Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Anyone who does not believe the holocaust happened is either a liar or incredibly naive. Hard to believe anyone could doubt it after all the evidence, eyewitnesses, survivor testimonies.

Those who deny it have an agenda. Imo.


Perhaps. But what about those who tirelessly attack those who dispute the versions of events we've all grown-up hearing? If the official narrative is so firmly rooted in the truth, why go to such lengths to discredit and destroy those who oppose disagree? Surely such facts will stand-up against any additional scrutiny?

Because it's not simply 'those who dispute the versions of events we've all grown-up hearing' - it is "those who refuse to acknowledge the MOUNTAINS of direct evidence for that narrative". It is that "those who refuse to acknowledge" have an agenda - the same elements are consistent from 'denier' to 'denier'. And it is that the agenda which they have in common is a combination of seeking to exonerate/whitewash Nazi evil - and seeking to vilify the (Jewish) victims as 'deserving' of the abuse and genocide.

In short, the 'deniers' are Nazi-suckers, in every possible pejorative sense of that phrase.
As the so called holocaust survivors die off due to age.

And the alleged event becomes ancient history.

The arcane holocaust denial laws will slowly be rescinded.

Thus allowing for true unfettered scholarly discussions to take place as to what really happened and why they happened.......... :cool:

No it won't. The jury is in. It was a holocaust and the world agrees with......never again. So watch out.

Just because the Jews say, "Never again" doesn't mean it ain't gonna happen again.

History has shown that it will......... :cool:
Because it's not simply 'those who dispute the versions of events we've all grown-up hearing' - it is "those who refuse to acknowledge the MOUNTAINS of direct evidence for that narrative". It is that "those who refuse to acknowledge" have an agenda - the same elements are consistent from 'denier' to 'denier'. And it is that the agenda which they have in common is a combination of seeking to exonerate/whitewash Nazi evil - and seeking to vilify the (Jewish) victims as 'deserving' of the abuse and genocide.

I am unabashedly a holocaust revisionist; but I have never tried to whitewash nazi crimes, nor is my goal to vilify the jews.

I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:
There is no legislation covering Holocaust Denial in the United Kingdom. Otherwise the leader of the BNP and European Minister, Nick Griffin, would've been put behind bars a long time ago.

You're at liberty to deny the Holocaust. But, along with every other nation in the Western world, even the United States, you'll have your reputation dragged through the mud by the national and international media as a result of questioning the version of events in that particular period of modern history. Strange (suspicious, even) how incredibly selective the media are in their ire concerning the re-examination of history.

I was thinking that was probably true of the UK.

I don't know what you mean by selective media though. In general I don't think the public or media have much time for people who are out-and-out lying, whether it is denying that straight people can get AIDS, claiming Israelis were responsible for 9/11, claiming CO2 is good for us, or that the Holocause never happened.

Society has moved on from those issues with general consensus, and I don't see a problem with that. It doesn't mean any new angle wouldn't be explored or published if it had merit.

Society may have moved-on, but the press certainly haven't.

You'd be either incredibly out-of-touch or incredibly dishonest if you argued against the liklihood of a politician, historian or celebrity going on public record and saying that they had doubts over events, data and/or witness testimony surrounding the Holocaust without incurring the indignant wrath of the international media.

And why should anyone have a problem with such a media response?

Care to give us an example of exactly what statements you imagine are 'legitimate critcism' of the current narrative?
Because it's not simply 'those who dispute the versions of events we've all grown-up hearing' - it is "those who refuse to acknowledge the MOUNTAINS of direct evidence for that narrative". It is that "those who refuse to acknowledge" have an agenda - the same elements are consistent from 'denier' to 'denier'. And it is that the agenda which they have in common is a combination of seeking to exonerate/whitewash Nazi evil - and seeking to vilify the (Jewish) victims as 'deserving' of the abuse and genocide.

I am unabashedly a holocaust revisionist; but I have never tried to whitewash nazi crimes, nor is my goal to vilify the jews.

I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:

Suuuuure, you don't intend to vilify a people of whom you've said "Greed is in their DNA" - is it possible you truly don't understand how vile an insult that was?
As the so called holocaust survivors die off due to age.

And the alleged event becomes ancient history.

The arcane holocaust denial laws will slowly be rescinded.

Thus allowing for true unfettered scholarly discussions to take place as to what really happened and why they happened.......... :cool:

So do Muslims and holocaust deniers like you. :cool:
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Suuuuure, you don't intend to vilify a people of whom you've said "Greed is in their DNA" - is it possible you truly don't understand how vile an insult that was?
I didn't see it as an insult at all.

According to the Torah the Hebrew people are blessed with the ability to acquire wealth.

Whether this blessing is spiritual, genetic, or both, I don't really know?

But the stereotype of the jews ability to easily acquire and possess a lot of money is seen by most people to be true........ :cool:
I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:

And yet you have zero interest in German camp records, and have never visited one of the camps.

So quite how interested are you?

The truth IS out and has been for years - you just haven't bothered to look at it.
I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:

And yet you have zero interest in German camp records, and have never visited one of the camps.

So quite how interested are you?

The truth IS out and has been for years - you just haven't bothered to look at it.
Believe me, I have spent countless hours reading and studying both sides of the holocaust story.

And I have found many discrepancies in the official story......... :cool:
I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:

And yet you have zero interest in German camp records, and have never visited one of the camps.

So quite how interested are you?

The truth IS out and has been for years - you just haven't bothered to look at it.
Believe me, I have spent countless hours reading and studying both sides of the holocaust story.

