Caller to Rush asks


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
how can the administration prove beyond the shadow of a doubt...and in a matter of days gather all the proof about.....what happened in Syria...when it cant answer any other questions about Benghazi to the IRS and all the other investigations?
You are not allowed to ask this administration non approved questions.
What if their current info about Syria is as faulty as how they snooped out that video was the cause for the Benghazi debacle?

This administration has zero credibility with anyone. The whole world is laughing at our jackass-in-chief the low information dopes elected.

Walk softly and carry a sign...It's Bush's Fault!!!
They're lying about this just as they lied about Benghazi. Except this time he's trying to make us believe he knows the whole truth, but I think it's all in whatever his plan is. And they never intended to tell us the truth about Benghazi and I doubt they ever will.
how can the administration prove beyond the shadow of a doubt...and in a matter of days gather all the proof about.....what happened in Syria...when it cant answer any other questions about Benghazi to the IRS and all the other investigations?

You know the answer to that :D

They only ‘know’ things that are politically helpful. Everything else relies on plausible deniability.
how can the administration prove beyond the shadow of a doubt...and in a matter of days gather all the proof about.....what happened in Syria...when it cant answer any other questions about Benghazi to the IRS and all the other investigations?

You know the answer to that :D

They only ‘know’ things that are politically helpful. Everything else relies on plausible deniability.

Then I would call on the libs to stop bending over for him.

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