California's War With Trump Part Of A Democrat Plan Of Economic Oppression

California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!
Strange. Somebody is trying to falsely accuse their fellow Americans of having a "government ownership of almost everything in sight" ideology.
That shit for brains president of ours will lose if he goes to war with California. That's a golldurned certainty.
California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.
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California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

I used to work in SF... you can't walk a block without stumbling over homeless people. And don't go to the Castro, they're literally urinating on each other in the streets. Basically, don't wander far from Beach Street or Pier 39.
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world? I'll take two please.

Give CA the same weather as Nebraska and you'll have a place more fucked up than Detroit.

Actually, CA is functionally bankrupt so one can argue it is there already. Just ask the people of Stockton and the pensioners of San Diego...or ask the workers of the dozens of hospitals that closed because they had to provide healthcare for so many illegals who did not pay their bills...

But the REAL fun will start when CALPERS has to start paying out pensions but has guaranteed a 7%+ rate of return in an era of near-zero interest rates - the taxes are going to go through the roof in CA, and the already-existing mass exodus to neighboring states will explode. How do you dimwits think oregon and Wash state are so liberal? Its all the moronic californians exporting their idiotic economic ideas as they leave CA to move to a state with rational taxes.
Years ago many of the druggies that grew up in the same community were moving to Oregon. Those were generally upper middle class that had or were working on their degrees to be doctors and lawyers. Refugees and foreigners from all over the world were being relocated into the cities. Citrus groves were being bulldozed to make way for more housing in order to create a bigger tax base. Illegal aliens were coming in from Mexico by the hordes and in not too many years after that the push to give those illegals amnesty was granted. Where did California go wrong?

I forgot to add into that Kaiser Steel closed and sold its hospital system to investors and then went for social medicine that was taxpayer funded.
Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

But anyone who's middle-class and lived in California knows exactly what I'm talking about. Rent is $1200-2500 /mo.

Buying a decent home for less than $250k is next to impossible in San Diego, San Fran, or L.A.
Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

But anyone who's middle-class and lived in California knows exactly what I'm talking about. Rent is $1200-2500 /mo.

Buying a decent home for less than $250k is next to impossible in San Diego, San Fran, or L.A.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

What better way to create a permanent underclass and at the same time create absolute dependency of the voters to government than pick a fight with the federal government.

In 3rd world banana republic dictators need a desperate and dependent country that is literally on the edge of starvation to stay in power. Perhaps this is why Democrats openly admire the Fidel Castros and similar totalitarian leaders. This is a product of liberal mindset based in communist upbringing. It seems that the only folks that admire communism the most never had to live under it.

California is daring Trump to withhold federal funds, or at least Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown is. What better way to get his transplanted immigrant population behind him than to give them a Devil to hate.

California gave Hillary most of her imaginary popular vote advantage in a highly suspect election. They flouted election laws by allowing millions of illegals to vote and now they're threatening to withhold their federal taxes, yet another act of defiance that will create a massive legal problem for the president.

BTW, many criminals in US history skated the law only to get thrown in prison for income tax evasion. I sincerely hope Jerry Brown tries this.

If Trump does try to take away California’s federal dollars, he faces a rough time
I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

But anyone who's middle-class and lived in California knows exactly what I'm talking about. Rent is $1200-2500 /mo.

Buying a decent home for less than $250k is next to impossible in San Diego, San Fran, or L.A.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
They made the same mistake about Trump too.

Problem with the left is getting serious isn’t in their DNA. Libs are just like California. Some of them are living a fantasy....riding in their limos past the people who have to live in the real world, who put bars on their windows and quit working because it's easier to just collect benefits.
Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?

I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

How many years?

Cause I keep hearing this very statement form conservatives for years and years and years and years already. At which point would you say it becomes just good ol' special pleading?

What better way to create a permanent underclass and at the same time create absolute dependency of the voters to government than pick a fight with the federal government.

In 3rd world banana republic dictators need a desperate and dependent country that is literally on the edge of starvation to stay in power. Perhaps this is why Democrats openly admire the Fidel Castros and similar totalitarian leaders. This is a product of liberal mindset based in communist upbringing. It seems that the only folks that admire communism the most never had to live under it.

California is daring Trump to withhold federal funds, or at least Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown is. What better way to get his transplanted immigrant population behind him than to give them a Devil to hate.

California gave Hillary most of her imaginary popular vote advantage in a highly suspect election. They flouted election laws by allowing millions of illegals to vote and now they're threatening to withhold their federal taxes, yet another act of defiance that will create a massive legal problem for the president.

BTW, many criminals in US history skated the law only to get thrown in prison for income tax evasion. I sincerely hope Jerry Brown tries this.

If Trump does try to take away California’s federal dollars, he faces a rough time
California is among the least dependent States, for federal dollars.
lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

But anyone who's middle-class and lived in California knows exactly what I'm talking about. Rent is $1200-2500 /mo.

Buying a decent home for less than $250k is next to impossible in San Diego, San Fran, or L.A.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
They made the same mistake about Trump too.

Problem with the left is getting serious isn’t in their DNA. Libs are just like California. Some of them are living a fantasy....riding in their limos past the people who have to live in the real world, who put bars on their windows and quit working because it's easier to just collect benefits.
what mistakes? the electoral college put him in; not The People.
I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

How many years?

Cause I keep hearing this very statement form conservatives for years and years and years and years already. At which point would you say it becomes just good ol' special pleading?
just hearsay and soothsay, on a potential contingency basis, is all the right wing has.
I'm entertained by calling people out on their short-sighted ignorance.
A handful of giant companies and a few thousand people are kicking ass in California and inflating all the econ numbers, meanwhile the rest of the state is in social and economic turmoil. Then there's your type...who have their head way up their ass...they play pretend and act as if California isn't the filthy shithole full of bottom feeders that it is.
Funny stuff!

lol - have you ever actually been to California? It says you have in your profile but I've been to much of it and it is a beautiful place. There is a reason so many people want to live there, there is reason why so many come to vacation there and real estate is so expensive.

You just sound like a total politico nutter when you say it's a shithole.

As in Rio de Janeiro...going on vacation there is very different from living there.

Wow, do you seriously want to compare socio-economic state of Rio and California?
Not now......give it a few more years.

How many years?

Cause I keep hearing this very statement form conservatives for years and years and years and years already. At which point would you say it becomes just good ol' special pleading?
Well, I lived in California from 1977- 1984 and owned property there till 2006. The difference was alarming when I went back to sell my house. Democrats are flooding California with illegals at breakneck speed chasing out alot of the businesses and earners. A guess Southern California will soon become a slightly better version of Mexico. I'm just glad I got out at the right time. Try figuring out why L.A. can't seem to hang onto an NFL franchise.

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