And I have found many discrepancies in the official story......... :cool:

But in all due respect, the only sources you have provided for all that reading and studying are blatantly and intentional anti-semitic sites. Which of course, to serious researchers, would raise questions about the competency of your conclusions.
But in all due respect, the only sources you have provided for all that reading and studying are blatantly and intentional anti-semitic sites. Which of course, to serious researchers, would raise questions about the competency of your conclusions.
I would like for the holocaust debate to be allowed into the universities and historical organizations.

But currently, no academic dare risk their career by objectively studying the subject.

So all we have are laymen and fringe groups addressing the subject.

Not a good situation......... :cool:
But in all due respect, the only sources you have provided for all that reading and studying are blatantly and intentional anti-semitic sites. Which of course, to serious researchers, would raise questions about the competency of your conclusions.
I would like for the holocaust debate to be allowed into the universities and historical organizations.

But currently, no academic dare risk their career by objectively studying the subject.

So all we have are laymen and fringe groups addressing the subject.

Not a good situation......... :cool:

You forgot imbeciles like you. :cool:
But in all due respect, the only sources you have provided for all that reading and studying are blatantly and intentional anti-semitic sites. Which of course, to serious researchers, would raise questions about the competency of your conclusions.
I would like for the holocaust debate to be allowed into the universities and historical organizations.

But currently, no academic dare risk their career by objectively studying the subject.

So all we have are laymen and fringe groups addressing the subject.

Not a good situation......... :cool:

Now Sunni, you know I don't have any serious axes to grind with you, though we strongly disagree on history and Israel, etc., but you are just being silly now. I almost audited a course that focused on the Holocaust at UNM here in Albuquerque a few years ago. Work interferred though.

But here's the real skinny on that:

1. What official directives from government ministries and/or local authorities regarding the teaching of the Holocaust exist in your country? Please attach these directives to your answer.

In the United States, the 50 individual states, not the federal government, are primarily responsible for education policy. Therefore, there is no national curriculum or course of study on the Holocaust that has been created by the government of the United States.

Five states have enacted laws requiring the teaching of the Holocaust. This is known as creating a "legislative mandate." These states are: California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. Of these five, Florida and New Jersey have created extensive and detailed curricula and guides for the teaching of the Holocaust through their independent state commissions. New York and California have both created less detailed guides through their respective state departments of education, while Illinois has created neither a curriculum nor guides.

Ten other states have regulations encouraging or recommending the teaching of the Holocaust: Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Washington. These regulations are either enacted by state legislatures or by state governors. Those created by the legislature are known as "legislative regulations," while those created by state governors are known as "executive regulations."

Twelve states have also created Holocaust commissions or councils that support Holocaust education: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. The scope of these commissions and councils varies widely from state to state.

Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia have social-studies standards that are crafted by their respective departments of education (the Alabama Department of Education, the South Dakota Department of Education, etc.). Teachers are required to address these standards-all of which include study of the Holocaust-in their classes. Iowa allows the local school districts to create their own standards, while Rhode Island relies on standards created by the National Center for History in the Schools of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

2. If the Holocaust is not a mandatory subject, what percentage of schools chooses to teach about the Holocaust?

Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia have created social-studies standards for their classrooms. As of early 2004, the Holocaust is explicitly named in 24 state standards (Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia) and the District of Columbia's; it is implicitly identified in the remaining 23 standards when, for example, teachers are asked to address the development and consequences of the policies of National Socialist Germany. As standards play an increasingly important role in U.S. education, it can be assumed that most schools address the subject of the Holocaust.
United States - Holocaust Education Report

In the United States, there are several colleges and universities that offer Holocaust education. Students can earn a minor, concentration, or certificate in Holocaust Studies or a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Master of Arts (MA) degree in Holocaust Studies. There is only one post-secondary school, Clark University, that offers a PhD in Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

Read more at Suite101: Holocaust Studies at US Colleges, Universities | Suite101 Holocaust Studies at US Colleges, Universities | Suite101
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Yes, the holocaust is taught extensively at schools here in the U.S.

But it's a one side dialogue with one point of view.

And any contrary debate is basically non existant.......... :cool:
As the so called holocaust survivors die off due to age.

And the alleged event becomes ancient history.

The arcane holocaust denial laws will slowly be rescinded.

Thus allowing for true unfettered scholarly discussions to take place as to what really happened and why they happened.......... :cool:

No it won't. The jury is in. It was a holocaust and the world agrees with......never again. So watch out.

Just because the Jews say, "Never again" doesn't mean it ain't gonna happen again.

History has shown that it will......... :cool:

Wrong! The WORLD says NEVER AGAIN. Got it? THE WORLD! We are sick of this anti - semitic hatred and you are winning yourselves no audience by continueing to speak so foolishly! - Jeremiah
Yes, the holocaust is taught extensively at schools here in the U.S.

But it's a one side dialogue with one point of view.

And any contrary debate is basically non existant.......... :cool:

Well since that has not been my experience, and I seem to have no problem whatsoever with locating all points of view on the subject, and have had no criticism from academics in exploring all those points of view, I have to believe the accurate history is not only studied but also researched and taught. You'll have to show me some better sources to support your opinion than you have so far provided to convince me that your opinion is not purely an invention of your own bias.
Suuuuure, you don't intend to vilify a people of whom you've said "Greed is in their DNA" - is it possible you truly don't understand how vile an insult that was?
I didn't see it as an insult at all.

According to the Torah the Hebrew people are blessed with the ability to acquire wealth.

Whether this blessing is spiritual, genetic, or both, I don't really know?

But the stereotype of the jews ability to easily acquire and possess a lot of money is seen by most people to be true........ :cool:

I have found the Jewish people to be among the most generous, kind hearted people I've ever met. - Jeremiah

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