California: Progressive Paradise

if someone did a poll on who is the dumbest member here and both our names were on that list.....i bet i would fare better than you...

Like what poll? Here? You are very dumb and stupid.

Then explain to me your retardation.

What do you want to me to say about Ca? Tell me.

Oh we are falling apart? The entire Ca unemployment is 10%? Entire Ca is burning? Entire Ca is homeless?every one left Ca?
are you going to start crying now?....

Crying? Hell no. I’m just showing you how dumb and ignorant you are.
is that what calling people names is?...and charwin i hate to tell you this....but you aint showing anyone anything outside of how fucking pathetic you are...

Just admit it. You are very ignorant. It’s very clear and simple.
its funny how anyone who disagrees with you about California is ignorant....that shows some ignorance on your part too chump...
and last year you did the same shit you are doing here.....are you a hypocrite charwin?....accusing me of doing what you do in abundance?..

This is very funny. I don’t even read what you posted from different thread. I don’t even make a rebuttal or comments any of your post.
Till you attacked me here. You did exactly the same last year. You are a hypocrite.
you claim you havent read what i posted from a different thread and yet you also claim i did the exact same ...LAST you have memory problems?...and once again,were did i attack you here?....

Where you started attacking me in this thread? Start with thread #529. Idiot.

No I don’t read your post from different thread. What can a letter carrier tells me that I don’t know.
you never read a post of mine from other older threads?...ill tell you what charty old boy....ill go get a couple of your posts from other California threads were YOU were replying to ME......when i do you take a month off from posting here ok? game?....

Blah blah blah. Why even said that? Why not go ahead and get your lying bullshit older thread then post it here.
Stupid. I’ll wait.
hey fuckhead...did you or did you not reply to my posts in other threads on California? said right here you did you are either lying or you have memory problems...which is it?....
This is very funny. I don’t even read what you posted from different thread. I don’t even make a rebuttal or comments any of your post.
Till you attacked me here. You did exactly the same last year. You are a hypocrite.


I admitted that we have lots of problems here in Ca. I admitted that there are part of Ca that are poor with higher unemployment than average.

BUT majority of Ca is doing very well with the economy. Otherwise we won’t be the 5th largest economy in the world. Our unemployment is 4%.
you only admitted that after others here including me showed you proof...then you changed your tune....

You are full shit. I only admitted till someone told me? Really? Read my post #625. I already told you that we have lots of problems here. Idiot.

And I keep repeating to your retarded miserable life. That there are part of Ca that has low unemployment and there’s part that is high. That’s the nature of life.
yea after you had this pointed out to you a few times in older California threads...dam you fucking try to dance around everything you got called are worse than your good buddy

Dude I don’t dance and bullshit like you.
I stayed with facts and I couldn’t go wrong.
What older thread?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
if you have dementia let me know and i wont fuck with you anymore.....but if you do you should not be here talking to people who can remember what they did last week...
Maybe I should just put you on PERMANENT IGNORE that way I don’t have to waste my time and deal with your retardations.
thats what pussies do here when they are losing the argument.....are you a pussy?....

Where do you think I’m loosing?

I’m kicking your ass how dumb and ignorant and idiot you are about life.
the only ass you kick belongs to the guy you see when you look in a mirror.....only pussies put people on ignore,for you to suggest doing it to me tells me one are a wuss chartwin.....and let me tell you this fact... you do more harm to Californias image than rant and are not helping things....

I do more harm. This is my state defending ignorant from people like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yes you do more harm than good....finally you can see that....
if someone did a poll on who is the dumbest member here and both our names were on that list.....i bet i would fare better than you...

Like what poll? Here? You are very dumb and stupid.

Then explain to me your retardation.

What do you want to me to say about Ca? Tell me.

Oh we are falling apart? The entire Ca unemployment is 10%? Entire Ca is burning? Entire Ca is homeless?every one left Ca?
are you going to start crying now?....

Let’s see if you know anything about life and reality....

US unemployment September 2019 is 3.7% ........ Arizona is at 5%.
Yuma, Arizona is 20.9%.

If I use your stupid and ignorant assessment. Arizona unemployment 5% is fake not real.

If use the same idiotic opinions from retarded like you. The Ca 4.1% unemployment is fake.

