California to apologize officially for historical mistreatment of Japanese Americans

During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

Who's going to feed and clothe you if we all left?
If the can't serve atives left there would be an abundance of our labors fruits left over to enjoy.
California seems to be a state looking for something to apologize for without really admitting wrongdoing. The Golden State is guilty of a lot of things but the Japanese incarceration ain't one of them. The Army locked up Japanese citizens for the duration of the war on a presidential executive order (9066) signed by FDR.
During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

Who's going to feed and clothe you if we all left?
If the can't serve atives left there would be an abundance of our labors fruits left over to enjoy.

Don't try to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. You'd be scrambling to get the last piece of meat in the market and fighting over some scraps of bread.

Conservatives have always been your providers, builders, problem-solvers, and protectors, going all the way back to the stone age. We hunted, explored, and fought off dangerous animals while you hid in the caves, cooking, sewing skins together, and gathered sticks to keep a fire going.

Were it left up to you liberals Democrats, we'd all starve.

As was said, FDR was the person who did this so it seems to me that taking his little monument down in DC would sufficiently show the world that the US was sorry for that clown of a President, but so far all the Progressives in academia keep listing him as one of the greatest Presidents in US history despite targeting a minority based only on race and locking them up.

At least the massive corruption that led to term limits after he left office was a good think I think.

In regards to the evacuation of the west coast japanese FDR was correct...that has been shown on here many times...........

Everything you've been taught about the World War II "internment camps" in America is wrong:
  • They were not created primarily because of racism or wartime hysteria
  • They did not target only those of Japanese descent
  • They were not Nazi-style death camps
California seems to be a state looking for something to apologize for without really admitting wrongdoing. The Golden State is guilty of a lot of things but the Japanese incarceration ain't one of them. The Army locked up Japanese citizens for the duration of the war on a presidential executive order (9066) signed by FDR. was good he did not forget we won WWII.....if we had been dominated by political correctness back then like we are now....we would still be fighting WWII or we would all be speaking German.

It's a little fucking late for that after having stolen their property then locking them all up. I'll believe their sincerity when all of the present owners of the stolen property have it stolen from them and it's all then returned to the proper owners or their nearest living relative.
Until that happens, it's just so much bullshit.

Nonsense.....the japanese posed a security risk on the west coast that is undeniable....but if you want to reseach the topic do not use google....go with duckduck go or qwant search
During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

They were American citizens.

Tax Man doesn't care about American citizens. He's more concerned about the safety and welfare of illegal criminals who sneak across the border.

Well the Japanese Americans did have the squinty eyes like the Gooks that bombed Pearl.

So why not lock them up? Those squinty eyes are a sure sign of deviancy if you ask me.


In fact, Progressives still are spooked by these Gooks. Notice not one famous Hollywood actor who is famous, unless in the stereotypically Kong Fu genre. Also, Progressive Universities all over the US are turning down perfect 4.0 students who are Asian cuz they have squinty eyes in favor of blacks without the deviant looking eyes.

I personally think that Progressive continue to discriminate against Asian looking people because their idol and god FDR did.

I agree that liberals have no problem discriminating against asians or caucasians in their hysterical and mad obsession with promoting Negroes.

Not because of FDR not forget we won WWII.
During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

Well, you are half right....unfortunately there is a lot of coinfusion and liberal propaganda about the evacuation of the west coast japanese.

Anyone that wants to know the truth about all that....resarch Michell Malkin on that topic.
During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

They were American citizens.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how naive you are boyo. Do you think American Citizenship alone should excuse anyone for anything.

aka but your honor I am an a Americn Citizen. hehheh

Not to forget that German and Italian citizens deemed a National Security threat during WWII were also placed in camps.

In a nutshell everything you have been taught about the evacuation of the west coast japanese is wrong.
During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.
So you support jailing citizens based on race.

AND those with traditional AMERICAN values

It was not based on race.....German and Italian American Citizens were also placed in detention camps if they were deemed a threat to National Security.

