Campaign in pictures


Looks like a white million man march.

So, they should apologize for being white? minorities seem to like your messiah.

Yeah, it’s not like she lost a billion dollars in a year or anything like your messiah.

Uhhh…you were saying???

View attachment 92241

It's not that he lost someone else's money. Unlike Hillary, $6 billion unaccounted from her Secretary of State tenure. Meh, it's just a few bucks and change...

meh, it’s not as if it was “lost”….but then again truthfulness is not you guys strong suit; right?
Looks like a white million man march.


At least he can get more than 20.

:lmao: Is thatt for real? Is that recently?

Yes. And yes.


Sucks that you have to ask….I guess when trumpians lie as often as you guys do, you don’t even trust each other after a few seconds..


No, it's just hard to believe a supposed poll leader would show up to 15 people in the middle of a field on a flatbed truck. Gaslighting, dude. We know Hillary can't win a legit election if this is all she can do.

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