Does this make sense to you letter carrier?
you have no idea what i was talking about do you?...lets do it again for you.....many of the people inland who are not experiencing the things you talk about....many of them are just getting by or maybe not....they dont care about "the 5th best" economy,it aint doing them very good.....the happiest state?....yea if you live along the coast life is great,right charty? ...go ask some of them if they are as happy as you are...other states have nothing to do with this,this is about California,not Texas or Arizona....let me remind you something once again,since you dont seem to care about them.....they pay taxes too....they are also citizens of the state.....

You are bullfucking shit head. You are very ignorant.

Oh I know exactly what you are talking about. Let me repeat it again stupid.

Yes there are part of Ca that has over 4% unemployment like inland cities. That is part of fucking normal life. Idiot.

Name me a place any where that everything is flat 4% or 5% unemployment rate across the whole states? Name me a state. You are very dishonest and dumb.

What about taxes? What is that has anything to do with your ignorance?

Some of the inland states has seasonal products and far from booming counties. What part of your stupid ignorant life that you don’t understand?

I travel heavily across Ca and other states. I also dedicated part of my life helping homeless veterans. What made you think I don’t know about inland states?
What and where do you based your dumb opinions that other inland states are sufferings? You just pulled it out from your ass?

Happiest state. Yes we are. That is based from people that do the research. . If you disagree then prove with facts but not from an ignorant idiot opinion by you.
You got that letter carrier?
geezus you are one dense mother have no idea what was said do you?...and for a guy who 'claims" he has lived here for quite a while i suggest you take a remedial English class...inland counties are somewhat different than inland states....learn the fucking difference....
if someone did a poll on who is the dumbest member here and both our names were on that list.....i bet i would fare better than you...

Like what poll? Here? You are very dumb and stupid.

Then explain to me your retardation.

What do you want to me to say about Ca? Tell me.

Oh we are falling apart? The entire Ca unemployment is 10%? Entire Ca is burning? Entire Ca is homeless?every one left Ca?
are you going to start crying now?....

Let’s see if you know anything about life and reality....

US unemployment September 2019 is 3.7% ........ Arizona is at 5%.
Yuma, Arizona is 20.9%.

If I use your stupid and ignorant assessment. Arizona unemployment 5% is fake not real.

If use the same idiotic opinions from retarded like you. The Ca 4.1% unemployment is fake.

Does this make sense to you letter carrier?
you have no idea what i was talking about do you?...lets do it again for you.....many of the people inland who are not experiencing the things you talk about....many of them are just getting by or maybe not....they dont care about "the 5th best" economy,it aint doing them very good.....the happiest state?....yea if you live along the coast life is great,right charty? ...go ask some of them if they are as happy as you are...other states have nothing to do with this,this is about California,not Texas or Arizona....let me remind you something once again,since you dont seem to care about them.....they pay taxes too....they are also citizens of the state.....

Oh I know exactly what you are trying to say.....
You moved to Nevada ( let me shoved words in to your mouth), you regret and disappointed and made a very bad mistake in moving to Nevada. RIGHT?

So now you are trying to make justifications that Ca is very veeeery bad. Am I right?
why would i regret moving to a state that has no state tax,a lot less people,bought a house that in California would have cost 3x as much,cost of living cheaper,got mountains around me,actually has a winter,very little traffic on the freeways,great restaurants all over the place.....yea i regret moving here....
Dude you did the same shit. You started again the same shit this year. I did not attack you at all fuckhead.,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you do the same shit too...dude...and yes you did attack me for pointing out the unemployment rate in the inland counties...remember how you said i was bashing the state when i was doing no such thing?....remember that ..dude?...

You are lying asshole.
I normally ignored your post. Nor I even care till you attacked me in this thread.
You did the same last year.
The same your bullshit.
im a liar? fucking cant even admit when you are you did not ignore my jumped right in and considered me posting unemployment facts about California as bashing the dam state...

Yes you are a liar.

I will admit when I’m wrong. I did that several times.
I posted Ca unemployment is 4%. And you ignorantly say....... oh No. it doesn’t look like that. You are a low life.

No idiot. I said I ignored and never read your post in any other thread.

I only jumped on you when you attacked me in this thread.
hey dipshit...are you smart enough to know your ranting and raving about the state is not helping your case? are coming off like a fanatic charwin....discuss things rationally and you might not have so many here laughing at your ass...

I know I am very smart far smarter than you.
Laughing my ass? Dude you are looking for help. Do I care who is laughing? I know I am trashing how ignorant you are.
Rationally? Why don’t you asked your self if you even making sense.

