California releases 1,400 LIFERS!!!

Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.
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The press won't say it but you can bet they're nearly all negros and hispos. CA hates whitey.
I hope California along with my state of Oregon both Legalize pot. ;) Imagine how much money we the tax payers will save?

Legalizing pot will cause the crash numbers on highways to soar and cost a fortune in medical bills and property damage. That's why the auto industry funds the legal pot movement. Car crashes mean car sales.

Tell me this state isn't the #1 shithole in the country!!!!

More than 80 percent of lifers are in prison for murder, while the remaining are mostly rapists and kidnappers.

1,400 'lifers' released from California prisons in last 3 years - CBS News

You cant even make this shit up!! The residents of this state are braindead.

Do you know why?

One reason "why" would be...

Excerpt from: "Fewer prisons — and yet, less crime"

"Michigan's recent reductions..."

"As prison populations fall, moreover, crime rates are following suit. Nobody has proved a causal relationship between the two trends, but the fact that some of the biggest reductions in crime have occurred in states that slashed their inmate populations most dramatically has debunked the presumption that public safety depends on lengthy sentences and stingy parole policies.

States that spent the 1980s and ’90s building more and bigger penitentiaries have found a better return in programs designed to divert offenders from prison, and smooth re-entry for those who’ve served their time. Politicians on the front lines say the accompanying shift in voter attitudes has been nearly as startling as the thaw in public sentiment toward same-sex marriage."

Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.

That's right you need more money to spend on your illegals,
Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.

So "life" in californication don't mean life. We get it. :eusa_hand: so why do you give life if you an't gonna make em do life? You gonna let Charles Manson go?
Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.

So "life" in californication don't mean life. We get it. :eusa_hand: so why do you give life if you an't gonna make em do life? You gonna let Charles Manson go?

they might as well
and notice he got the tea party, minimum wage and other blah blah blah in over the mess in Commiefornia.....good little useful tool
I'm just glad I don't live there

man oh man, you people who live there needs to figure out how to PROTECT yourselves from you OWN GOVERNMENT

good luck

I suspect most of us in California are glad you don't live hear. And I'm certain the average IQ in CA is higher by your lack of presence. So please stay home.

I would not brag about IQ while spelling "here" " hear" I'm just saying.
Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.

So "life" in californication don't mean life. We get it. :eusa_hand: so why do you give life if you an't gonna make em do life? You gonna let Charles Manson go?

they might as well
and notice he got the tea party, minimum wage and other blah blah blah in over the mess in Commiefornia.....good little useful tool

The inmate in prison bitching about his life sentence was committing crime in prison. Well vetted my ass.
I'm just glad I don't live there

man oh man, you people who live there needs to figure out how to PROTECT yourselves from you OWN GOVERNMENT

good luck

I suspect most of us in California are glad you don't live hear. And I'm certain the average IQ in CA is higher by your lack of presence. So please stay home.

I would not brag about IQ while spelling "here" " hear" I'm just saying.

lol, who'd want to live around someone that ugly anyway...
shame I still have relatives there...I feel bad for them
It doesn't make sense to release people who are serving life sentences when they could release kids arrested for non violent crimes and who should not be there in the first place. What a bizarre story.
Each lifer is vetted thoroughly and most have spent decades in prison. The costs to provide food, clothing, shelter and in particular medical care are a strain on the budget. I find it hilarious - as well as hypocritical - that fiscal conservative policies when put forth by Democrats are considered calamitous by Tea Party supporters, those who support repeal of the PPACA, raising the minimum wage and other austerity policies without consideration of those consequences.

So "life" in californication don't mean life. We get it. :eusa_hand: so why do you give life if you an't gonna make em do life? You gonna let Charles Manson go?

Do you have a concept of what "vetted" means? Apparently not, Charles will spent the rest of his life in prison. However, even if he were freed, he would seem to be no threat to society (well he would be no threat at all except he could likely get a gun as easily as he could get a big mac).
Manson didn't do his own crimes. He had other people commit crimes for him and he still has a following, Wrycatcher. Surely you are joking.
Manson didn't do his own crimes. He had other people commit crimes for him and he still has a following, Wrycatcher. Surely you are joking.

Manson is insane; I doubt, given the fate of his past followers he would garner much of a following. I interviewed an inmate a number of years ago at Vacaville St. Prison, the 'trustee' was David Kemper, who worked in the unit's office (look him up) and he told me Manson was also on the unit. He also said Manson was nuts and shunned by the rest of the unit. Kemper was affable but he too will never see life outside of the prison.
How is it that Manson insane for leading a Cult but Obama is President and Michael Mann is taken seriously?
As a result of Browns dumb liberal a$$, releasing these prisoners among others to the streets of our cities has been a disaster. Crime is increasing as a result. Consequently, I keep the SIG, Kimber et al at the ready.



Do you dream about the day you get to kill another person? Are you a Zimmerman or Dunn waiting for an opportunity?

As a result of failed radical, liberal and otherwise poor decision making, I have no other responsible choice than to be trained and armed to defend myself and family

Justice indeed

They don't want you to be able to defend yourself.

Same with women. They want them armed with only "rape whistles" and trained to urinate/vomit on command.
Do you dream about the day you get to kill another person? Are you a Zimmerman or Dunn waiting for an opportunity?

As a result of failed radical, liberal and otherwise poor decision making, I have no other responsible choice than to be trained and armed to defend myself and family

Justice indeed

Actually, we are more like this guy


So you do dream of being a hero. Does your fantasy life have any link to reality, or is the dream of killing another human being the dominant feature?

That aside, I live in the SF Bay Area and crime - especially violent crime - hasn't exploded. Oakland, Vallejo, East Palo Alto garner headlines but North Richmond and Pittsburg have been quiet. Only San Jose has experienced an upsurge of violence but SJ isn't likely attributable to the release of violent criminals.

Jerry Brown inherited serous problems from The Arnold (remember that guy, the GOP and their fellow travelers once wanted to amend the Constitution so he could run for the job of POTUS?). Jerry Brown is one if the smartest fiscal conservative and social liberals to hold an executive office in a long time. Your hyperbole is both dishonest and ridiculous!

But crime has escalated here


KCLU | Oxnard Police Say Part Of Spike In Crime In City Due To Early Prisoner Release

Oxnard Police Say Part Of Spike In Crime In City Due To Early Prisoner Release

Posted on Friday, August 23, 2013 1:11pm

Oxnard Police officials say a spike in the city’s crime during the first six months of 2013 is linked to a law which is trying to reduce state prison overcrowding by releasing some offenders early.

The latest FBI crime stats for Oxnard showed a hike in the number of murders, robberies, assaults, and other crimes from January through June. Assistant Police Chief Scott Whitney says the increases in crime coincide with the enactment of the prison realignment plan.

More than 250 inmates released under the plan live in, or have been spending time in the Oxnard area. Whitney says it just follows that when chronic offenders spend less time in custody, they have more opportunities to commit crimes.
I got through the first page of posts and couldn't find one person who actually read the article so here goes.

The released prisoners had spent 27 years in prison on average and that was twice the number of years spent by convicts 2 decades ago.

**Everyone released had become eligible for parole**

Murder, rape, kidnapping are all horrible crimes. But either we believe in the "pay your debt" system or you don't.

If not, you're free to leave this country.

I personally believe that serial rape and serial murder or multiple murder should get the death sentence. I also think we should better define what we mean by "non-violent" drug crimes. Every once of cocaine, meth has some violence attached to it.

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