California IS Pissed

Yes we are angry at P,G, & E.......I'm sure there will be investigations....maybe even murder charges? (one can hope)
Hey! Moron, I know you are stupid and vote democrat but the article says Californians are pissed at Californian legislators!
From what you tell us there are no humans in California just Mexicans...
wow it must be rough....hey got something for you moony......

Mexican or Californian?
Don't think I've tried theirs..
You missed the point.
Everything reverts back to Trump with the entire left spectrum.
That’s because the left is eat up with a bad case of the dumbass!
Ha. Says the guy who is blaming Dems for going to a conference that both Rep and Dems attended. What a joke
How many reps? How many Dims? How many Republicans? So was California pissed at more Dims? Or more Republicans?
It’s your OP and it was your conclusion that it was Dems so you tell me. The fact that you’re now asking these questions to me show you don’t know what the hell you are talking about!
You mean there were no Dims? WOW
Nope, not even close to what I meant. How in the world did you get that from what I wrote? I think we’ve found the problem here. You have some serious reading comprehension problems. Well let me try and make this very simple for you.

As I pointed out earlier... your OP linked to an article that stated the combestion that you tried and blame Dems for attending, was a bipartisan convention where on Republican rep and one Democrat rep both decide on which legislators get invited to participate.

Conclusion: you’re full of shit
after learning DemonRats partied in Maui with utility execs while the California fires raged.

California lawmakers traveled to Hawaii with utility executives as wildfires raged

A group of California lawmakers took a trip to Hawaii with utility companies last year as wildfires wreaked havoc in their state.

During the junket, representatives from utility companies discussed with lawmakers just how much responsibility they should bear for wildfires – even as Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) could be on the hook for several billions of dollars in damages for fires it caused over the past few years.

The utility companies are pushing for a new state law that would raise electricity prices to offset costs incurred from wildfires, according to The New York Times.

You stupid dumb assed Hillary supporters think she and democrats give a shit about you? Bend over you deserve it!

Yet we don't have a list of these "Lawmakers" who did this?
Thirty lawmakers attending the meetings on restoration after the hurricane and some other meeting..

Man are you confused!

When did California have a hurricane, dumbass?
Typical behavior in the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia.

Typical spinelessness on the part of voters in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

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