Not helping my state? I’m here defending the goodness and positive of my state.
You are stupidly bashing and assumed we are bad state.
Yes I keep repeating the same shit and you keep repeating your stupidity. You are RETARDED.

If you don’t like California then stay the fuck out here.
yes you do and yet you get on me for the same must be the retarded one...or are you just kinda stupid?...and were have i ever said i dont like California?...

You are retarded.
I keep repeating the same realities in life. That is how it is.
And you keep repeating the same retarded miserable part of your life.
charwin yes or you keep on repeating the same stuff over and over?....are you man enough to give me an honest answer?...

I am giving you an honest answer. I keep repeating the same reality and facts of life.
But you don’t know what you are talking about.

Do you honestly want me to say Ca is very bad? Our unemployment is 10%? We are all homeless?
I’ll be lying don’t you think?
and yet you accuse me of doing what you admit you do....thats what a hypocrite is dumbass....

You are a very good example of hypocrite asshole.

I know exactly what you want me to say. California is in very bad shape economically. That is what you want me to admit.
Then I will be lying. I’m not a liar like you.
I don’t pretend that I know you. But you are letter carrier then you sold your property in Ca then move to Nevada. That’s what I know about you.

Then you think you know me. You are a hypocrite/
you have no idea what a hypocrite is do you?...

You are a very good example of a hypocrite. Clear and simple.
ok give me an example of me being a should be clear and simple,right?...

You sold your property here in Ca. You made a lousy bucks. Then bashing Ca. If not for California were you able to make money any where?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea i sold it so what?....and no it wasnt lousy bucks,i bought and paid for the thing and paid lots of taxes on it.....and i have asked you more than a post of mine bashing cant do it because unlike many here i dont bash the state....i actually lived there for 50 years and know something you will never know,i was there when California was that great State you only can fantasize about...

I don’t have to remind you what you posted bashing Ca. WHY do you think I m still trashing you?

You sold your property here in Ca you made a lousy bucks now you are telling me we are bad. You are a HYPOCRITE.

If you lived here for 50 years that is because you are far older than me. Doesn’t mean I don’t know how it looks and life in the 70s.

And today California still a very great and awesome state better than most state.
Like what poll? Here? You are very dumb and stupid.

Then explain to me your retardation.

What do you want to me to say about Ca? Tell me.

Oh we are falling apart? The entire Ca unemployment is 10%? Entire Ca is burning? Entire Ca is homeless?every one left Ca?
are you going to start crying now?....

Crying? Hell no. I’m just showing you how dumb and ignorant you are.
is that what calling people names is?...and charwin i hate to tell you this....but you aint showing anyone anything outside of how fucking pathetic you are...

Just admit it. You are very ignorant. It’s very clear and simple.
its funny how anyone who disagrees with you about California is ignorant....that shows some ignorance on your part too chump...

It’s not a matter of disagreeing. It’s a matter of fact and reality in life

So far all you’ve given me is your pure ignorant opinions that doesn’t make a diddly squat of sense.
you do the same shit too...dude...and yes you did attack me for pointing out the unemployment rate in the inland counties...remember how you said i was bashing the state when i was doing no such thing?....remember that ..dude?...

You are lying asshole.
I normally ignored your post. Nor I even care till you attacked me in this thread.
You did the same last year.
The same your bullshit.
im a liar? fucking cant even admit when you are you did not ignore my jumped right in and considered me posting unemployment facts about California as bashing the dam state...

Yes you are a liar.

I will admit when I’m wrong. I did that several times.
I posted Ca unemployment is 4%. And you ignorantly say....... oh No. it doesn’t look like that. You are a low life.

No idiot. I said I ignored and never read your post in any other thread.

I only jumped on you when you attacked me in this thread.
hey dipshit...are you smart enough to know your ranting and raving about the state is not helping your case? are coming off like a fanatic charwin....discuss things rationally and you might not have so many here laughing at your ass...

I know I am very smart far smarter than you.
Laughing my ass? Dude you are looking for help. Do I care who is laughing? I know I am trashing how ignorant you are.
Rationally? Why don’t you asked your self if you even making sense.

Not helping my state? I’m here defending the goodness and positive of my state.
You are stupidly bashing and assumed we are bad state.
You are stupidly bashing and assumed we are bad state
show were i bashed it and i dont have to assume nothing....i speak from experience....
This is very funny. I don’t even read what you posted from different thread. I don’t even make a rebuttal or comments any of your post.
Till you attacked me here. You did exactly the same last year. You are a hypocrite.
you claim you havent read what i posted from a different thread and yet you also claim i did the exact same ...LAST you have memory problems?...and once again,were did i attack you here?....

