Can a Catholic not like his communist Pope?

How is it that your God allowed Pope Frank to ascend to the top position that he now occupies if he truly is as you say he is? Surely your God does not allow for a communist pinko to lead Catholic in the free world now does He? ~ Susan
PS If Popes really gave a crap about any poor person one would think that anyone of them throughout history would have sold off an old master painting, or two of the many that are locked in the Vatican vaults to relieve that person's suffering, would one not? Money . . . it drives our economy and that, too, the economy of the Vatican. Can you imagine a Pope plucking off a valuable ring off of one of his fat little fingers to relieve the suffering of one of his sheep? Nawww . . . totally impossible as we all know if we had the courage not to delude ourselves.

Pope to raffle gifts given to him to raise money for the poor Reuters

Pope Francis Auctions Off His Harley-Davidson

Pope Francis auctions off gifts he has received from world leaders Daily Mail Online

He's definitely got a heart for people and for the poor, not the kind to keep aloof from the masses at all. He's at his best when ministering to people. I'm definitely touched by what I see as Christ like character in the man. But the other side of his persona is a craving for approval on the world stage and a compromise of the truth and the sacred mission of the Church in order to accommodate wordly, and dare I say Satanic, agendas. We all have our blindnesses. I just wish the person we choose to be the Vicar of Christ had fewer of them.

I could slap an "agree" on this post if it had stopped halfway.

Please elaborate on these "Satanic agendas".

Communism, global warming, and Islamic violence to silence free speech are Satanic agendas.

Any more questions?

Do you believe Pope Francis is the anti-Christ?

No, I believe he's the Vicar of Christ. His chief representative.

Regardless of what I think of his political views.

He's definitely got a heart for people and for the poor, not the kind to keep aloof from the masses at all. He's at his best when ministering to people. I'm definitely touched by what I see as Christ like character in the man. But the other side of his persona is a craving for approval on the world stage and a compromise of the truth and the sacred mission of the Church in order to accommodate wordly, and dare I say Satanic, agendas. We all have our blindnesses. I just wish the person we choose to be the Vicar of Christ had fewer of them.

I could slap an "agree" on this post if it had stopped halfway.

Please elaborate on these "Satanic agendas".

Communism, global warming, and Islamic violence to silence free speech are Satanic agendas.

Any more questions?

Do you believe Pope Francis is the anti-Christ?

No, I believe he's the Vicar of Christ. His chief representative.

Regardless of what I

think of his political views.

Ron Graham
The main point of that story wasn't about money! It is actually about the requirement of perfection to qualify for heaven under the Covenant of Law.

The money represented an idol. Obviously if you love money and not God, that would make it very hard to get into heaven.

But it's not just money idol. Any worship of other idols counts as well.

You must be an American neoconservative. You do everything you can to circumvent what Jesus actually said about material possessions, including money, and put your own spin on it. We get it. Your idols are wealth and unfettered capitalism which, in it's pure form is exploitative at best. Christianity is just a cover used by conservatives to operate clandestinely in the shadows. The new Pope has brought light to your shadowed world and has salvaged the altruistic nature of Christianity. That glorious beacon shines once again, thanks to the Pope . He is no communist for he believes in God and Christ.... Communists are, traditionally, atheists.
it is up to individuals and local churches and charities to support the poor and needy and hungry. It has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with government.

This thread is about the Pope being called a Communist. Where was your outrage when the op tried to tie a communist (government) bow around the Pope's neck? Neither the Papacy or Catholicism are government entities. But, now that you mention it, government has long played a role in supporting the needs of the poor though social programs designed for that purpose. Private philanthropy has never quite been up to the task of adequately caring for the poor and down trodden.
I hate to say it Catholics, but you may have to consider the fact that the Pope is not perfect. In fact, he may be demonic.
The main point of that story wasn't about money! It is actually about the requirement of perfection to qualify for heaven under the Covenant of Law.

The money represented an idol. Obviously if you love money and not God, that would make it very hard to get into heaven.

But it's not just money idol. Any worship of other idols counts as well.

You must be an American neoconservative. You do everything you can to circumvent what Jesus actually said about material possessions, including money, and put your own spin on it. We get it. Your idols are wealth and unfettered capitalism which, in it's pure form is exploitative at best. Christianity is just a cover used by conservatives to operate clandestinely in the shadows. The new Pope has brought light to your shadowed world and has salvaged the altruistic nature of Christianity. That glorious beacon shines once again, thanks to the Pope . He is no communist for he believes in God and Christ.... Communists are, traditionally, atheists.
Amazing how you communists have made piety out of stealing other people's property and claiming Jesus taught you to do so. We real Christians understand that Jesus is the same God that gave the commandments on Mt. Sinai. Thou shalt not covet. Thou shalt not steal. You are tares growing among wheat, pretending to be Christians while promoting the doctrine of demons. Communists shall take part in the eternal Lake of Fire unless you repent. Jesus knows who belongs to him and will separate the tares from the wheat and will bind the tares into bundles and cast them into everlasting fire.

