California Now Confederate(?). . .Or Rebellious(?). . If Largely Hispanic!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
My own great grandfather was of Texas Light Cavalry, in the conflict Lincoln would label a rebellion. One outcome of the conflict was the need to take what property was still allowed, and take it off to California, to keep some of what was left. These are still called, "horses," and "cows," and "livestock" even now. The other property was left to mainly be regarded as victims of widely held, disappointing names(?). Other symbols, even now, are held more important than any sense of human standards.

The other property, after all, was left to be "Free," of the widely admired standards of Abraham Lincoln(?). They would be left behind. In the Emancipation Proclamation, the newly freed were enjoined to work for "reasonable" wages, and "when allowed." The Liberians had previously noted a suggested destination, for the Freed People. Freedom from Massa, work, shelter, food, apparel, education, employment and wages would become the federal standard, known to the world. The New Deal would essentially, set about redefining "Freedom," even of the standard applied in the German Third Republic.

Texas and California both knew the Spanish Language, especially in Southern California. On the arrival, Great Grandfather was head of the only English-Speaking family in the Los Nietos Valley. That is the area south and east of Whittier, CA, of the Quaker heritage. Civilization was there, and all around. My Great Uncle Gus would start a little cemetery, called Rose Hills. It is now among the world's largest private cemeteries, on the lands of what became the last working cattle ranch in Los Angeles County. The property had been famous for Sunday Rodeo. The older Southern ways, of Hispanic and Southern civilization, also happened in Southern California. Great Grandfather's lads became engaged in the problem of water, in the Desert, Southern California. One was shot to death in a range-war level dispute. Western Civilization was still all around. The perpetrator was hung in famous Orange County, CA. My own grandfather became friends with LA water-bringer, Mulholland. The one ranch was across the Los Angeles River from Universal City Studios, which opened March 15, 1915. Fourteen days later, grandpa was one of 671 adults who voted the San Fernando Valley into City of Los Angeles. The reason had to do with access to the aqueduct water. Yet another sister was one of the Sunday School teachers of President, Richard Nixon. Both of them would later convert to other beliefs, in their lives.

Soon Southern California was English-Speaking. Blacks, too, arrived in Southern California, also fleeing the Republican concept of, "Freedom."

Now 100 years later, Hispanics again are in the majority, statewide in California, though probably not from where Meg Whitman comes from, or where Carly Fiorina finally found work as a receptionist, or something,.
Even Donald Trump is better identified with the East Coast, Republican brand.

Our brand is widely unknown, but noticed as being Democrat.

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

Mostly, especially, Old Times tend to be forgotten in the Republican Party. The Pope from Argentina, even, tends to have trouble with the concept of genocide. The similar problem identifies historians of the Ivy League, confronting the slaughter of the 750,000 white people, 1861-1865. opposed by people like Robert E. Lee.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes have funny concept, even, of ancient arithmetic of borrowing seed grain, with a repayment of more than was loaned. Many know re-stated Genesis, from Deuteronomy 23:19-20! "Be fruitful, Multiply, fill all the earth. . . .And Screw 'Em!" Keynesian usury, like in Matthew 25:14-30, now runs most of modern world. . .Not just of White Eyes! Hmmmmm!)
Like the Confederate Battle flag, the symbol of Lincoln's war can easily undergo change, and it is undergoing change. Now it is suggested that the genocidal attempt, directed at White People, killed off 750,000, not just 620,000 people. In the current USA, that would amount to killing off 7.5 mil. white people. Mainly, like the Ivy League, the Obamas tend to be celebratory of the Lincoln Administration(?).

Who What Why How many soldiers died in the US Civil War - BBC News

Many of the surviving Southern Whites fled to Southern California, where the population was largely Hispanic. Like Texas, the heritage of the area was heavily Hispanic. English was a separate and foreign language. So even only 100 years ago, there were barely only 700 voters in the entire San Fernando Valley, where now there are nearly two million people, in City of Los Angeles. So in the OP, there is a glimpse of what seems to be alarming to GOP. The integration of the Southern Whites within in the Hispanic majority, has been largely productive. Integration of Southern Whites and Blacks had been alarming, and ultimately to the GOP, only 50 years ago. Famously, Richard Nixon of California was in the forefront of the GOP, "Southern Strategy."

The copy of the original flags--those raised 150 years ago--raised in South Carolina only 50 years ago, should also be read in the context of opposition to intrusion. My own heritage had become JFK liberal. My early teens pastor was in the march on Selma, AL. Another pastor's house was fire-bombed twice. The first flag was in opposition to economic devastation--the abolition of property, of the ancient slave trade of all millennia of history. Land was cheap, and housing was cheap. Livestock and slaves were asset values. The Texas vanquished could mostly predict what the occupation, Yankee army, was going to do in the occupation. There were virtually no mainline economic values left. Lincoln and his high-minded bunch, had taken all the prosperity away.

That brought about the need for the Post-New Deal movements. That helped to bring about even the need for a New Deal.

Now emerging Southern California prosperity, and statewide prosperity, is alarming again to the Republicans. California is prosperous, and majority Hispanic, and with no slavery, and reasonably well-integrated.

The entire Republican Party seems to be opposed to even the concept of that actually happening. . . .and even once again, like it has happened before, if under a more ancient technology.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Rule, Britannia! Britannia Rule the Waves! Britons. . .never, ever. . . will be slaves!" (Which their majesties governments knew a great deal about!))
The question of the OP would be better asked in October 2015 instead of now. The Pope is addressing Congress in September. And what he has to say will completely change the political map.

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