California v New York: Good corona, Bad corona.


California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

Democrat plantations. Out west we're much more spread out. Urban jungles are bad for your health. They started fortifying milk with vitamin d because the urban canyons didn't get any sunshine and the kids were getting rickets. Out west we're always walking, hiking, jogging, camping, boating, skiing, we live for the sunshine and it's more comfortable outside without all the humidity. We eat healthier. Most people in danger from viruses are overweight, have high blood pressure and hypertension. We naturally social distance because we have the space.
Well if ya think about these things you can live a healthy life style here in the east . I do not think they tink about such things any more. I was talking to a 20 some thing the other day who said he has never drank water in his life just pop. I am standing there thinking how the hell are you still alive? It is fucking crazy the bad habbits I see today and when I point them out they look at me like I am crazy.

Drier climates are naturally healthier. When it starts to warm up and the humidity starts to come up people stay indoors in air conditioning. Dry heat doesn't chase you in doors and is more comfortable to be out in the sun. Vitamin D is probably the most important thing for immune health.
It certainly can be explained by lock-downs. It's always the same virus the only difference is the numbers of exposures.
Bullshit. Are you telling me the entire state of California went into immediate lock down and New Yorkers have been dancing in the streets? There are multiple factors involved in the spread or containment of this virus.
Population density has magnified the severity in NY but there is only one factor in actually getting infected, exposure. Limiting exposure way early seems to have made all the difference. Many Americans seem to be grappling with the harsh reality of exponential growth. The only practical experience they might have is with high interest credit cards. Early and aggressive action is like paying off the balance every month while waiting is like late paying the minimum amount for a long time.
And how pray tell did the 40 million Californians limit exposure early on? Have you ever been to L.A. or San Francisco or San Diego? Did they self impose a travel ban? Did they immediately all start wearing masks? Are you telling me those are not population dense cities? Look at their virus numbers. They are a tiny tiny fraction of the carnage going on in New York City. Let's figure out why.
I told you why, population density plus early action. I also brought up the example of compound interest to illustrate how numbers can quickly explode. The cold, hard math of it all is baffling some Americans.
And for everyone reported.................10 .....20.......50.......not reported..............No one knows............the early damage there will lead to Herd Immunity...and then the spread will stop or be greatly lower........

Be nice to get tests to find out how many really have already had it.............LOL

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

Democrat plantations. Out west we're much more spread out. Urban jungles are bad for your health. They started fortifying milk with vitamin d because the urban canyons didn't get any sunshine and the kids were getting rickets. Out west we're always walking, hiking, jogging, camping, boating, skiing, we live for the sunshine and it's more comfortable outside without all the humidity. We eat healthier. Most people in danger from viruses are overweight, have high blood pressure and hypertension. We naturally social distance because we have the space.
Well if ya think about these things you can live a healthy life style here in the east . I do not think they tink about such things any more. I was talking to a 20 some thing the other day who said he has never drank water in his life just pop. I am standing there thinking how the hell are you still alive? It is fucking crazy the bad habbits I see today and when I point them out they look at me like I am crazy.

Drier climates are naturally healthier. When it starts to warm up and the humidity starts to come up people stay indoors in air conditioning. Dry heat doesn't chase you in doors and is more comfortable to be out in the sun. Vitamin D is probably the most important thing for immune health.
Dry is absolutely easier to stay healthy in. There are things one can do to mitigate the effects of humidity if one is concerned. One thing I do is get up at 430 in the morning so I can excercize in the cool. It also helps me show up on time so thaqt I can have my boat postioned over a reef by the time the sun comes up. My charter clientel likes to have thier pole in the water by sun rise. I spend some winters out west to enjoy that life style. I may work a whale watching boat this winter.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

Democrat plantations. Out west we're much more spread out. Urban jungles are bad for your health. They started fortifying milk with vitamin d because the urban canyons didn't get any sunshine and the kids were getting rickets. Out west we're always walking, hiking, jogging, camping, boating, skiing, we live for the sunshine and it's more comfortable outside without all the humidity. We eat healthier. Most people in danger from viruses are overweight, have high blood pressure and hypertension. We naturally social distance because we have the space.
Well if ya think about these things you can live a healthy life style here in the east . I do not think they tink about such things any more. I was talking to a 20 some thing the other day who said he has never drank water in his life just pop. I am standing there thinking how the hell are you still alive? It is fucking crazy the bad habbits I see today and when I point them out they look at me like I am crazy.

