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Can a nation be “systemically racist” and elect a black president twice?

There was a time you had to be a property owner and male to vote. Regular working folks were left out along with others. Equality for all has been along slow process ,but it is the system that allowed that process to happen.
You leave out the system made changes a very high hurdle to overcome. Making its original form etched in stone.
Most systemic racism concepts are drempt up by professors who micro analyze things, problem is when you do that, you often miss the forest for the trees.
They can analyze racism. They can count who the police in some places pull over, and the results from those traffic stops. That is quantifiable, and it showed systematic racism.

This also goes to a complaint of everything being about race. Saying that statistics shouldn't mention race. Effectively putting blinders on those looking for racism. So they can then claim it doesn't exist.
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?

In answer to the question "Yes, It most certainly did."

And the Republican Party went into a frenzy of voter suppression, and attempts at suppressing the poor and minority vote, the likes of which the nation has not seen since the Jim Crow years.

There's your proof of the racism. Republicans are now trying to make it so that the "urban" vote isn't fairly apportioned, or given equal access to polling stations or mail-in ballots, or blue collar workers hours of work.
Our nation isnt represented with systemic racism, whatever the hell that means.
America has become the junkie who denies he has a drug problem.

Is this why there are SOME black people out there who believe it is impossible for them to be racist? and that only white people can be? and actually all white people ARE racist?

If America is systemically racist then we all are... every race. But I really dont believe it though. Most people are generally pretty good but like to complain a lot. A human condition. Most systemic racism concepts are drempt up by professors who micro analyze things, problem is when you do that, you often miss the forest for the trees.

All white people have benefitted from systemic racism, so they do have a point.

When I first moved to Toronto, in early 1980, I worked for an employment agency for six months to get a good idea of the employment market, salaries, etc. The sole reason why employment agencies existed in the first place was to provide a cover for racial discrimination. Our job was to ensure that employers never saw an "undesireable" applicant, and they were pretty open about what an "undesireable" applicant looked like, and sounded like. You can't be accused of racial discrimination if all of the candidates who applied for the job were white, now can you?

We had one large corporate client for whom the orders were very specific: Under 5' 7", blonde, under 30, college grad, bright, good skills. She had to be under 5' 7" because the narcisscistic Eastern European billionaire who owned the company was 5' 9" and he refused to hire any woman who would look down on him. He wouldn't have hired me because I was 6 feet tall and a brunette.

I had two co-workers, and we did stealth integrations on every big downtown office we possibly could, and celebrated with drinks at a downtown bar when we sent the Canadian Bankers Association its first non-white employee ever, and they loved her!!!

But yes, I benefitted greatly from that racist job, and did the bidding of racist HR personnel when required, during the time I was there.
Most systemic racism concepts are drempt up by professors who micro analyze things, problem is when you do that, you often miss the forest for the trees.
They can analyze racism. They can count who the police in some places pull over, and the results from those traffic stops. That is quantifiable, and it showed systematic racism.

This also goes to a complaint of everything being about race. Saying that statistics shouldn't mention race. Effectively putting blinders on those looking for racism. So they can then claim it doesn't exist.
In the county I grew up in ,here Florida in the county jail close to 50% of the inmates are just from New York City. Judging by stats alone would you say that the county is prejudice against those from NYC or are they just a bunch of crooks who just happen to be from NYC? Same with Race is it because of Race or they just happen to be from the same race and are just mostly with a few exceptions just a bunch of crooks.
In the county I grew up in ,here Florida in the county jail close to 50% of the inmates are just from New York City. Judging by stats alone would you say that the county is prejudice against those from NYC or are they just a bunch of crooks who just happen to be from NYC?
Not enough information given to come to a conclusion. But you realize that can happen from prejudicial enforcement. Meaning when investigating a crime, they pull over the people with out of state plates while virtually ignoring local plates.
This effectively amplifies the arrests and convictions from the group being targeted.

This is just like when they talk about the high crime rate of illegal aliens, when the actual statistics show that illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than the general population. But by concentrating on illegals, the arrests and convictions get amplified.
Since the majority of the people are not Black, then Obama was deliberately elected twice because he was Black and people had false expectations of change.
The racism was obvious because people believed he would end the illegal wars, he did not, and yet still got re-elected for no reason.
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?
Yes, cuz any white who voted FOR Barry was voting for the white half, and any white who voted against him was voting against the black half.

we really have not had a real black President yet.
we really have not had a real black President yet.

By your measure we have never had a real "American" president yet.

They were all immigrants, or born from immigrants.
Your post makes zero sense. Worst analogy attempt ever.
If you claim Obama "ain't black" I can claim every president "ain't American"

And I would be right. Since you base it on their heredity, and not their place of birth. (13th amendment be damned)
we really have not had a real black President yet.

By your measure we have never had a real "American" president yet.

They were all immigrants, or born from immigrants.
Your post makes zero sense. Worst analogy attempt ever.
If you claim Obama "ain't black" I can claim every president "ain't American"

And I would be right. Since you base it on their heredity, and not their place of birth. (13th amendment be damned)
He is half black. And you are free to make any dumbass claim you want. It’s what you do.
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?
You actually point out the systematic racism by calling the only black president a "kenyan".

He and his brother have both said he’s Kenyan. Look it up.

It's an old debunked talking point forever used by Qult45 meatheads. Obama didn't write that bio.
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?
You actually point out the systematic racism by calling the only black president a "kenyan".
That isnt what "systemic racism" means. He could call him a spear chucking n*gger and it still wouldnt be considered "systemic racism".

If I called you a cracker ass c*nt, would that be considered racist to you?
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?
Which part are you struggling with? The systemic part or the racism part?

Think of it this way. The United States is composed of 50 different states, each was free to pass their own laws and set up their own way of doing things. Although slavery was a part of the makeup of many of the southern states (thereby not exactly systemic), the laws passed to negatively restrict and control the movement and lives of black people existed in all 50 states.

That is what is meant when it is said that racism is systemic to the entire United States of America and although many if not all of those racist laws have been rescinded, the hearts and minds of some of those who were alive during the time when it was not only acceptable to treat black people as lesser human beings, but legal to do so are still here and have not changed. The remnants of that white supremacist system remain in the attitudes and beliefs of the remaining racists in our country. Where the younger generations who have never lived under that segregated system are picking up these attitudes and hatred are learning this can only be speculated upon but I would imagine primarily from family & friends, and now of course we have the internet.

For President Obama to win the election for President of the United States of America, he only needed a majority. And although it may not have been a situation of 51% to 49%, 49% percent of the people being unhappy with the results of an election is a lot of unhappy people. You go ahead and draw the next conclusion.
Does that really make sense?
If America is systemically racist why didn’t the Kenyan address such racism?
Did the Kenyan even say the words “systemic racism” once during his eight year reign of terror?
Hmmm....does anything seem odd to you?

Yes. Because he was only half black.

But he identifies as black.
I’ve never once heard him identify as a white man...have you?
Whites made the rule that if you have 1 drop of black blood then that makes you black. Don't blame us.
The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black (Negro or colored in historical terms).​

This concept became codified into the law of some states in the early 20th century. It was associated with the principle of "invisible blackness" that developed after the long history of racial interaction in the South, which had included the hardening of slavery as a racial caste and later segregation. It is an example of hypodescent, the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union between different socioeconomic or ethnic groups to the group with the lower status, regardless of proportion of ancestry in different groups.[3]
The one-drop rule is defunct in law in the United States and was never codified into federal law.​

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