Can a Catholic not like his communist Pope?

quite the conundrum Catholics find themselves in.

The Pope is infallible, to them, every thing he says is right and should be followed


he is a fucking communist

tough call, freedom and hell or slaves and heaven

Wrong. They are called to follow Christ. Not a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. This man has his eyes opened to what is going on. I believe Jesus Christ has his hand on his life and he is not going to compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ for anyone. He's hearing from the LORD on this one. No doubt about it.

News flash! The Bible never states that any man is infallible nor does the Bible state that any church is infallible. In fact, it states the very opposite which is why Paul warns us about some who have departed from the faith. Not everything is of God. It MUST line up with the Word of God and the teachings of Christ or it is false teaching. Period.
Naturally, the Council of Cardinals picked a guy who would speak for the interests of the church body--most of whom are poor. It is not merely a mission of this present pope:

"The collapse of the Communist system in so many countries certainly removes an obstacle to facing these problems in an appropriate and realistic way, but it is not enough to bring about their solution. Indeed, there is a risk that a radical capitalistic ideology could spread which refuses even to consider these problems, in the a priori belief that any attempt to solve them is doomed to failure and which blindly entrusts their solution to the free development of market forces... For such a task the Church offers her social teaching as an indispensable and ideal orientation, a teaching which, as already mentioned, recognizes the positive value of the market and of enterprise, but which at the same time points out that these need to be oriented towards the common good"
-- Pope John Paul II, from Centesimus Annus

Communism doesn't lift people from poverty, it only increases and systemizes poverty into a cruel, inescapable life. JP fought against communism his entire life, showing solidarity with the Polish people who cried out under the cruel boot of communism. It also needs to be noted that JP gauged his words carefully, not attacking free market capitalism, but rather reminding those who've succeeded of their obligation to help the poor. There's a quantum leap between the Church's social justice teaching that prevails upon us to be mindful of the needy and to help them and communism which simply redistributes wealth and in doing so destroys it so that everyone is equally in dire poverty and the brink of starvation. Social Justices does not lend to communism, it lends to righteousness, the kind that all Christians should aspire to.
Naturally, the Council of Cardinals picked a guy who would speak for the interests of the church body--most of whom are poor. It is not merely a mission of this present pope:

"The collapse of the Communist system in so many countries certainly removes an obstacle to facing these problems in an appropriate and realistic way, but it is not enough to bring about their solution. Indeed, there is a risk that a radical capitalistic ideology could spread which refuses even to consider these problems, in the a priori belief that any attempt to solve them is doomed to failure and which blindly entrusts their solution to the free development of market forces... For such a task the Church offers her social teaching as an indispensable and ideal orientation, a teaching which, as already mentioned, recognizes the positive value of the market and of enterprise, but which at the same time points out that these need to be oriented towards the common good"
-- Pope John Paul II, from Centesimus Annus

Communism doesn't lift people from poverty, it only increases and systemizes poverty into a cruel, inescapable life. JP fought against communism his entire life, showing solidarity with the Polish people who cried out under the cruel boot of communism. It also needs to be noted that JP gauged his words carefully, not attacking free market capitalism, but rather reminding those who've succeeded of their obligation to help the poor. There's a quantum leap between the Church's social justice teaching that prevails upon us to be mindful of the needy and to help them and communism which simply redistributes wealth and in doing so destroys it so that everyone is equally in dire poverty and the brink of starvation. Social Justices does not lend to communism, it lends to righteousness, the kind that all Christians should aspire to.

The pope is not a communist. A more accurate term would be distributist:

Distributism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No matter how wealth is forcefully redistributed, it's always wrong. God said "thou shalt not steal" and it's really as simple as that. Government stealing from people is theft and shall not go unpunished. This doesn't help Pope Francis's image as a communist. Distributism is communism under a different name and just as demonic.

Well, you are free to feel that way, but it has nonetheless been the Church's stance throughout recent history. Why do you suppose that a plurality of Democratic legislators are Catholics?
This is the first I've heard the current pope being called a communist. It seems that general opinion is favorable of him.
Many people would say Jesus was a communist. Would you abandon him just as easily?