I urge you to repent of your wickedness and beg for the mercy of God.
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it is up to individuals and local churches and charities to support the poor and needy and hungry. It has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with government.

This thread is about the Pope being called a Communist. Where was your outrage when the op tried to tie a communist (government) bow around the Pope's neck? Neither the Papacy or Catholicism are government entities. But, now that you mention it, government has long played a role in supporting the needs of the poor though social programs designed for that purpose. Private philanthropy has never quite been up to the task of adequately caring for the poor and down trodden.
There's a difference between social programs designed to help those in need and outright communism which holds all private property in contempt. I believe in Catholic social justice, that government and private charity should work hand in hand to address poverty and hunger.

And it bears mentioning that there are Popes in hell, a witness come back from the dead attesting to it. The office is divine, instituted by Christ himself, but some of the occupants were corrupt, evil men.
"But Francis distanced himself from communism, saying that previous pronouncements on economic policy and welfare derived from Church doctrine rather than any leftist ideology.

“Land, roof, and work … It’s odd, but for some, if I talk about these [subjects], it turns out the pope is a communist,” Francis quipped.

“The fact that the love for the poor is in the center of the gospel is misunderstood,” he said. “Those [values] for which you’re fighting for are sacred rights. It’s the Church’s social doctrine.”

The Popester focuses on the needs of the poor, and people accuse him of being a Stalinist. Horse feathers!

The Pope issues an environmental statement that it is our duty to care for the Garden, and the trolls come out of the wood works and bash him.

Consider the possibility that maybe Pope Francis is being led by the actual zeitgeist of the Gospels.
"But Francis distanced himself from communism, saying that previous pronouncements on economic policy and welfare derived from Church doctrine rather than any leftist ideology.

“Land, roof, and work … It’s odd, but for some, if I talk about these [subjects], it turns out the pope is a communist,” Francis quipped.

“The fact that the love for the poor is in the center of the gospel is misunderstood,” he said. “Those [values] for which you’re fighting for are sacred rights. It’s the Church’s social doctrine.”

The Popester focuses on the needs of the poor, and people accuse him of being a Stalinist. Horse feathers!

The Pope issues an environmental statement that it is our duty to care for the Garden, and the trolls come out of the wood works and bash him.

Consider the possibility that maybe Pope Francis is being led by the actual zeitgeist of the Gospels.

Oh, please . . . if Pope Frank really cared about the poor as you religious nutcases profess Christ cared about them, he'd, at the very least, sell off one of the many valuable paintings, which is now owned by the RCC and hung in one of their museums, to feed a few of the starving masses, now wouldn't he? ~ Susan
PS One would have to be an idiot not to see the hypocrisy comprised in organized religion . . . are you really a shepherd, Tree Shepherd, or are you, as I suspect, just one of many sheep which spew there righteous b.s. on this board?
"But Francis distanced himself from communism, saying that previous pronouncements on economic policy and welfare derived from Church doctrine rather than any leftist ideology.

“Land, roof, and work … It’s odd, but for some, if I talk about these [subjects], it turns out the pope is a communist,” Francis quipped.

“The fact that the love for the poor is in the center of the gospel is misunderstood,” he said. “Those [values] for which you’re fighting for are sacred rights. It’s the Church’s social doctrine.”

The Popester focuses on the needs of the poor, and people accuse him of being a Stalinist. Horse feathers!

The Pope issues an environmental statement that it is our duty to care for the Garden, and the trolls come out of the wood works and bash him.

Consider the possibility that maybe Pope Francis is being led by the actual zeitgeist of the Gospels.

Oh, please . . . if Pope Frank really cared about the poor as you religious nutcases profess Christ cared about them, he'd, at the very least, sell off one of the many valuable paintings, which is now owned by the RCC and hung in one of their museums, to feed a few of the starving masses, now wouldn't he? ~ Susan
PS One would have to be an idiot not to see the hypocrisy comprised in organized religion . . . are you really a shepherd, Tree Shepherd, or are you, as I suspect, just one of many sheep which spew there righteous b.s. on this board?
it's not as simple. I think Meri can answer this question.....
Oh, please . . . if Pope Frank really cared about the poor as you religious nutcases profess Christ cared about them, he'd, at the very least, sell off one of the many valuable paintings, which is now owned by the RCC and hung in one of their museums, to feed a few of the starving masses, now wouldn't he? ~ Susan
PS One would have to be an idiot not to see the hypocrisy comprised in organized religion . . . are you really a shepherd, Tree Shepherd, or are you, as I suspect, just one of many sheep which spew there righteous b.s. on this board?

Catholics, throughout the world, work tirelessly on behalf of the poor through missionaries and Catholic charities. If this wasn't in play, and there was no other way to help the poor, you might have a point.

Once a piece of art is sold, it can no longer contribute to the poor--and to the poor it would be only a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, instead of ending up in a private collection few see, art can inspire us to remember and continue our work as Christians on behalf of the poor.

