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Can A President Who Hates Business....

See PC, I do read books. I simply read a vast assortment of books, unlike you who, it seems, reads only those authors who reinforce your opinions. Have you seen my thread where Critical Thinking is discussed. Please do, as I posted it I thought about you and the other know-it-alls who pontificate here.
So.... your dog is bigger than PC's dog? Yet PC reads only authors who reinforce her opinions?

Sounds like your dog is the one howling the moon. Just sayin.' :eusa_whistle:
what books have you read :confused:
All this ranting about the left and

look at which states are the wealthiest

look at where the best colleges and universities are

look at the number of scientists and engineers who are liberal

look at where most of the business is

look at what the biggest cities are

Notice a pattern?
Yes, liberals follow the money that other people earned before they move in to kill it with taxes designed to benefit themselves. :eusa_whistle:

link? :eusa_whistle:
Weekly Standard, Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law

Solyndra Dwarfed by Pelosi's Solar Reserve Cronyism

Nancy Pelosi pushing for NAT GAS Energy Subsidies That Will Enrich herself and her supporter T. Boone Pickens

Congressional “insider trading” has become a major issue since being extensively reported in a new book by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer. Pelosi has been one of the worst offenders.
the weekly standard, moonbattery& a Heritage blog are your sources? Come on becki. You know better than that :eusa_naughty:
See PC, I do read books. I simply read a vast assortment of books, unlike you who, it seems, reads only those authors who reinforce your opinions. Have you seen my thread where Critical Thinking is discussed. Please do, as I posted it I thought about you and the other know-it-alls who pontificate here.
So.... your dog is bigger than PC's dog? Yet PC reads only authors who reinforce her opinions?

Sounds like your dog is the one howling the moon. Just sayin.' :eusa_whistle:

Nah, the book I used for reference was written by Samuel Eliot Morison. Feel free to look him up; I'll post his Naval Bio.

Rear Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison, USN - Biography

He is a noted historian and has written extensively on US History. It's unfortunate you choose to defend PC without doing any background on our sources. That's one reason I posted this thread:

A Point to Ponder:

Reading the text below caused me to wonder, of those who posts here regularly, how many actually engage in critical thinking. Many of those who post here daily express opinions which leave no room for debate, their mind is closed and judgment has been made.


"Though the phrase critical thinking wasn’t coined until the early twentieth century, its principles can be traced back to Aristotle. The educator and psychologist John Dewey first used the phrase in its modern sense in his 1910 book How We Think, though there are instances of the words appearing together in texts before this time. Dewey defined critical thinking as “reflective thought,” requiring healthy skepticism, an open mind, and suspended judgment. Critical thinking is active, in contrast to passive acceptance of the ideas of others.

Relevant Quotations:

“The essence of critical thinking is suspended judgment; and the essence of this suspense is inquiry to determine the nature of the problem before proceeding to attempts at its solution. This, more than any other thing, transforms mere inference into tested inference, suggested conclusions into proof.”

No comments are expected, I found this here ( Where did the phrase "Critical Thinking" come from? | The Hot Word | Hot & Trending Words Daily Blog at Dictionary.com ) and believe some will find this interesting too.
Obama's Anti-Business policies are part and parcel of his Centralized Command & Control approach to government. Successful business know their markets, cost structure, customers, competition, etc...and are able to maneuver through an ever changing environment. Centralized Control ignores market dynamics and invests small groups of (generally clueless) acacademics/policy hacks to conducts experiments without being personally accountable for the results.

Having to make payroll adds a lot of clarity to business decisions. Government bureaucrats NEVER feel that urgency.

great points!! As soon as China realized that they made great changes toward capitalism and almost instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty. How the liberals could miss this lesson and many others just as obvious is hard to explain. But then again most humans worshipped the sun for centuries so whats the surprise if they lack the IQ to understand capitalism.
PoliChic is like Malkin on steroids. :shock: Throttle it back a little PoliChic geez :rolleyes: You shoulda' cut 'n run when you had the chance back on the other page.


"You shoulda' cut 'n run...."
From YOU????
Do you know who you’re messing with?
When ghosts go camping, they tell PoliticalChic stories!
You've heard of "running with the bulls"? I’m the one chasing ‘em!

