California to become first state to eliminate bail for suspects awaiting trail under bill signed by

Now the troll thinks it funny California is flooding the streets with criminals.

If it's any consolation.....

Remember, the areas where the liberals are letting the criminals out and the illegals in.......

Are the places where they are most likely to become a victim of their own poor choices.

Sometimes when you see a news story of a vicious home invasion or car jacking, the victims are very often those same liberals who vote time and time again for leniency and forgiveness for the criminal activity that did them in.

Ironic huh?
California to become first state to eliminate bail for suspects awaiting trial under bill signed by governor

California to become first state to eliminate bail for suspects awaiting trial under bill signed by governor.

This is not good for a few reasons, once Ca. does something the rest of the country follow suites on the many things Cali. does.

The other thing is tihis is pure BS and taking away from the Constitutional rights.
California has gone from circling the drain to turbo flush.
Maybe you should try to understand the issue before spouting off about it

California Becomes First US State to Eliminate Bail for Suspects Awaiting Trial

Money bail has promoted a system of separate and unequal justice. SB 10 puts all Californians on equal footing before the law and makes public safety the only consideration in pre-trial detention. This critical reform is long overdue," Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins said in the release.

By the way, New Jersey already has this system in place
Dude, I know more cops than you know people.

It’s just a way to get more criminals loose on the street again.
The judge can refuse to let them go if he determines that they pose a threat.
Maybe you should try to understand the issue before spouting off about it

California Becomes First US State to Eliminate Bail for Suspects Awaiting Trial

By the way, New Jersey already has this system in place
And conservatives are proving yet again that their alleged beliefs in freedom and liberty are nothing but bullshit slogans. You wave your flag around and talk about the Constitution while you prop up the police state.

How so? Tell us, you don't think that left wing judges will now use this to let violent gun offenders out of prison even more quickly than they have before?
I know that left wing judges will NOT use this to let violent gun offenders out of prison . Several states have this type of system in place for a while. Show us some statistics supporting you claim or shut the hell up.


Maryland governor proposes "truth in sentencing" rules for gun crimes

What Governor Hogan is focusing on is the relatively light sentences that persons convicted of gun crimes receive, many of whom do no time in jail at all.

Afterward, Hogan said he was frustrated that violent repeat offenders are not receiving long prison sentences.

“We keep putting the same exact violent people on the streets,” Hogan said. “We’ve got to get them off the streets.”

Some of the statistics that the Governor and the Police Chief are highlighting are truly alarming. The majority of the murders involve gang members as both the perpetrator and the victim.

And on average, these shooting victims have themselves been arrested ten times previously. How on Earth do criminals have that many contacts with the legal system and not wind up being taken off the battlefield?

In any event, Hogan announced that he wants the state legislature to step in and do what the city tried, but failed to accomplish. They need tougher sentencing for gun crimes and those sentences need to mean something. Hogan was quoted as saying, “if you say you’re going to get this number of years, you’re going to get that number of years.” And presumably he means that you’re actually going to do that number of years.

He’s not going to have an easy time of it. Maryland’s Attorney General, Brian Frosh, came out right after Hogan’s remarks and contradicted most of them. He claims to never have agreed to any sort of truth in sentencing law and immediately pivoted to blaming their crime problem on…. Donald Trump.
Yes there are weakness in the criminal justice system, but that is a separate issue from bail reform. You're just throwing out a red herring because you can't deal with the facts and logic being presented that supports what Ca. and others are doing

No.... I am showing actual cities that are being destroyed by judges given too much leeway to allow violent, known, repeat gun offenders back on the street. This means that witnesses and victims have even less reason to cooperate with police because these judges are putting the shooters back in their neighborhoods where they can kill and silence witnesses and victims.
Yes, Yes, Fucking Yes ! Some judges are too liberal and lenient. Some ar e just stupid. I get that. That needs to be addressed, but it is NOT a reason to keep low risk people in jail pending trial just because they can't afford bail. What the fuck is so wrong with you that you can't get that?
While this may or may not turn out to be a good thing overall in the long run, one thing it does is it gives judges more power to retain select individuals.
in the old system, you were pretty much guaranteed a way out of jail at least temporarily because in most cases, bail had to be set.

Now, a judge could arbitrarily decide who walks and who stays behind bars. In a system where judges have been shown time and time again to rule or legislate based on political ideology rather than the law, this could spell serious disadvantages for those finding themselves before hard left judges in cases where there is ANY pre-disposition of having some affiliation with any opposition political ideology. The extent to which this sets up certain groups has yet to be seen.

Just pointing it out. Of course, it gives Conservative judges equal power....but proportionally, how many conservative judges are there in liberal California or liberal NJ?

For the most part, I hold actions deemed "great" by liberals and Progressives with contempt.

Some good reading on the matter......
The Anniversary of Bail Reform | New Jersey Law Journal

Thank you but it appears that one has to be a member of a law firm in order to register and read very much. However, from the little that I can access, it appear that the information supports my position on bail reform. Can you explain that ? I hold people who ignore the injustice of cash bail in contempt.
While this may or may not turn out to be a good thing overall in the long run, one thing it does is it gives judges more power to retain select individuals.
in the old system, you were pretty much guaranteed a way out of jail at least temporarily because in most cases, bail had to be set.

Now, a judge could arbitrarily decide who walks and who stays behind bars. In a system where judges have been shown time and time again to rule or legislate based on political ideology rather than the law, this could spell serious disadvantages for those finding themselves before hard left judges in cases where there is ANY pre-disposition of having some affiliation with any opposition political ideology. The extent to which this sets up certain groups has yet to be seen.

Just pointing it out. Of course, it gives Conservative judges equal power....but proportionally, how many conservative judges are there in liberal California or liberal NJ?

For the most part, I hold actions deemed "great" by liberals and Progressives with contempt.

Some good reading on the matter......
The Anniversary of Bail Reform | New Jersey Law Journal

Thank you but it appears that one has to be a member of a law firm in order to register and read very much. However, from the little that I can access, it appear that the information supports my position on bail reform. Can you explain that ? I hold people who ignore the injustice of cash bail in contempt.

One can usually find the POV they prefer if they search the "correct" sources.

Did you see my remark "While this may or may not turn out to be a good thing overall in the long run" ?

You see, I really didn't say you were totally wrong (even if you are) because I need more info on this.
But the point I made about judges ability to detain certain people seems evident.

Can you provide evidence otherwise?
Since when do judges have access to everyone's voting record?

Noone said they did.

Generally speaking, it's better to be thought a fool and keep your mouth closed, than to open it and remove all doubt.

Read the thread next time. This was covered in a prior post.

in cases where there is ANY pre-disposition of having some affiliation with any opposition political ideology. The extent to which this sets up certain groups has yet to be seen.
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Since when do judges have access to everyone's voting record?

Noone said they did.

Generally speaking, it's better to be thought a fool and keep your mouth closed, than to open it and remove all doubt.

Read the thread next time. This was covered in a prior post.

in cases where there is ANY pre-disposition of having some affiliation with any opposition political ideology. The extent to which this sets up certain groups has yet to be seen.

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