Jesus was not a communist and I defy you to prove otherwise.

Read Acts.

I'm familiar with one particular religious group --very familiar actually -- who's not Catholic but bases their entire social structure on common ownership. Nobody has any personal property other than their clothes. They live in a house built by the colony, all their work is entirely for the colony, which owns everything... they act as a collective in every way, eat together in a common building, etc. They do all of this based on their emphasis of Acts II. In other words they're what the poster above referred to as "fucking communists". The concept of individuality is almost incomprehensible to them. And they got all this from the Bible and they live it every day.

And I tell you what, they're the most self-sufficient and self-confident people I've ever seen. In their entire history they've had a total of I think one murder and two suicides. In five hundred years.

If you actually read the New Testament you'd see that certain parts of the church were forced underground by persecution and had to create a commune in order to survive. However even this came with problems that Paul had to address. When Paul said, "If anyone won't work, he won't eat" (2Thess 3:10) it was because communism produces a very serious problem in that when people are deprived of the fruits of their labor, they lose incentive to work.

This was the central problem with the Jamestown and Plymouth Rock colonies where an attempt at communism led to mass starvation and death. People were not allowed any stake in their own labor, or to hold private property and so people worked just hard enough not to be lashed and the results were devastating. At issue is human nature that doesn't value work that doesn't elevate one's own prosperity, that doesn't produce tangible results they personally own.

There is a problem with thinking that the Bible is perfect in every way, even to the point of thinking that the Bible lays out a perfect economic system. Acts was a recording of events, not a blueprint for social systems binding upon all Christians. The very fact that the New Testament plays out the problems that arose with the decisions that were made by leaders should indicate that they hadn't achieved utopia by any stretch. The "Bible Only" philosophy of Christian fundamentalists holds the Bible so sacrosanct that it's taboo to think outside of it, to examine it critically and to keep in mind that even the saints were flawed individuals who didn't always get it right.


The religious colonies I'm talking about (Hutterites) work as a collective, simply because that's the mindset they believe in. It's simply not possible to stand by and watch someone else work. Doesn't happen. If there's even a smell in the air of work to be done, they descend on it en masse, because not doing so would be unthinkable. So yes Acts is very much a blueprint. It drives literally everything they do.

"Incentive to work" is inbred from birth. They have no hierarchy other than the Minister, who operates as a collective-cooperative (as opposed to authoritarian) manager. That's it.

How does it work out? Well their neighbors in the Dakotas and Montana view them with much trepidation as these colonies can and do grow much faster than they as individuals can, they can afford the capital investment they need sooner than their neighbors can as individuals, and simply run their operations more efficiently. They simply don't fart around competing with each other personally so that I as an individual must acquire a better car than you as an individual or have to acquire the latest iPad simply because it exists. There's no such thing as commodity fetishism in their culture. Doesn't exist. Everything revolves around the Colony.

As for persecution, well that's actually how they got here. They migrated (back) to the Dakotas from Canada, where they fled after our government persecuted them during WWI (a couple were tortured and died at Leavenworth); and they originally came here from Russia where they were persecuted out of there, and they came to Russia from elsewhere in eastern Europe (Romania I think?) where they were persecuted, etc etc, every time because they are devout pacifists who refuse to serve in any war or wear anybody's uniform. Inevitably in their history whatever government they've been under has driven them out for pacifism -- yet they take a stand and have never wavered from it. That's one of the most admirable traits I've ever seen in a human culture. And it teaches something about human organizational nature.

And that's how communism works for them, and has for five centuries.
I'm pretty certain, Capitalism, could not survive, without society breaking the 10th commandment of 'thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods...'

Clearly, you don't know capitalism
Jesus was not a communist and I defy you to prove otherwise.

Read Acts.

I'm familiar with one particular religious group --very familiar actually -- who's not Catholic but bases their entire social structure on common ownership. Nobody has any personal property other than their clothes. They live in a house built by the colony, all their work is entirely for the colony, which owns everything... they act as a collective in every way, eat together in a common building, etc. They do all of this based on their emphasis of Acts II. In other words they're what the poster above referred to as "fucking communists". The concept of individuality is almost incomprehensible to them. And they got all this from the Bible and they live it every day.

