California IS Pissed

The demonrats are in charge. Say anything and be destroyed as a racist.
It’s too easy to just destroy y’all with facts. Here his is from the linked article. And you dipshits pretend like it’s all democrats. Get a mirror. WillowTree

Each year, he invites a bipartisan list of members, chosen for him by one Democrat and one Republican lawmaker, to participate in a series of interactive 90-minute sessions moderated by groups like the California Cable and Telecommunications Association, the California Business Roundtable and the Civil Justice Association of California.

Read more here: Inside California lawmakers’ paid trips to Maui
Politicians don't care about their constituents, they care about corporations and big pharma to line their pockets.
Constituents just aren't rich enough
The U.S. has a representative government. It is clear whom the politicians represent. "...corporations and big pharma..." are their constituents.
Ummm, if you break it down to that, you're right. Too bad for mom and pop know, small businesses who employ most
of the constituents.
But, having said that, you just ignored the fact about getting their pockets lined.
carry on
Politicians don't care about their constituents, they care about corporations and big pharma to line their pockets.
Constituents just aren't rich enough
Exactly why I don't believe Trump when he says he will build a wall..
Trump is the outlier on the Hill.
No matter what people say, he can't be bought.
From what I've seen, he's the only one
He can't be bought? You mean, when the Russians buy him, he STAYS bought......:71:
Politicians don't care about their constituents, they care about corporations and big pharma to line their pockets.
Constituents just aren't rich enough
Exactly why I don't believe Trump when he says he will build a wall..
Trump is the outlier on the Hill.
No matter what people say, he can't be bought.
From what I've seen, he's the only one
He can't be bought? You mean, when the Russians buy him, he STAYS bought......:71:
Oh, there you go again, Bodie, spreading the gossip your masters tell you to spread.
What a good little minion you are.
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Politicians don't care about their constituents, they care about corporations and big pharma to line their pockets.
Constituents just aren't rich enough
Exactly why I don't believe Trump when he says he will build a wall..
Trump is the outlier on the Hill.
No matter what people say, he can't be bought.
From what I've seen, he's the only one

Thus the hatred he has earned. Every other politician comes to terms with the Deep State. Trump remained loyal to his voters. The seething, vicious mindless hatred you see towards him is a result of his refusal to bow to the ruling elites in DC and their mindless thugs in the city streets.
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after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Wellllll, most of the print in this neck of the woods blamed the Ca. government and the greenies.
Politicians don't care about their constituents, they care about corporations and big pharma to line their pockets.
Constituents just aren't rich enough
Exactly why I don't believe Trump when he says he will build a wall..
Trump is the outlier on the Hill.
No matter what people say, he can't be bought.
From what I've seen, he's the only one
He can't be bought? You mean, when the Russians buy him, he STAYS bought......:71:
You must be clear when telling folks such a story, you know it was the Russian mafia that bought Trump not Putin he has his own empire to support.
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
Let them eat cake.
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Wellllll, most of the print in this neck of the woods is blaming the Ca. government and the greenies.
Well lets see Trumps shuts down government and threatens to pull relief funding and they are going to blame some one else? Trump kicks the state every time he gets a chance any one paying attention knows better.
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
I’m curious, did you read the whole article? Did you see which legislators attended? You sure there weren’t any Republicans there?

And what about this part....
The annual event is organized by the California Independent Voter Project, a nonprofit in San Diego that was co-founded by a former state senator and says it informs the public about policy issues. The event brings together legislators and executives from several industries, who pay $8,000 a head to attend. Legislators sometimes pay their own way or receive compensation if they speak.

PG&E canceled its presence at the event as fires began raging in Northern California but did not seek a refund of its sponsorship, which the company said covered the entry fees for its officials. Executives of the two other investor-owned utilities, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric, still attended.
I know you are stupid and vote democrat. Can you tell me if California has any Republican legislators, who they are, and if they partied in Maui with the democrats? Wasn’t the **** Pelosi partying in Maui too?
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!
Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Wellllll, most of the print in this neck of the woods is blaming the Ca. government and the greenies.
Well lets see Trumps shuts down government and threatens to pull relief funding and they are going to blame some one else? Trump kicks the state every time he gets a chance any one paying attention knows better.
Cry me a river, we are talking about the wildfires. The fuel for the intensity of those fires didn't develop in the last two years.
It took years of Ca. politics to get to where these fires could do the damage they did.
But, you lefties never try and conjure up a good yarn to put it on the lap of Trump.
Do you TDS often?
Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Wellllll, most of the print in this neck of the woods is blaming the Ca. government and the greenies.
Well lets see Trumps shuts down government and threatens to pull relief funding and they are going to blame some one else? Trump kicks the state every time he gets a chance any one paying attention knows better.
Cry me a river, we are talking about the wildfires. The fuel for the intensity of those fires didn't develop in the last two years.
It took years of Ca. politics to get to where these fires could do the damage they did.
But, you lefties never try and conjure up a good yarn to put it on the lap of Trump.
Do you TDS often?
What ever dumb fuck! What do you think the disaster releif fund that Trump is pulling is for. California is n ot pissed at dems they are pissed at idiot repugs. They are not trump sheep like you,go love your self! Some people do not fall for a thousands lies a day like you idiots. Honest intellegent people hate Trump and idiots like you who beleive his lies.
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
Hey dumb fuck! We all know who shut down the governemnt and also that Trump pulled funding for disaster relief out there so guess who most will blame.
Wellllll, most of the print in this neck of the woods is blaming the Ca. government and the greenies.
Well lets see Trumps shuts down government and threatens to pull relief funding and they are going to blame some one else? Trump kicks the state every time he gets a chance any one paying attention knows better.
Cry me a river, we are talking about the wildfires. The fuel for the intensity of those fires didn't develop in the last two years.
It took years of Ca. politics to get to where these fires could do the damage they did.
But, you lefties never try and conjure up a good yarn to put it on the lap of Trump.
Do you TDS often?
What ever dumb fuck! What do you think the disaster releif fund that Trump is pulling is for. California is n ot pissed at dems they are pissed at idiot repugs. They are not trump sheep like you,go love your self! Some people do not fall for a thousands lies a day like you idiots. Honest intellegent people hate Trump and idiots like you who beleive his lies.
Name calling, huh? :auiqs.jpg: You know you lost the argument when you have to resort to that.

Now show all of us where Trump has pulled disaster relief for Ca. Go ahead, I will wait patiently. Oh, and thank you in advance.
Lakota, a Democrat supporter is too stupid to address the topic!

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