Drier climates are naturally healthier. When it starts to warm up and the humidity starts to come up people stay indoors in air conditioning. Dry heat doesn't chase you in doors and is more comfortable to be out in the sun. Vitamin D is probably the most important thing for immune health.
Dry is absolutely easier to stay healthy in. There are things one can do to mitigate the effects of humidity if one is concerned. One thing I do is get up at 430 in the morning so I can excercize in the cool. It also helps me show up on time so thaqt I can have my boat postioned over a reef by the time the sun comes up. My charter clientel likes to have thier pole in the water by sun rise. I spend some winters out west to enjoy that life style. I may work a whale watching boat this winter.
Flu's .........viruses love dry air.........moisture in the droplets carry further......

The virus hates HUMIDITY.....weighs it down and drops quicker....doesn't travel as far........Google it....they recommend using humidifiers in waiting areas to lower the spread.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.
Yeah, it's not winter six months of the year in California.
I lived in California
They have three seasons. Green,Brown and Black

Green in winter and early spring.
Brown come summer
Black when the grass fires start

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

Democrat plantations. Out west we're much more spread out. Urban jungles are bad for your health. They started fortifying milk with vitamin d because the urban canyons didn't get any sunshine and the kids were getting rickets. Out west we're always walking, hiking, jogging, camping, boating, skiing, we live for the sunshine and it's more comfortable outside without all the humidity. We eat healthier. Most people in danger from viruses are overweight, have high blood pressure and hypertension. We naturally social distance because we have the space.
Well if ya think about these things you can live a healthy life style here in the east . I do not think they tink about such things any more. I was talking to a 20 some thing the other day who said he has never drank water in his life just pop. I am standing there thinking how the hell are you still alive? It is fucking crazy the bad habbits I see today and when I point them out they look at me like I am crazy.

Drier climates are naturally healthier. When it starts to warm up and the humidity starts to come up people stay indoors in air conditioning. Dry heat doesn't chase you in doors and is more comfortable to be out in the sun. Vitamin D is probably the most important thing for immune health.
Dry is absolutely easier to stay healthy in. There are things one can do to mitigate the effects of humidity if one is concerned. One thing I do is get up at 430 in the morning so I can excercize in the cool. It also helps me show up on time so thaqt I can have my boat postioned over a reef by the time the sun comes up. My charter clientel likes to have thier pole in the water by sun rise. I spend some winters out west to enjoy that life style. I may work a whale watching boat this winter.

Well they just shut down Lake Powell and I'm seriously pissed. I bought a new boat last year, just 83 hours on it and this year was going to be all lake all the time. We've had well above average snowfall 3 out of the last 4 years, the lake is back up and the fish are fat and happy. Now I have a driveway ornament full of gas.
California has nearly 40 million people. New York about 20 million. Both coastal cities. Both with massive numbers of international travelers. How is it that California's large cities have been virtually unscathed by the virus while New York city is ground zero for American deaths? The enormous difference is number of deaths between these states cannot be explained with who did what lock downs and when. We need to really dig into why our two largest states could have completely different results in this outbreak. We need to drop the politicking, our country's future depends on us understanding these kinds of disparities.

Los Angeles doesn't have mass transit. New York does. Big difference. Subway systems spread viruses like crazy with millions of people packed into subway trains every day. The virus lives best on hard surfaces so the virus on the train in the morning is there all day for every rider to pick up.

The corona virus spread in New York because one guy rode the subway train daily while contagious.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.
Yeah, it's not winter six months of the year in California.
I had to stay home this winter to finish a divorce and yes it was more difficult to stay healthy. I did alot of hunting and hiking. I also spent a month in florida deep sea fishing. That all being said I head south most winters to stay out doors. I fell in love with kayaking florida this winter. I would get off that deep sea boat in the after noon then kayak and fish fresh water in the after noon. Fun month

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

California doesn't have everyone stacked up in high rises blowing snot all over each other.
I think yall have figured out the differeence and I may add that california people tend to lead a more out door healthy life style than new yorkers.

Democrat plantations. Out west we're much more spread out. Urban jungles are bad for your health. They started fortifying milk with vitamin d because the urban canyons didn't get any sunshine and the kids were getting rickets. Out west we're always walking, hiking, jogging, camping, boating, skiing, we live for the sunshine and it's more comfortable outside without all the humidity. We eat healthier. Most people in danger from viruses are overweight, have high blood pressure and hypertension. We naturally social distance because we have the space.
Well if ya think about these things you can live a healthy life style here in the east . I do not think they tink about such things any more. I was talking to a 20 some thing the other day who said he has never drank water in his life just pop. I am standing there thinking how the hell are you still alive? It is fucking crazy the bad habbits I see today and when I point them out they look at me like I am crazy.