And I tell you what, they're the most self-sufficient and self-confident people I've ever seen. In their entire history they've had a total of I think one murder and two suicides. In five hundred years.

If you actually read the New Testament you'd see that certain parts of the church were forced underground by persecution and had to create a commune in order to survive. However even this came with problems that Paul had to address. When Paul said, "If anyone won't work, he won't eat" (2Thess 3:10) it was because communism produces a very serious problem in that when people are deprived of the fruits of their labor, they lose incentive to work.

This was the central problem with the Jamestown and Plymouth Rock colonies where an attempt at communism led to mass starvation and death. People were not allowed any stake in their own labor, or to hold private property and so people worked just hard enough not to be lashed and the results were devastating. At issue is human nature that doesn't value work that doesn't elevate one's own prosperity, that doesn't produce tangible results they personally own.

There is a problem with thinking that the Bible is perfect in every way, even to the point of thinking that the Bible lays out a perfect economic system. Acts was a recording of events, not a blueprint for social systems binding upon all Christians. The very fact that the New Testament plays out the problems that arose with the decisions that were made by leaders should indicate that they hadn't achieved utopia by any stretch. The "Bible Only" philosophy of Christian fundamentalists holds the Bible so sacrosanct that it's taboo to think outside of it, to examine it critically and to keep in mind that even the saints were flawed individuals who didn't always get it right.


The religious colonies I'm talking about (Hutterites) work as a collective, simply because that's the mindset they believe in. It's simply not possible to stand by and watch someone else work. Doesn't happen. If there's even a smell in the air of work to be done, they descend on it en masse, because not doing so would be unthinkable. So yes Acts is very much a blueprint. It drives literally everything they do.

"Incentive to work" is inbred from birth. They have no hierarchy other than the Minister, who operates as a collective-cooperative (as opposed to authoritarian) manager. That's it.

How does it work out? Well their neighbors in the Dakotas and Montana view them with much trepidation as these colonies can and do grow much faster than they as individuals can, they can afford the capital investment they need sooner than their neighbors can as individuals, and simply run their operations more efficiently. They simply don't fart around competing with each other personally so that I as an individual must acquire a better car than you as an individual or have to acquire the latest iPad simply because it exists. There's no such thing as commodity fetishism in their culture. Doesn't exist. Everything revolves around the Colony.

As for persecution, well that's actually how they got here. They migrated (back) to the Dakotas from Canada, where they fled after our government persecuted them during WWI (a couple were tortured and died at Leavenworth); and they originally came here from Russia where they were persecuted out of there, and they came to Russia from elsewhere in eastern Europe (Romania I think?) where they were persecuted, etc etc, every time because they are devout pacifists who refuse to serve in any war or wear anybody's uniform. Inevitably in their history whatever government they've been under has driven them out for pacifism -- yet they take a stand and have never wavered from it. That's one of the most admirable traits I've ever seen in a human culture. And it teaches something about human organizational nature.

And that's how communism works for them, and has for five centuries.
I'm pretty certain, Capitalism, could not survive, without society breaking the 10th commandment of 'thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods...'

Clearly, you don't know capitalism

''Keeping up with the Jones's'' is the HEART of capitalism, don't fool yourself in to thinking can't thrive without it.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

Well that is far less critical than your first barrage, imo. I know you are not looking for reasons not to like him.

I actually agree with you, I think he is misguided spending any time on global warming. Even if it is truly human induced -- which I doubt -- it is not the great sins of mankind, many others of far more grave consequence.

I also reject evolution, but I am past caring what everyone believes. However, anyone who thinks we could have come to be from some amoeba without an Intelligent Designer is well of the tracks. I do wish this pope would not get involved with that either, but both he and Benedict are very scientifically curious and I can excuse this "fault" of theirs. Incidentally, you give me the impression Benedict XVI did not excite you either? For me, he is the greatest and most brilliant pope of the last century. I love him.

