California Gov ok's Assisted Suicide

Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.

What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

My side? I'll have you know I'm a moderate. Always have been & always will be. Nor am I a partisan like some on this board
What the hell does it mean when you say you are a "moderate"? Does that mean you will never make a stand on any issue, and then mock people who do?

I presented prrof of my claim which you completely ignored, so you can make this all about me. Trolling much?

And I would suggest that you google the word "moderate," so you won't have to rely on that poorly arrived at assumption of yours anymore.
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.

What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

My side? I'll have you know I'm a moderate. Always have been & always will be. Nor am I a partisan like some on this board
What the hell does it mean when you say you are a "moderate"? Does that mean you will never make a stand on any issue, and then mock people who do?

I presented prrof of my claim which you completely ignored, so you can make this all about me. Trolling much?

And I would suggest that you google the word "moderate," so you won't have to rely on that poorly arrived at assumption of yours anymore.

You're not exactly dealing with the varsity team with opposition to assisted suicide. They have opinions. They don't have the evidence to back them.
Depends on the circumstances. They have trouble getting around and don't want to die. Something has to be done with the ones who don't want to die. Just nudge a doctor to say "Grandpa whispered it in my ear. I had my nurse sign the form."
no one is forcing anything on anyone dumbass....this is no different than how you are in the pot threads....saying stuff that isnt true....and insisting it is true...
If someone has pot in their system they are addicts even if they aren't high at that moment. How about just letting drug addicts die? Is there a problem with just giving them a hot shot?
you should learn what an addict is....but if you did that you would see how wrong you have been,and you cant have that can you?...
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.
The patient must take the medication himself.

And ask for it, in person. Twice. With 15 days separating each request.

But its Tipsy. Asking her to be factually accurate is like asking the Wicked Witch of the West to take a hot shower.
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.
The patient must take the medication himself.

And ask for it, in person. Twice. With 15 days separating each request.

But its Tipsy. Asking her to be factually accurate is like asking the Wicked Witch of the West to take a hot shower.
Her God wants her to suffer the agony of a painful death.
California Assembly approves right-to-die legislation

We knew a month ago, no surprise

long over due
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.

What you posted is a lie.

No doctor can make that decision. It's the patient who makes it. That's after more than one doctor has determined that the person is within a certain amount of time from death. In my state it's 6 months. The person also has to see more than one psychiatrist and be determined to be of sound mind.

The same legislation was passed by the vote of the people in my state several years ago. It passed in Oregon first in the 90s the same way.

No doctor or anyone else has decided anything for anyone.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.

What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
Simple. The doctor, or some other party, will just decide it's in your best interest to die whether you want to or not.

What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -

What we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of busybodies possessing the mistaken belief that it's their job to police every man, women & child in the country. They are wrong of course, and it was wrong for moonbeam to think it his job to stand in the way of assisted suicide, for so many years. He finally wiser up. And that's a good thing.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -

What we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of busybodies possessing the mistaken belief that it's their job to police every man, women & child in the country. They are wrong of course, and it was wrong for moonbeam to think it his job to stand in the way of assisted suicide, for so many years. He finally wiser up. And that's a good thing.

Its an emotional issue dealing with some of the most profound moral issues there are. I can wrap my head around Brown's reluctance. I'm also glad he finally recognized the need for this particular law.
So libs, can we execute prisoners with the drugs you want to euthanize patients with?

If they are terminally ill, have less than 6 months to live, are of sound mind, can administer the drugs themselves, ask for them three times from their doctor, and administer them bet.
It's a cowards way out...


How would you like to see your children killed daily? Or if you don't have children, people you loved very much?

That's what my mom had to endure for the last couple of years of her life. She had alzheimers. I would go to see her and she would be crying. Saying she saw me or one of my siblings killed that day. Or raped.

Would you like to endure that for years until you died? Or would you like your mother/father or wife/husband to have to endure that?

No that law can't help someone who has alzheimers but you need to realize that death isn't the coward's way out when a person is suffering from horrible physical pain. Or mental pain. Alzheimers is a brain disease that takes just about all control of the body and all the mental capacity from them. It's not just forgetting people and things.