Drier climates are naturally healthier. When it starts to warm up and the humidity starts to come up people stay indoors in air conditioning. Dry heat doesn't chase you in doors and is more comfortable to be out in the sun. Vitamin D is probably the most important thing for immune health.
Dry is absolutely easier to stay healthy in. There are things one can do to mitigate the effects of humidity if one is concerned. One thing I do is get up at 430 in the morning so I can excercize in the cool. It also helps me show up on time so thaqt I can have my boat postioned over a reef by the time the sun comes up. My charter clientel likes to have thier pole in the water by sun rise. I spend some winters out west to enjoy that life style. I may work a whale watching boat this winter.

Well they just shut down Lake Powell and I'm seriously pissed. I bought a new boat last year, just 83 hours on it and this year was going to be all lake all the time. We've had well above average snowfall 3 out of the last 4 years, the lake is back up and the fish are fat and happy. Now I have a driveway ornament full of gas.
So you know exactly how I feel right now. I am freeking misabale. If it were not for the girl half my age wanting to break some social distancing regs this afternoon. I would have absolutely nothing to look forward to.
California has nearly 40 million people. New York about 20 million. Both coastal cities. Both with massive numbers of international travelers. How is it that California's large cities have been virtually unscathed by the virus while New York city is ground zero for American deaths? The enormous difference is number of deaths between these states cannot be explained with who did what lock downs and when. We need to really dig into why our two largest states could have completely different results in this outbreak. We need to drop the politicking, our country's future depends on us understanding these kinds of disparities.

Los Angeles doesn't have mass transit. New York does. Big difference. Subway systems spread viruses like crazy with millions of people packed into subway trains every day. The virus lives best on hard surfaces so the virus on the train in the morning is there all day for every rider to pick up.

The corona virus spread in New York because one guy rode the subway train daily while contagious.
California does not have high rises and skyscrapers like NYC because of earthquakes.

Try riding in an elevator and figuring who pressed the buttons before you.
California has nearly 40 million people. New York about 20 million. Both coastal cities. Both with massive numbers of international travelers. How is it that California's large cities have been virtually unscathed by the virus while New York city is ground zero for American deaths? The enormous difference is number of deaths between these states cannot be explained with who did what lock downs and when. We need to really dig into why our two largest states could have completely different results in this outbreak. We need to drop the politicking, our country's future depends on us understanding these kinds of disparities.

Los Angeles doesn't have mass transit. New York does. Big difference. Subway systems spread viruses like crazy with millions of people packed into subway trains every day. The virus lives best on hard surfaces so the virus on the train in the morning is there all day for every rider to pick up.

The corona virus spread in New York because one guy rode the subway train daily while contagious.
California does not have high rises and skyscrapers like NYC because of earthquakes.

Try riding in an elevator and figuring who pressed the buttons before you.
Lack of skyscrapers might be one factor. Extensive use of subways might be another factor. Climate might be another factor. Health and age of city residents might be another factor. Etc. Etc. Etc.
It certainly can be explained by lock-downs. It's always the same virus the only difference is the numbers of exposures.
Bullshit. Are you telling me the entire state of California went into immediate lock down and New Yorkers have been dancing in the streets? There are multiple factors involved in the spread or containment of this virus.
Population density has magnified the severity in NY but there is only one factor in actually getting infected, exposure. Limiting exposure way early seems to have made all the difference. Many Americans seem to be grappling with the harsh reality of exponential growth. The only practical experience they might have is with high interest credit cards. Early and aggressive action is like paying off the balance every month while waiting is like late paying the minimum amount for a long time.
And how pray tell did the 40 million Californians limit exposure early on? Have you ever been to L.A. or San Francisco or San Diego? Did they self impose a travel ban? Did they immediately all start wearing masks? Are you telling me those are not population dense cities? Look at their virus numbers. They are a tiny tiny fraction of the carnage going on in New York City. Let's figure out why.
I told you why, population density plus early action. I also brought up the example of compound interest to illustrate how numbers can quickly explode. The cold, hard math of it all is baffling some Americans.
Yeah, plus at least a half a dozen other factors all of which in some proportion led to the stunning difference in outcomes between California and New York.
New York has something California does not. A reliance on mass transportation and jamming thousands of people into high rise buildings.

Squeeze yourself onto a subway car or elevator and see how quickly the virus spreads

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Good point, actually. New York really needs to close down the Hell Hole Subway system.

It would have been much more effective than closing restaurants
California also has a lot more people crapping in the streets, which attracts cholera, e coli , typhus, tetanus and other pathogens. Do the established pathogens fight against the Chinese Kung Flu viruses, as they don't want them on their turf?

That could also explain why California has relatively few corona cases.

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