California releases 1,400 LIFERS!!!

I got through the first page of posts and couldn't find one person who actually read the article so here goes.

The released prisoners had spent 27 years in prison on average and that was twice the number of years spent by convicts 2 decades ago.

**Everyone released had become eligible for parole**

Murder, rape, kidnapping are all horrible crimes. But either we believe in the "pay your debt" system or you don't.

If not, you're free to leave this country.

I personally believe that serial rape and serial murder or multiple murder should get the death sentence. I also think we should better define what we mean by "non-violent" drug crimes. Every once of cocaine, meth has some violence attached to it.

Release them... fine.. LEO and law abiding citizens need target practice

Funny how so many who claim they loathe government, also so dearly love prisons and cops, isn't it?

Funny how so many who claim they loathe government, also so dearly love prisons and cops, isn't it?


Hey, go ahead and release them...Just pray they don't show on your doorstep..and pray the cops and your government you PAY FOR and have put in CHARGE of protecting you get there in time...
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