a resident of CA and & Donald Trump will be the POTUS of the US in January. A democracy gets the government they deserve. Of course the millions + who voted against him, and the billions of the world's people, don't deserve the harm he has done, and will do to every living thing on earth.
Every Democrat should take note of what's happening in North Carolina. The Democrat candidate won with the popular vote, despite massive efforts at voter suppression by the republican party. The republicans have decided that his winning the PV by a small margin gives them a mandate to take a wrecking ball to the people's wishes.

Annapolis Alderman Ross Arnett insists the City Council's decision to take another look at making the mayor's job a more ceremonial role has nothing to do with party politics.

But if the Democrat-majority council acts to remove the mayor's power, the timing will coincide with the election of Annapolis' first Republican mayor in nearly two decades, Mike Pantelides, who defeated the incumbent Democrat, Mayor Josh Cohen, last week.

Annapolis City Council considers stripping mayor's powers
Oh comparing a city council to an entire state? And the Capital city no less. Ceremonial indeed.
New York and other progressive states will also be crapping on the Orange fake presidents face

With Donald Trump set to become president next month and Republicans in control of both chambers of Congress, California's Democrats believe their state should take the lead in opposing the new administration's priorities.

And they have no interest in calls for national unity.

"We must be defiant whenever justice, fairness, and righteousness require," State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently told lawmakers. "Californians do not need healing. We need to fight."

Rendon's message was greeted with rousing applause from Democrats, who command super-majorities in both chambers of the legislature.

California Gets Ready To Defy Trump's Washington
Rendon should grow up.
Hey gooooooono!! :2up:

I'm a US citizen, a resident of CA and & Donald Trump will be the POTUS of the US in January. A democracy gets the government they deserve. Of course the millions + who voted against him, and the billions of the world's people, don't deserve the harm he has done, and will do to every living thing on earth.

Harm he HAS done?
Hey gooooooono!! :2up:

I'm a US citizen, a resident of CA and & Donald Trump will be the POTUS of the US in January. A democracy gets the government they deserve. Of course the millions + who voted against him, and the billions of the world's people, don't deserve the harm he has done, and will do to every living thing on earth.

Harm he HAS done?

Your really need to pay attention, his appointments & his phone conversation with Taiwan are enough to make a real conservatives cry.
Hey gooooooono!! :2up:

I'm a US citizen, a resident of CA and & Donald Trump will be the POTUS of the US in January. A democracy gets the government they deserve. Of course the millions + who voted against him, and the billions of the world's people, don't deserve the harm he has done, and will do to every living thing on earth.
wry for a guy that is doing so much harm every time im going through the channels and i see him speaking all i hear him saying is how he wants to invest in infrastructure,education,the space race, bring manufacturing and industry back here and other things....where is the harm that you speak of?....and no,i did not vote for him...
Hey gooooooono!! :2up:

I'm a US citizen, a resident of CA and & Donald Trump will be the POTUS of the US in January. A democracy gets the government they deserve. Of course the millions + who voted against him, and the billions of the world's people, don't deserve the harm he has done, and will do to every living thing on earth.
wry for a guy that is doing so much harm every time im going through the channels and i see him speaking all i hear him saying is how he wants to invest in infrastructure,education,the space race, bring manufacturing and industry back here and other things....where is the harm that you speak of?....and no,i did not vote for him...

The harm are his appointments.

The great irony is the right has pissed and moaned about leaving the debt for our children, and trump has appointed a new generation of robber barons / plutocrats & deniers of the impact of oil & coal on the earth. How does pollution impact our world & future generations?

trump's word is worthless!
The harm are his appointments.

The great irony is the right has pissed and moaned about leaving the debt for our children, and trump has appointed a new generation of robber barons / plutocrats & deniers of the impact of oil & coal on the earth. How does pollution impact our world & future generations?

trump's word is worthless!

Short of a bunch of Democrats, no matter who Trump appointed you and the peanut gallery would have bitched.
Trump cannot expect much cooperation
Republicans have set the blueprint on how to lead from behind
The harm are his appointments.

The great irony is the right has pissed and moaned about leaving the debt for our children, and trump has appointed a new generation of robber barons / plutocrats & deniers of the impact of oil & coal on the earth. How does pollution impact our world & future generations?

trump's word is worthless!

Short of a bunch of Democrats, no matter who Trump appointed you and the peanut gallery would have bitched.

As noted, you don't know anything. Gov. Perry for EPA, Senator Sessions for AG, and a VP who is a Christian first, than a conservative and lastly a Republican - seems in his own words to have left out the country and its non christian, non Conservative and non Republican out!
As noted, you don't know anything. Gov. Perry for EPA, Senator Sessions for AG, and a VP who is a Christian first, than a conservative and lastly a Republican - seems in his own words to have left out the country and its non christian, non Conservative and non Republican out!

Trump picked Pence to appeal to the conservative base just as Hillary picked Kaine to appeal to moderates and disenfranchised Republicans. I am fine with Perry heading the DOE (he was not picked for the EPA). I do have a problem with Sessions. He was a terrible pick for AG for many reasons.
New York and other progressive states will also be crapping on the Orange fake presidents face

With Donald Trump set to become president next month and Republicans in control of both chambers of Congress, California's Democrats believe their state should take the lead in opposing the new administration's priorities.

And they have no interest in calls for national unity.

"We must be defiant whenever justice, fairness, and righteousness require," State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon recently told lawmakers. "Californians do not need healing. We need to fight."

Rendon's message was greeted with rousing applause from Democrats, who command super-majorities in both chambers of the legislature.

California Gets Ready To Defy Trump's Washington
Every Democrat should take note of what's happening in North Carolina. The Democrat candidate won with the popular vote, despite massive efforts at voter suppression by the republican party. The republicans have decided that his winning the PV by a small margin gives them a mandate to take a wrecking ball to the people's wishes.

In the Democrat's case, we have a President elect who LOST the PV by a HUGE margin. We're actually justified in defying Trump at every turn like the North Carolina GOP is doing and like republicans have done to Obama for 8 years. Rendon is right, there is no place for weak ass 'healing' and we need to fight.

Liberal logic 101 " cut off your nose to spite your face"

So a question why would liberals go against trumps agenda on:


Revamping Obama care?


Going after the bloated government?

Helping the middle class?

Helping the black community and all Americans?

Going against criminals?

Soothing the nation after Obama tried to divide us?

Destroying ISIS

Making better trade deals?

Bringing back the trillions that was hidden overseas?

The only reason the Republicans wanted to make Obama a one term president is because he ignored our constitution, he ignored our federal laws, he was to far to the socialist left..

He cared way to much about Wall Street, paying back favors then he did about the poor and Middle class.

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