Can a Catholic not like his communist Pope?



Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

Your honesty about your feelings about this Pope tells me that you are not blindly following whoever comes down the line and that gives me great hope for you. I feel great empathy for you and want you to know that I have had to suffer my own disappointments with men who professed to love God, preached the Gospel and then turned to preaching for filthy lucre. I cannot even tell you the half of how that has made me feel. But the truth is - I follow Christ - and those men (and women) are going to answer to God for misrepresenting Him. So is this pope.

Again - reading you this morning - gave me great compassion for what you are going through. I have never trusted this pope since I laid eyes on him. I saw the countenance on his face and what I saw was pure evil. I know of a Catholic military man who said he felt uneasy about him early on. I thought - he is the exception to the rule - no other Catholic is ever going to admit what he is saying is true. But here you are. I can only tell you that the man I am referring to has the highest integrity and has served his country honorably and is an older gentleman - retired many years - high ranking retired military and he doesn't trust him either. So you are in very good company. I will be praying for the LORD to guide you this morning and I'm believing God's very best for you.
He must be turning those evil n!ggers into muslims and hypocrite Christian. Do you attend church or KKK meetings.
How can anyone read the scripture I just posted and come away thinking that capitalism is a subset of Christianity? I do, however, caution that to be "perfect" the man would have had to divest himself of all wealth; which he could not bear to do. But that was before Jesus died for our sins. After He gave His life for all mankind, the blood of Christ, IMHO,modified the requirement for men to be "perfect."
The Pope is not wealthy.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.
Well there are hundreds of "feel good" churches that branched off of Catholicism for you to convert to if you want. Hell you can start your own church if you'd like. All you have to do is cherry pick your favorite parts of the bible and ignore whatever you don't like!

Most Christians already do that.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.
Well there are hundreds of "feel good" churches that branched off of Catholicism for you to convert to if you want. Hell you can start your own church if you'd like. All you have to do is cherry pick your favorite parts of the bible and ignore whatever you don't like!

Most Christians already do that.
100% of Christians do that. Think about it; if the bible truly impacted every action of their life... they'd be in jail! :rofl:


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.
quite the conundrum Catholics find themselves in.

The Pope is infallible, to them, every thing he says is right and should be followed


he is a fucking communist

tough call, freedom and hell or slaves and heaven
Many people would say Jesus was a communist. Would you abandon him just as easily?


Jesus was not a communist and I defy you to prove otherwise.

He was socialist, progressive, liberal.

He was everything RWs hate.
I would agree that Jesus could be perceived as socialist and progressive; but, not liberal.
Frankly, I don't believe He would have condoned homosexuality or abortion. Yet, his affinity for easing the plight of the poor and discarding some of the Old Testament dogma highlights the socialist and progressive aspects of His life. Did He not not challenge the rich man who asked how he could have eternal life with this sobering edict:
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." 22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Matthew 19:16-30 NIV

That's because you didn't post the whole story.

"16 And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 17 And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” 18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 19 Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

23 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

The man wanted to know how to be perfect. He's already keeping the listed commandments. What more is there?

How can he be perfect?
Jesus tells him to stop worshiping the idol of money. Jesus's answers was to worship God first instead of the idol of money. Leave it and follow Jesus instead.

But the man failed because he still worship money as an idol. Yet, he was almost perfect. Therefore, the disciples were astonished that perfection is a requirement.
The main point of that story wasn't about money! It is actually about the requirement of perfection to qualify for heaven under the Covenant of Law.

The money represented an idol. Obviously if you love money and not God, that would make it very hard to get into heaven.

But it's not just money idol. Any worship of other idols counts as well.
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I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.
I think you are going too far with your objections by deeming him a detriment to the Catholic faith.