As do I love Francis! I am not looking at his missteps, I am looking at his unbelievable affect he is having on a lost and dying world. He is truly a gift from above.
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Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

Your honesty about your feelings about this Pope tells me that you are not blindly following whoever comes down the line and that gives me great hope for you. I feel great empathy for you and want you to know that I have had to suffer my own disappointments with men who professed to love God, preached the Gospel and then turned to preaching for filthy lucre. I cannot even tell you the half of how that has made me feel. But the truth is - I follow Christ - and those men (and women) are going to answer to God for misrepresenting Him. So is this pope.

Again - reading you this morning - gave me great compassion for what you are going through. I have never trusted this pope since I laid eyes on him. I saw the countenance on his face and what I saw was pure evil. I know of a Catholic military man who said he felt uneasy about him early on. I thought - he is the exception to the rule - no other Catholic is ever going to admit what he is saying is true. But here you are. I can only tell you that the man I am referring to has the highest integrity and has served his country honorably and is an older gentleman - retired many years - high ranking retired military and he doesn't trust him either. So you are in very good company. I will be praying for the LORD to guide you this morning and I'm believing God's very best for you.

Many Catholics are cult-of-personality types that treat the Pope like a celebrity, never challenge his words, and consider anyone who questions him to be not a good Catholic. It's almost as if they think it's a requirement for us to turn our brains off and blindly accept anything the Pope says. I'm a student of history, and I've seen how communism kills the human spirit, destroys hope, and consigns its victims into systemized poverty and the brink of starvation. In the 1970's grain shortages caused thousands of Soviet citizens to die of starvation. North Korea also has had massive starvations that required international aid to prevent millions of deaths. Central planning has no mechanism for ensuring that people have plenty through good times and bad.

And I've also seen how capitalism has brought more freedom and prosperity to the common man than anything else in human history. Capitalism allows people to take charge of their own destiny, achieve their dreams, and even become rich not because of the class they were born into but because of their own hard work and ingenuity.

So yes, when I see anyone, including the Pope, attacking capitalism and promoting communism, that angers me. The Pope is supposed to be on the side of people, not power, just as Jesus was. And don't get me started on global warming, a sure sign that Satan has blinded our Pope to promote myth over the truth and call for draconian, freedom crushing, wealth redistributing measures to combat a Leftist fairy tale. We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our leaders, our bishops and the Pope, but that doesn't mean the Pope allows himself to be filled and led by the Holy Spirit.

So thank you for your encouraging words. I hope more Catholics gather the courage to speak out against Pope Francis when he stands for evil things.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

Well that is far less critical than your first barrage, imo. I know you are not looking for reasons not to like him.

I actually agree with you, I think he is misguided spending any time on global warming. Even if it is truly human induced -- which I doubt -- it is not the great sins of mankind, many others of far more grave consequence.

I also reject evolution, but I am past caring what everyone believes. However, anyone who thinks we could have come to be from some amoeba without an Intelligent Designer is well of the tracks. I do wish this pope would not get involved with that either, but both he and Benedict are very scientifically curious and I can excuse this "fault" of theirs. Incidentally, you give me the impression Benedict XVI did not excite you either? For me, he is the greatest and most brilliant pope of the last century. I love him.

As do I love Francis! I am looking at his missteps, I am looking at his unbelievable affect he is having on a lost and dying world. He is truly a gift from above.

What you're seeing from me is anger and frustration. You're right, I think he's got his priorities mixed up. There's a holocaust of tens of millions of babies being aborted. As we speak, thousands are being slaughtered in an African nation and Islam, a religion that kills and oppresses, is on the surge again, killing Christians, Jews, and other Muslims who don't submit........and Pope Francis wants to throw his weight behind global warming?

And the communism thing I'm still waiting on. Maybe he's just a bad communicator because I know he battled Left wing communist Jesuits in Argentina which is how he became noteworthy. If he can tune his message to calling upon those who succeeded and became wealthy to do a better job taking care of the poor, needy, and less fortunate, then that's something I can enthusiastically get behind. Catholic Social Justice is not communism, it's reminding people of their obligation to the world around them.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

every person who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior are Saints.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

every person who has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior are Saints.

Agreed. Canonized saints are those who, because of lives of extraordinary holiness, devotion, and charity receive special recognition in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican churches. But that doesn't take away the status of every baptized Christians as part of the glorious company of angels and saints.
quite the conundrum Catholics find themselves in.