Where you started attacking me in this thread? Start with thread #529. Idiot.

No I don’t read your post from different thread. What can a letter carrier tells me that I don’t know.
you never read a post of mine from other older threads?...ill tell you what charty old boy....ill go get a couple of your posts from other California threads were YOU were replying to ME......when i do you take a month off from posting here ok? game?....

Blah blah blah. Why even said that? Why not go ahead and get your lying bullshit older thread then post it here.
Stupid. I’ll wait.
hey fuckhead...did you or did you not reply to my posts in other threads on California? said right here you did you are either lying or you have memory problems...which is it?....

You are lying shithead. Why not show it to me? Name the thread and the post number.

I real life you are not even qualified to talk to me. Letter carrier. I just don’t like ignorant people like you talking non sense about Ca.

I admitted that we have lots of problems here in Ca. I admitted that there are part of Ca that are poor with higher unemployment than average.

BUT majority of Ca is doing very well with the economy. Otherwise we won’t be the 5th largest economy in the world. Our unemployment is 4%.
you only admitted that after others here including me showed you proof...then you changed your tune....

You are full shit. I only admitted till someone told me? Really? Read my post #625. I already told you that we have lots of problems here. Idiot.

And I keep repeating to your retarded miserable life. That there are part of Ca that has low unemployment and there’s part that is high. That’s the nature of life.
yea after you had this pointed out to you a few times in older California threads...dam you fucking try to dance around everything you got called are worse than your good buddy

Dude I don’t dance and bullshit like you.
I stayed with facts and I couldn’t go wrong.
What older thread?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
if you have dementia let me know and i wont fuck with you anymore.....but if you do you should not be here talking to people who can remember what they did last week...

If I were you. You are embarrassing yourself. You should just fuck off and shut up.
yes you do and yet you get on me for the same must be the retarded one...or are you just kinda stupid?...and were have i ever said i dont like California?...

You are retarded.
I keep repeating the same realities in life. That is how it is.
And you keep repeating the same retarded miserable part of your life.
charwin yes or you keep on repeating the same stuff over and over?....are you man enough to give me an honest answer?...

I am giving you an honest answer. I keep repeating the same reality and facts of life.
But you don’t know what you are talking about.

Do you honestly want me to say Ca is very bad? Our unemployment is 10%? We are all homeless?
I’ll be lying don’t you think?
and yet you accuse me of doing what you admit you do....thats what a hypocrite is dumbass....

You are a very good example of hypocrite asshole.

I know exactly what you want me to say. California is in very bad shape economically. That is what you want me to admit.
Then I will be lying. I’m not a liar like you.
show were i was a hypocrite.....and i dont want you to say anything,your reply is on you.....and were did i lie?....
Maybe I should just put you on PERMANENT IGNORE that way I don’t have to waste my time and deal with your retardations.
thats what pussies do here when they are losing the argument.....are you a pussy?....

Where do you think I’m loosing?

I’m kicking your ass how dumb and ignorant and idiot you are about life.
the only ass you kick belongs to the guy you see when you look in a mirror.....only pussies put people on ignore,for you to suggest doing it to me tells me one are a wuss chartwin.....and let me tell you this fact... you do more harm to Californias image than rant and are not helping things....

I do more harm. This is my state defending ignorant from people like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yes you do more harm than good....finally you can see that....

You are just full of bullshit Like what? Give me an example.
Like what poll? Here? You are very dumb and stupid.

Then explain to me your retardation.

What do you want to me to say about Ca? Tell me.

Oh we are falling apart? The entire Ca unemployment is 10%? Entire Ca is burning? Entire Ca is homeless?every one left Ca?
are you going to start crying now?....

Let’s see if you know anything about life and reality....

US unemployment September 2019 is 3.7% ........ Arizona is at 5%.
Yuma, Arizona is 20.9%.

If I use your stupid and ignorant assessment. Arizona unemployment 5% is fake not real.

If use the same idiotic opinions from retarded like you. The Ca 4.1% unemployment is fake.

Does this make sense to you letter carrier?
you have no idea what i was talking about do you?...lets do it again for you.....many of the people inland who are not experiencing the things you talk about....many of them are just getting by or maybe not....they dont care about "the 5th best" economy,it aint doing them very good.....the happiest state?....yea if you live along the coast life is great,right charty? ...go ask some of them if they are as happy as you are...other states have nothing to do with this,this is about California,not Texas or Arizona....let me remind you something once again,since you dont seem to care about them.....they pay taxes too....they are also citizens of the state.....