When people sell their houses, and all that they have, as the best method to give to the poor (and in the process impoverishing themselves) perhaps then they can advise the Vatican City to impoverish itself--yet in someway continue to help the poor when there is nothing left to give.
Oh, please . . . if Pope Frank really cared about the poor as you religious nutcases profess Christ cared about them, he'd, at the very least, sell off one of the many valuable paintings, which is now owned by the RCC and hung in one of their museums, to feed a few of the starving masses, now wouldn't he? ~ Susan
PS One would have to be an idiot not to see the hypocrisy comprised in organized religion . . . are you really a shepherd, Tree Shepherd, or are you, as I suspect, just one of many sheep which spew there righteous b.s. on this board?

Catholics, throughout the world, work tirelessly on behalf of the poor through missionaries and Catholic charities. If this wasn't in play, and there was no other way to help the poor, you might have a point.

Once a piece of art is sold, it can no longer contribute to the poor--and to the poor it would be only a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, instead of ending up in a private collection few see, art can inspire us to remember and continue our work as Christians on behalf of the poor.

When people sell their houses, and all that they have, as the best method to give to the poor (and in the process impoverishing themselves) perhaps then they can advise the Vatican City to impoverish itself--yet in someway continue to help the poor when there is nothing left to give.

I've heard that Catholic Charities is the largest social safety net in the world.

I've volunteered before at St Vincent DePaul soup kitchens that directly feed the homeless and poor. You don't have to be a Catholic to go down there and wash some dishes or sweep the floors or help with the cooking.

At the Sacred Heart church down my street there's a lady who delivers ham and cheese sandwiches to the homeless every day.

But the point to stress is that all these programs are run on voluntary donations using volunteers for labor. Volunteerism is the opposite of State administered communism.
"But Francis distanced himself from communism, saying that previous pronouncements on economic policy and welfare derived from Church doctrine rather than any leftist ideology.

“Land, roof, and work … It’s odd, but for some, if I talk about these [subjects], it turns out the pope is a communist,” Francis quipped.

Yeah that is bizarre. But challenge them to articulate it, and they come up empty.

It's a mass gullibility issue. Used to be the masses could be bamboozled by a Church. Now they worship at the feet of the Internets and whatever hair-on-fire preacher blogger tickles their paranoia-bone. In both cases the missing element is a healthy skepticism. How far we've (failed to) come.
"But Francis distanced himself from communism, saying that previous pronouncements on economic policy and welfare derived from Church doctrine rather than any leftist ideology.

“Land, roof, and work … It’s odd, but for some, if I talk about these [subjects], it turns out the pope is a communist,” Francis quipped.

Yeah that is bizarre. But challenge them to articulate it, and they come up empty.

It's a mass gullibility issue. Used to be the masses could be bamboozled by a Church. Now they worship at the feet of the Internets and whatever hair-on-fire preacher blogger tickles their paranoia-bone. In both cases the missing element is a healthy skepticism. How far we've (failed to) come.

A healthy skepticism would include an unbiased analysis of historical Catholics who have had a healthy skepticism. Name a branch of science and you can find a Catholic among the pioneers. JFK had a healthy skepticism. Governor Brown (CA) is hardly a witch burner. 6 of our Supreme Court justices are Roman Catholic, representing a range of perspectives from conservative to moderate to liberal.

Catholicism is only fundamentalist on a few issues of faith which have no bearing on a healthy skepticism in regards to science, secular government or law.
Oh, please . . . if Pope Frank really cared about the poor as you religious nutcases profess Christ cared about them, he'd, at the very least, sell off one of the many valuable paintings, which is now owned by the RCC and hung in one of their museums, to feed a few of the starving masses, now wouldn't he? ~ Susan
PS One would have to be an idiot not to see the hypocrisy comprised in organized religion . . . are you really a shepherd, Tree Shepherd, or are you, as I suspect, just one of many sheep which spew there righteous b.s. on this board?

Catholics, throughout the world, work tirelessly on behalf of the poor through missionaries and Catholic charities. If this wasn't in play, and there was no other way to help the poor, you might have a point.

Once a piece of art is sold, it can no longer contribute to the poor--and to the poor it would be only a drop in the bucket. On the other hand, instead of ending up in a private collection few see, art can inspire us to remember and continue our work as Christians on behalf of the poor.

When people sell their houses, and all that they have, as the best method to give to the poor (and in the process impoverishing themselves) perhaps then they can advise the Vatican City to impoverish itself--yet in someway continue to help the poor when there is nothing left to give.

I've heard that Catholic Charities is the largest social safety net in the world.

I've volunteered before at St Vincent DePaul soup kitchens that directly feed the homeless and poor. You don't have to be a Catholic to go down there and wash some dishes or sweep the floors or help with the cooking.

At the Sacred Heart church down my street there's a lady who delivers ham and cheese sandwiches to the homeless every day.

But the point to stress is that all these programs are run on voluntary donations using volunteers for labor. Volunteerism is the opposite of State administered communism.

Yes. It is actual people (of all faiths or no faith as you pointed out) helping people.

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