The Pope is infallible, to them, every thing he says is right and should be followed


he is a fucking communist

tough call, freedom and hell or slaves and heaven
Many people would say Jesus was a communist. Would you abandon him just as easily?


Jesus was not a communist and I defy you to prove otherwise.

He was socialist, progressive, liberal.

He was everything RWs hate.
I would agree that Jesus could be perceived as socialist and progressive; but, not liberal.
Frankly, I don't believe He would have condoned homosexuality or abortion. Yet, his affinity for easing the plight of the poor and discarding some of the Old Testament dogma highlights the socialist and progressive aspects of His life. Did He not not challenge the rich man who asked how he could have eternal life with this sobering edict:
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." 22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Matthew 19:16-30 NIV
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How can anyone read the scripture I just posted and come away thinking that capitalism is a subset of Christianity? I do, however, caution that to be "perfect" the man would have had to divest himself of all wealth; which he could not bear to do. But that was before Jesus died for our sins. After He gave His life for all mankind, the blood of Christ, IMHO,modified the requirement for men to be "perfect."


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.
Well there are hundreds of "feel good" churches that branched off of Catholicism for you to convert to if you want. Hell you can start your own church if you'd like. All you have to do is cherry pick your favorite parts of the bible and ignore whatever you don't like!

Wrong. He isn't looking for a feel good church. He is looking for a church that follows the Doctrine of Christ and I commend him for it. He isn't putting man above God here and again I commend him for it. This man has his eyes wide open and I praise God for his willingness to share this. I thank God for him. What a breath of fresh air he is!


Jere you're such a drama queen. All he's doing is trolling the pope to play political football. That's it. Ain't rocket surgery.
As the saying goes, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
This is the first I've heard the current pope being called a communist. It seems that general opinion is favorable of him.

That's out in the real world. This is the fringe.

You know, where the sock drawer is full of evil monsters...

This is the first I've heard the current pope being called a communist. It seems that general opinion is favorable of him.
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Luke 6:26​

Jesus was not a communist and I defy you to prove otherwise.

Read Acts.

I'm familiar with one particular religious group --very familiar actually -- who's not Catholic but bases their entire social structure on common ownership. Nobody has any personal property other than their clothes. They live in a house built by the colony, all their work is entirely for the colony, which owns everything... they act as a collective in every way, eat together in a common building, etc. They do all of this based on their emphasis of Acts II. In other words they're what the poster above referred to as "fucking communists". The concept of individuality is almost incomprehensible to them. And they got all this from the Bible and they live it every day.

And I tell you what, they're the most self-sufficient and self-confident people I've ever seen. In their entire history they've had a total of I think one murder and two suicides. In five hundred years.

If you actually read the New Testament you'd see that certain parts of the church were forced underground by persecution and had to create a commune in order to survive. However even this came with problems that Paul had to address. When Paul said, "If anyone won't work, he won't eat" (2Thess 3:10) it was because communism produces a very serious problem in that when people are deprived of the fruits of their labor, they lose incentive to work.

This was the central problem with the Jamestown and Plymouth Rock colonies where an attempt at communism led to mass starvation and death. People were not allowed any stake in their own labor, or to hold private property and so people worked just hard enough not to be lashed and the results were devastating. At issue is human nature that doesn't value work that doesn't elevate one's own prosperity, that doesn't produce tangible results they personally own.

There is a problem with thinking that the Bible is perfect in every way, even to the point of thinking that the Bible lays out a perfect economic system. Acts was a recording of events, not a blueprint for social systems binding upon all Christians. The very fact that the New Testament plays out the problems that arose with the decisions that were made by leaders should indicate that they hadn't achieved utopia by any stretch. The "Bible Only" philosophy of Christian fundamentalists holds the Bible so sacrosanct that it's taboo to think outside of it, to examine it critically and to keep in mind that even the saints were flawed individuals who didn't always get it right.


