California looks like a war zone. US troops are running from the Taliban.

The whole state’s gonna burn down because they don’t rake their forests like St Trumpy suggested.
The whole state’s gonna burn down because they don’t rake their forests like St Trumpy suggested.

Correct. If the idiots would allow the deadfall to be removed you wouldn't have these crown fires, but no, you idiots refuse to pay attention to science so the forests are utterly destroyed thanks to your moronic thinking.
Correct. If the idiots would allow the deadfall to be removed you wouldn't have these crown fires, but no, you idiots refuse to pay attention to science so the forests are utterly destroyed thanks to your moronic thinking.
And you assholes would bitch to high heaven if the government started pissing away your precious tax dollars on cleaning out the forests.
And you assholes would bitch to high heaven if the government started pissing away your precious tax dollars on cleaning out the forests.
What do other states do that practice sane foreign management? Volunteer groups , prison work gangs, boy scouts. At least before they went gay. And all important, cleansing forest fires.
What do other states do that practice sane foreign management? Volunteer groups , prison work gangs, boy scouts. At least before they went gay. And all important, cleansing forest fires.
You got like a real hair up your ass about California don’t you?
Correct. If the idiots would allow the deadfall to be removed you wouldn't have these crown fires, but no, you idiots refuse to pay attention to science so the forests are utterly destroyed thanks to your moronic thinking.
I think they'd rather spew Trump hate than save their own loved ones. It really IS a sickness.
You got like a real hair up your ass about California don’t you?
Why not? I mean, it's just as logical or rational as the mindless venom you people are still throwing at Trump and his supporters, even 6 months after he's out of office.
As for the state, I've spent very little time there but what I saw was beautiful, including the weather. That was about a decade ago. If the images and reports out of San Fran, LA, and some of the other cities of any size are accurate, then there can be no doubt that one of the most beautiful and prosperous states in the Union has been turned into a ghetto filled with crime, filth, and depravity. THAT did not occur accidentally or in a vacuum. Political choices and policies are responsible for every bit of it. That cannot be denied by an honest person. It makes no sense and benefits no one so why on earth would the Democrat administration make those choices?
The whole state’s gonna burn down because they don’t rake their forests like St Trumpy suggested.
The billions spent on the train to nowhere could have bought a hundred of these.
And you assholes would bitch to high heaven if the government started pissing away your precious tax dollars on cleaning out the forests.

Yes, we would, because the lumber companies PAY for the privilege of removing the lumber.

Leave it to government to waste taxpayer dollars. On Santa Cruz Island in the Santa Barbara Channel they had a feral pig problem.

So, in their infinite wisdom the government paid 950,000 dollars to have a company come in and remove them.

Hunters would have HAPPILY paid for the privilege of eradicating them.

But, when it comes to government, you can't fix stupid.

Now can you.

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