Every canonized saint had a flaw of some nature. Probably the apostles as well. And no doubt every pope. What Francis has done for the Christian faith and for those outside looking in is far more virtuous and courageous than all his flaws combined. Charity and mercy supercedes errors in scientific opinion on global warming or evolution. His criticism of capitalism is not a global condemnation it is directed towards the millions who put profit as their salient goal. It needs no detailed explanation to understand the message.

Seems to me this pope is directing his criticism mostly towards those Christians comfortable in their own skin and standing in too much judgment against a pagan world. Sin comes in all flavors.

His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.
His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.
His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.

I forgot to ignore your dumbass? Ugh. . .
The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.
The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.

I forgot to ignore your dumbass

Spoken like a true Christian. :p


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.
Well there are hundreds of "feel good" churches that branched off of Catholicism for you to convert to if you want. Hell you can start your own church if you'd like. All you have to do is cherry pick your favorite parts of the bible and ignore whatever you don't like!

Most Christians already do that.
100% of Christians do that. Think about it; if the bible truly impacted every action of their life... they'd be in jail! :rofl:

I was only trying to be nice. :D
His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.
His acts of charity and reaching out to the poor are indeed remarkable. If he didn't attack capitalism, free speech, and promote global control schemes like global warming then his record would be unsullied. Compared to many popes throughout Church history, murderers, adulterers, tyrants, he's rather benign. I'm not calling him a monster, I'm calling him irresponsible and a poor student of history. He's no John Paul II that's for sure.

The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.
I'm beginning to think you're a troll. Once you confirm that, you're on ignore.
The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.
Feel stupid now.
The problem is, the only place he has attacked capitalism, free speech and promoted global control scemes
is in your own head.

That's why I challenged you to document it. You can't do it. That was supposed to be a clue.

Pope on Climate Change Man Has Slapped Nature in the Face - ABC News

Feel stupid now.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.
I'm beginning to think you're a troll. Once you confirm that, you're on ignore.

It helps to think about what you would do IRL.

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.

I forgot to ignore your dumbass

Spoken like a true Christian. :p

I didn't forget about you, my dear. :)

Aww ... :smiliehug:

Wasn't ridiculing you, just noting you haven't put points out you can defend. Or in this case even explain. That's why you have to think things through before you post.
Actually I did, stupid. Read the link.

I did.

As I always say, if you can't articulate your point, you prolly don't have one.
I'm beginning to think you're a troll. Once you confirm that, you're on ignore.

It helps to think about what you would do IRL.
He's Catholic. He gets one more chance than other trolls.
How is it that your God allowed Pope Frank to ascend to the top position that he now occupies if he truly is as you say he is? Surely your God does not allow for a communist pinko to lead Catholic in the free world now does He? ~ Susan
PS If Popes really gave a crap about any poor person one would think that anyone of them throughout history would have sold off an old master painting, or two of the many that are locked in the Vatican vaults to relieve that person's suffering, would one not? Money . . . it drives our economy and that, too, the economy of the Vatican. Can you imagine a Pope plucking off a valuable ring off of one of his fat little fingers to relieve the suffering of one of his sheep? Nawww . . . totally impossible as we all know if we had the courage not to delude ourselves.

Pope to raffle gifts given to him to raise money for the poor Reuters

Pope Francis Auctions Off His Harley-Davidson

Pope Francis auctions off gifts he has received from world leaders Daily Mail Online

He's definitely got a heart for people and for the poor, not the kind to keep aloof from the masses at all. He's at his best when ministering to people. I'm definitely touched by what I see as Christ like character in the man. But the other side of his persona is a craving for approval on the world stage and a compromise of the truth and the sacred mission of the Church in order to accommodate wordly, and dare I say Satanic, agendas. We all have our blindnesses. I just wish the person we choose to be the Vicar of Christ had fewer of them.

I could slap an "agree" on this post if it had stopped halfway.

Please elaborate on these "Satanic agendas".

Communism, global warming, and Islamic violence to silence free speech are Satanic agendas.

Any more questions?

Do you believe Pope Francis is the anti-Christ?

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