The religious colonies I'm talking about (Hutterites) work as a collective, simply because that's the mindset they believe in. It's simply not possible to stand by and watch someone else work. Doesn't happen. If there's even a smell in the air of work to be done, they descend on it en masse, because not doing so would be unthinkable. So yes Acts is very much a blueprint. It drives literally everything they do.

"Incentive to work" is inbred from birth. They have no hierarchy other than the Minister, who operates as a collective-cooperative (as opposed to authoritarian) manager. That's it.

How does it work out? Well their neighbors in the Dakotas and Montana view them with much trepidation as these colonies can and do grow much faster than they as individuals can, they can afford the capital investment they need sooner than their neighbors can as individuals, and simply run their operations more efficiently. They simply don't fart around competing with each other personally so that I as an individual must acquire a better car than you as an individual or have to acquire the latest iPad simply because it exists. There's no such thing as commodity fetishism in their culture. Doesn't exist. Everything revolves around the Colony.

As for persecution, well that's actually how they got here. They migrated (back) to the Dakotas from Canada, where they fled after our government persecuted them during WWI (a couple were tortured and died at Leavenworth); and they originally came here from Russia where they were persecuted out of there, and they came to Russia from elsewhere in eastern Europe (Romania I think?) where they were persecuted, etc etc, every time because they are devout pacifists who refuse to serve in any war or wear anybody's uniform. Inevitably in their history whatever government they've been under has driven them out for pacifism -- yet they take a stand and have never wavered from it. That's one of the most admirable traits I've ever seen in a human culture. And it teaches something about human organizational nature.

And that's how communism works for them, and has for five centuries.
I'm pretty certain, Capitalism, could not survive, without society breaking the 10th commandment of 'thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods...'

Clearly, you don't know capitalism

Clearly Frank doesn't know the Tenth Commandment.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

Your honesty about your feelings about this Pope tells me that you are not blindly following whoever comes down the line and that gives me great hope for you. I feel great empathy for you and want you to know that I have had to suffer my own disappointments with men who professed to love God, preached the Gospel and then turned to preaching for filthy lucre. I cannot even tell you the half of how that has made me feel. But the truth is - I follow Christ - and those men (and women) are going to answer to God for misrepresenting Him. So is this pope.

Again - reading you this morning - gave me great compassion for what you are going through. I have never trusted this pope since I laid eyes on him. I saw the countenance on his face and what I saw was pure evil. I know of a Catholic military man who said he felt uneasy about him early on. I thought - he is the exception to the rule - no other Catholic is ever going to admit what he is saying is true. But here you are. I can only tell you that the man I am referring to has the highest integrity and has served his country honorably and is an older gentleman - retired many years - high ranking retired military and he doesn't trust him either. So you are in very good company. I will be praying for the LORD to guide you this morning and I'm believing God's very best for you.

Many Catholics are cult-of-personality types that treat the Pope like a celebrity, never challenge his words, and consider anyone who questions him to be not a good Catholic. It's almost as if they think it's a requirement for us to turn our brains off and blindly accept anything the Pope says. I'm a student of history, and I've seen how communism kills the human spirit, destroys hope, and consigns its victims into systemized poverty and the brink of starvation. In the 1970's grain shortages caused thousands of Soviet citizens to die of starvation. North Korea also has had massive starvations that required international aid to prevent millions of deaths. Central planning has no mechanism for ensuring that people have plenty through good times and bad.

And I've also seen how capitalism has brought more freedom and prosperity to the common man than anything else in human history. Capitalism allows people to take charge of their own destiny, achieve their dreams, and even become rich not because of the class they were born into but because of their own hard work and ingenuity.

So yes, when I see anyone, including the Pope, attacking capitalism and promoting communism, that angers me. The Pope is supposed to be on the side of people, not power, just as Jesus was. And don't get me started on global warming, a sure sign that Satan has blinded our Pope to promote myth over the truth and call for draconian, freedom crushing, wealth redistributing measures to combat a Leftist fairy tale. We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our leaders, our bishops and the Pope, but that doesn't mean the Pope allows himself to be filled and led by the Holy Spirit.

So thank you for your encouraging words. I hope more Catholics gather the courage to speak out against Pope Francis when he stands for evil things.

What's this butthurt with "global warming" about? This is a new one...

Can you explain?

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