I had to watch as my dad died from liver cancer. If you've ever seen what happens to a person when the liver shuts down you might understand. The person is literally being poisoned by their own body and cancer. They're in extreme agony. Even the feel of my breath on my dad's skin was horrible pain for him. Even though he was given pain killers.

I would have given anything in this world to have been able to stop my parents from their suffering. When you love your parents as much as I do you understand that you would do anything to stop the suffering and let them finally have peace with love and dignity.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
What makes you so certain that isn't already happening?
Healthcare providers are killing upwards of a half million patients a year according to some.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -

What we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of busybodies possessing the mistaken belief that it's their job to police every man, women & child in the country. They are wrong of course, and it was wrong for moonbeam to think it his job to stand in the way of assisted suicide, for so many years. He finally wiser up. And that's a good thing.

My state didn't rely on the politicians for that law.

We signed petitions, myself included, to get the measure on the ballot and it passed with more than 60% of the vote in 2008. We're the second state to pass it after Oregon. They passed it twice and both times it wasn't politicians who passed it. It was the people signing petitions and voting in the elections.

Studies now show that the law is rarely actually used. The same result is in Oregon.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
Your side is demanding we provide proof, but then you go off with this comment, without presenting proof.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -

What we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of busybodies possessing the mistaken belief that it's their job to police every man, women & child in the country. They are wrong of course, and it was wrong for moonbeam to think it his job to stand in the way of assisted suicide, for so many years. He finally wiser up. And that's a good thing.

Its an emotional issue dealing with some of the most profound moral issues there are. I can wrap my head around Brown's reluctance. I'm also glad he finally recognized the need for this particular law.

Oh I get the emotional part. I've witnessed more then a few people suffer horribly from cancer before finally, and thankfully, dying. After that comes the mandatory beating yourself up for even thinking like that. I more then get the emotional part.
The agony they were forced to endure, long after morphine was of no help, before finally passing, should be against the law.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.
Thursday, July 17, 2014

WASHINGTON, July 17 – Preventable medical errors in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the United States, a Senate panel was told today. Only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans.

Medical Mistakes are 3rd Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Well there you go. Now its your turn, Blackrook. Show us the proof for all the death camps, forced suicides of mentally disabled kids and mass killings that spawned from Oregon's assisted suicide laws.

I looked up the actual facts about the assisted suicide laws in my state and wasn't surprised by what I found:

Physician-Assisted Suicide Program Rarely Used, Study Finds - US News

I found these facts about the Oregon law. Only about 750 people have died from physician assisted suicide as of October 2014. It's the most recent figures I could find.

Oregon Shows That Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly -

What we're seeing in this thread is a bunch of busybodies possessing the mistaken belief that it's their job to police every man, women & child in the country. They are wrong of course, and it was wrong for moonbeam to think it his job to stand in the way of assisted suicide, for so many years. He finally wiser up. And that's a good thing.

Its an emotional issue dealing with some of the most profound moral issues there are. I can wrap my head around Brown's reluctance. I'm also glad he finally recognized the need for this particular law.

Oh I get the emotional part. I've witnessed more then a few people suffer horribly from cancer before finally, and thankfully, dying. After that comes the mandatory beating yourself up for even thinking like that. I more then get the emotional part.
The agony they were forced to endure, long after morphine was of no help, before finally passing, should be against the law.

I agree. And eventually so did Brown. There are a lot of 'moral' positions that are just political grandstanding. This one doesn't appear to be. It looks like a fair amount of soul searching on Brown's part. I can understand it. Its a heavy issue.
A group of activists are trying to get this law voided and put the issue on the ballot. The law is poorly written as it is. It makes it a felony to trick or lie to a person in order to induce a suicide. Of course there is no possibility that anyone would come back from the grave to testify.

The problem is what happens when a doctor tells someone they have six months to live then the person changes their mind at the last minute. They don't kill themselves. If they live beyond six months the doc is open to a massive lawsuit and has committed a felony.

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