You are bullfucking shit head. You are very ignorant.

Oh I know exactly what you are talking about. Let me repeat it again stupid.

Yes there are part of Ca that has over 4% unemployment like inland cities. That is part of fucking normal life. Idiot.

Name me a place any where that everything is flat 4% or 5% unemployment rate across the whole states? Name me a state. You are very dishonest and dumb.

What about taxes? What is that has anything to do with your ignorance?

Some of the inland states has seasonal products and far from booming counties. What part of your stupid ignorant life that you don’t understand?

I travel heavily across Ca and other states. I also dedicated part of my life helping homeless veterans. What made you think I don’t know about inland states?
What and where do you based your dumb opinions that other inland states are sufferings? You just pulled it out from your ass?

Happiest state. Yes we are. That is based from people that do the research. . If you disagree then prove with facts but not from an ignorant idiot opinion by you.
You got that letter carrier?
geezus you are one dense mother have no idea what was said do you?...and for a guy who 'claims" he has lived here for quite a while i suggest you take a remedial English class...inland counties are somewhat different than inland states....learn the fucking difference....

I know exactly what you are saying fuck head.
I will not call you mother fucker because your mother is not part of your low life scum.

You cherry pick my word about inland states and inland counties. And that’s the best you got? Try again.
you have no idea what a hypocrite is do you?...

You are a very good example of a hypocrite. Clear and simple.
ok give me an example of me being a should be clear and simple,right?...

You sold your property here in Ca. You made a lousy bucks. Then bashing Ca. If not for California were you able to make money any where?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
yea i sold it so what?....and no it wasnt lousy bucks,i bought and paid for the thing and paid lots of taxes on it.....and i have asked you more than a post of mine bashing cant do it because unlike many here i dont bash the state....i actually lived there for 50 years and know something you will never know,i was there when California was that great State you only can fantasize about...

I don’t have to remind you what you posted bashing Ca. WHY do you think I m still trashing you?

You sold your property here in Ca you made a lousy bucks now you are telling me we are bad. You are a HYPOCRITE.

If you lived here for 50 years that is because you are far older than me. Doesn’t mean I don’t know how it looks and life in the 70s.

And today California still a very great and awesome state better than most state.
I don’t have to remind you what you posted bashing Ca
because you cant find a post of me bashing California can you?....
You sold your property here in Ca you made a lousy bucks now you are telling me we are bad. You are a HYPOCRITE.
like i told you before....i bought the property and paid lots of taxes over the years....and were did i say WE are bad? had better learn what a hypocrite is...
are you going to start crying now?....

Crying? Hell no. I’m just showing you how dumb and ignorant you are.
is that what calling people names is?...and charwin i hate to tell you this....but you aint showing anyone anything outside of how fucking pathetic you are...

Just admit it. You are very ignorant. It’s very clear and simple.
its funny how anyone who disagrees with you about California is ignorant....that shows some ignorance on your part too chump...

It’s not a matter of disagreeing. It’s a matter of fact and reality in life

So far all you’ve given me is your pure ignorant opinions that doesn’t make a diddly squat of sense.
i think you are giving lots of opinions out too charto....and some are pretty biased....
you claim you havent read what i posted from a different thread and yet you also claim i did the exact same ...LAST you have memory problems?...and once again,were did i attack you here?....

Where you started attacking me in this thread? Start with thread #529. Idiot.

No I don’t read your post from different thread. What can a letter carrier tells me that I don’t know.
you never read a post of mine from other older threads?...ill tell you what charty old boy....ill go get a couple of your posts from other California threads were YOU were replying to ME......when i do you take a month off from posting here ok? game?....

Blah blah blah. Why even said that? Why not go ahead and get your lying bullshit older thread then post it here.
Stupid. I’ll wait.
hey fuckhead...did you or did you not reply to my posts in other threads on California? said right here you did you are either lying or you have memory problems...which is it?....

You are lying shithead. Why not show it to me? Name the thread and the post number.

I real life you are not even qualified to talk to me. Letter carrier. I just don’t like ignorant people like you talking non sense about Ca.
try any thread on either have memory problems or you are just a betting the latter....
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????
The state could secede and be called the Democratic Peoples Republic of Eastern China, or Venezuela 2.0, or the Union of Socialist Comrades of Progressivism.

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