California Gov ok's Assisted Suicide

Oh mom is old. She's spending our inheritance. We need a doctor to say she wants to die. It's not like she can prove us wrong.

She has to ask the doctor herself. Twice, with a minimum of 15 days in between each instance And submit in writing that she wants to die. And be terminally ill. And suffering. And have less than 6 months to live. And be of sound mind. And administer the medication herself.

Remember, you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
you are wasting your time....katz believes if you smoke a joint today because its detectable 2-3 weeks down the line you are still as high as when you smoked it....thats the kind of lutz that you are dealing with here....
One state won't be foolish enough to misuse their power. It will destroy the spread to other states.

Its been legal in Oregon for 17 years. If it is always abused in every state that has it...

.....then why hasn't it been?
You don't know that it hasn't. Has anyone come back from the grave to say they had been murdered?

Then show us. If its happened, it will be remarkably easy for you to factually establish. With evidence.

If you're just making this shit up as you go along, we'll get excuses why you can't.

Pick one.
Look on the internet and there's all the evidence you need. In the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is out of control.
is it like that in the states here who have done this?...
One state won't be foolish enough to misuse their power. It will destroy the spread to other states.

Its been legal in Oregon for 17 years. If it is always abused in every state that has it...

.....then why hasn't it been?
You don't know that it hasn't. Has anyone come back from the grave to say they had been murdered?

Then show us. If its happened, it will be remarkably easy for you to factually establish. With evidence.

If you're just making this shit up as you go along, we'll get excuses why you can't.

Pick one.
Look on the internet and there's all the evidence you need. In the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is out of control.
is it like that in the states here who have done this?...
We don't know. I doubt that a state would do this right now. Such a thing would end assisted suicide everywhere else. Should this be nationwide, of course it will follow the same course as it has everywhere else. How long did it take abortion to go from a desperate necessity to selling baby body parts?
Depends on the circumstances. They have trouble getting around and don't want to die. Something has to be done with the ones who don't want to die. Just nudge a doctor to say "Grandpa whispered it in my ear. I had my nurse sign the form."
no one is forcing anything on anyone dumbass....this is no different than how you are in the pot threads....saying stuff that isnt true....and insisting it is true...
Its been legal in Oregon for 17 years. If it is always abused in every state that has it...

.....then why hasn't it been?
You don't know that it hasn't. Has anyone come back from the grave to say they had been murdered?

Then show us. If its happened, it will be remarkably easy for you to factually establish. With evidence.

If you're just making this shit up as you go along, we'll get excuses why you can't.

Pick one.
Look on the internet and there's all the evidence you need. In the Netherlands and Belgium, euthanasia is out of control.
is it like that in the states here who have done this?...
We don't know. I doubt that a state would do this right now. Such a thing would end assisted suicide everywhere else. Should this be nationwide, of course it will follow the same course as it has everywhere else. How long did it take abortion to go from a desperate necessity to selling baby body parts?
yea we do know....its been going on for more than a decade.....
Look at the bright side. Killing off the sick means no more expensive treatments.
It started off with physician directives. No lifesaving treatment by request. Now we're up to murder. Moving right along.
Depends on the circumstances. They have trouble getting around and don't want to die. Something has to be done with the ones who don't want to die. Just nudge a doctor to say "Grandpa whispered it in my ear. I had my nurse sign the form."
no one is forcing anything on anyone dumbass....this is no different than how you are in the pot threads....saying stuff that isnt true....and insisting it is true...
If someone has pot in their system they are addicts even if they aren't high at that moment. How about just letting drug addicts die? Is there a problem with just giving them a hot shot?
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?

Finally, another state that recognizes LIBERTY!
No longer one has to choose:
"give me liberty or give me death!"

Now, one can have BOTH.
Freedom at last.
What a shame. A real, deadly, shame.
What's so shameful about it? Do YOU want to writhe in pain and linger begging for mercy only to be told "no. You must live as long as we can make you live..pain or not"? Would you wish that on your family?
I have no family. I would not want someone deciding on my behalf that my condition is too painful to bear and kill me, for my own good of course.
Obviously you did not read the link. Nobody decides..except YOU.
Sure! Except it hasn't worked that way in any country that has legal assisted suicide. It won't work that way here either. Whoever doesn't want to die will just be judged incompetent to make that decision. A nice panel will make it for you, with all the compassion in the world.

Good for you. You found a way to recycle all those crazy death panel claims.With all you invested in them it would be a shame to have them just sit useless in the drawer. Sill crazy, but at least you can get a little more use out of them.
It will be used on patients like the grandmother and on patients that are sick, or not sick, merely frail, who don't want to die at all.

Just because that is how you would do doesn't mean that's the way he law works.
Somebody should ask Palin about this. I think that those elusive Obamacare death panels have been found.

The RW folks believe that we are going to kill our aged. They won't even let people make their own life and death choices, because of their own paranoia. Kind of like how they feel about ACA. "I have mine. Others can go to hell". I suspect that they would even support a law to prevent the terminally ill from buying a handgun with which to kill themselves.
Somebody should ask Palin about this. I think that those elusive Obamacare death panels have been found.

The RW folks believe that we are going to kill our aged. They won't even let people make their own life and death choices, because of their own paranoia. Kind of like how they feel about ACA. "I have mine. Others can go to hell". I suspect that they would even support a law to prevent the terminally ill from buying a handgun with which to kill themselves.

Looks like they have run out of crazy accusations and are having to recycle.
^^^ To me, it should be up to the Lord when a person's time to go has come. How do they know that there is not going to be an end to the person's suffering? You will never know if you do not let it play its self out.

God bless you always!!!


And I think a person should be able to disagree with your religious beliefs rather than have them forced upon them by the State. This way, the person themselves gets to choose.
Even if they aren't right in the head? I don't think so and that right there is just it. People who are not right in then head are who we are talking about. They can say that they are suffering all that they want, but that doesn't mean that they really are. They will say that they are because they are nuts.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ To me, it should be up to the Lord when a person's time to go has come. How do they know that there is not going to be an end to the person's suffering? You will never know if you do not let it play its self out.

God bless you always!!!


And I think a person should be able to disagree with your religious beliefs rather than have them forced upon them by the State. This way, the person themselves gets to choose.
Even if they aren't right in the head? I don't think so and that right there is just it. People who are not right in then head are who we are talking about. They can say that they are suffering all that they want, but that doesn't mean that they really are. They will say that they are because they are nuts.

God bless you always!!!


Mentally incapacitated people are specifically disallowed.

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