Quite ridiculous and it re-inforces all the lies about the relocation of the west coast Japanese There is much revisionism, confusion and ignorance regarding the relocation of the west coast japanese....aka monday morning quarterbacking.

FDR wanted to win the war.....and allowing west coast japanese who lived very near vital west coast defense plants to continue to do so was to gamble they would not commit sabotage unaceptable risk when you are at war fighting for the very survival of America........... FDR was correct.

Michell Malking has written a very informative book about it. I suggest all those making judgement on FDR's actions should do a little research before running off at the mouth.
California seems to be a state looking for something to apologize for without really admitting wrongdoing. The Golden State is guilty of a lot of things but the Japanese incarceration ain't one of them. The Army locked up Japanese citizens for the duration of the war on a presidential executive order (9066) signed by FDR.

In late 1940 members of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service broke Japan's highest level diplomatic code and then constructed a machine that was an analog of the one used by the Japanese. This allowed the U.S. to read Japan's diplomatic traffic from then until after the end of the war. Intelligence thus gained was cover named MAGIC because it seemed that only magicians could have produced it.

Among the decoded messages of 1941 were a number detailing espionage planning and operations involving Japanese-Americans along the West Coast. In February 1942 President Roosevelt authorized the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry.

In 1983 a congressional commission, ignoring available declassified intelligence and ignorant of MAGIC revelations, concluded the President's action was the result of racism, war hysteria and lack of political will.

Now for the first time David D. Lowman, using MAGIC messages and declassified Army, Navy and FBI reports, presents the real reasons for the evacuation. As a former high level officer in the National Security Agency and a witness before congressional committees dealing with the evacuation he was uniquely qualified to tell this story. Those who could never quite believe the base motives attributed to our wartime leaders and our country will find Lowman's story compelling.

During a war the internment of the enemies people in our country does not qualify for apologies. The political conservatives are the low lifes who should leave the nation.

They were American citizens.

Not all of fact 40 thousand of them were not. Also as mentioned....German American citizens and Italian American citizens deemed to be a threat to our National Security were also detained.

Anyhow....the whole story of the Japanese west coast japanese has been in the real story has been kept from most in you really have to dig to get the truth.

A conviction that we should be ashamed about the treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II is part of the conventional wisdom of our time. Columnist Myriam Marquez wrote recently in an entirely typical op-ed piece of the “injustices” and the “abominations” of the “internment camps for Americans of Japanese descent during World War II.”Americans have been coerced to believe with an almost religious conviction that their country committed a heinous act, and many take pride in denouncing the actions of their fathers and grandfathers. What actually happened, and why?
The parents of one of my high school friends had been interned. Her father was a scientist specializing in drug research. The country probably would have been able to make good use of him instead of interning him. He worked for a US drug company after the war.

It's a little fucking late for that after having stolen their property then locking them all up. I'll believe their sincerity when all of the present owners of the stolen property have it stolen from them and it's all then returned to the proper owners or their nearest living relative.
Until that happens, it's just so much bullshit.

Nonsense.....the japanese posed a security risk on the west coast that is undeniable....but if you want to reseach the topic do not use google....go with duckduck go or qwant search

I know bullshit when I see it and smell it.

It's a little fucking late for that after having stolen their property then locking them all up. I'll believe their sincerity when all of the present owners of the stolen property have it stolen from them and it's all then returned to the proper owners or their nearest living relative.
Until that happens, it's just so much bullshit.

Nonsense.....the japanese posed a security risk on the west coast that is undeniable....but if you want to reseach the topic do not use google....go with duckduck go or qwant search

I know bullshit when I see it and smell it.

If that were true you could not sleep with yourself
The parents of one of my high school friends had been interned. Her father was a scientist specializing in drug research. The country probably would have been able to make good use of him instead of interning him. He worked for a US drug company after the war.

Japanese were allow to leave the camps to fact they could live anywhere in America except on the west coast.

Another thing forgotten or never known by most is that there was much hatred directed at Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor and many for the sake of protecton and safety preferred the camps.

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