Nothing Sqiggy and Lenny would like better than my being 'missing in action.'
Ain't about to happen.

I love both beating you guys senseless.....Ooops! That'd be like a dunking stool on the Titanic......in the debate.....

....and love when you guys make the posts about moi.

I don't know which I like more!!

1. None of you Obama apologists has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP:

"Can A President Who Hates Business....
...Be Good For America?"

2. And, even more telling.....

None of you, aptly named by Karel Čapek .....( I love using references that only educated folks understand!)....

....have even denied that Obama hates business!!!

I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.
PoliChic is like Malkin on steroids. :shock: Throttle it back a little PoliChic geez :rolleyes: You shoulda' cut 'n run when you had the chance back on the other page.


"You shoulda' cut 'n run...."
From YOU????
Do you know who you’re messing with?
When ghosts go camping, they tell PoliticalChic stories!
You've heard of "running with the bulls"? I’m the one chasing ‘em!

Nothing Sqiggy and Lenny would like better than my being 'missing in action.'
Ain't about to happen.

I love both beating you guys senseless.....Ooops! That'd be like a dunking stool on the Titanic......in the debate.....

....and love when you guys make the posts about moi.

I don't know which I like more!!

1. None of you Obama apologists has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP:

"Can A President Who Hates Business....
...Be Good For America?"

2. And, even more telling.....

None of you, aptly named by Karel Čapek .....( I love using references that only educated folks understand!)....

....have even denied that Obama hates business!!!

I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.

It's clear that you need lots of help....in so very many areas....

And since a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal.....

Here we go:

Here, thrice:

"1. None of you Obama apologists has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP:

"Can A President Who Hates Business....
...Be Good For America?"

2. And, even more telling.....

None of you, aptly named by Karel Čapek .....( I love using references that only educated folks understand!)....

....have even denied that Obama hates business!!!"

I'll proxi for you....

The answer to Question #1 is a resounding "NO!"

An administration that is bound to make Americans into dependent walking dead,....too bad you didn't understand the Karel Čapek reference.....cannot keep America as the shining city on the hill.

And, your non-answer to Statement #2 verifies the premise that "Obama hates business!!"

You could have received bonus points by amplifying the statement to 'hates businessmen, hates entrepreneurs, hates responsible independent citizens who don't belly-up to the public trough.'

But, heck, you have yet to evince any ability to think autonomously....or, to put that in the colloquial, you are....

....the reliable Democrat voter.

So.....you see why I called you the human piñata?
the weekly standard, moonbattery& a Heritage blog are your sources? Come on becki. You know better than that :eusa_naughty:

1. Frequently a post on the message board includes either a link, quote, or reference to World Net Daily, or Rupert Murdoch, Heritage, the Weekly Standard, or Ann Coulter, or some other right-thinker, and rather than admit that the item is dispositive for the thread or question under discussion, too often the folks with the alternate view:

a. refuse to address the issue, because the citation is on the opposite side.
b. resort to an emoticon of laughter, or some sort of sign of disrespect, or the use of ‘lol.’
c. feel that some sort of “there you go again” response, rather than an actual refutation.
d. Attack the referred item with an Ad Hominem jab, pointing to an imagined physical or mental defect, or alter the name in some absurd manner.

2. What we have here is the kind of defense against opposing ideas that is indolent at best, and intellectually cowardly at worst. Rather than offering alternative or surrogate ideas, the above are faulty because:

a. To refuse to address the issue may mean that one has no faith in the argument of his side, or that the poster is not intellectually equipped to counter same. Nor does a citations political orientation ostensibly prove falsity.
b. The emoticon response, akin to ‘talk to the hand,’ is both rude and shows an inability to be articulate, a necessary skill for the board to retain interest.
c. Indicates that one is too lazy to state, or, possibly, re-state a position. But, then, one should say that, or find a succinct way to explain their position.
d. Possibly the most common, the ad hominem, combines both the lack of ability to argue, and contempt for the opponent. This exposes the weakness both in one’s perspective, and one’s upbringing.

Using the above methods is the hallmark of a loser.

3. To dismiss a source or author because they promulgate an alternative or even a hated perspective, without consideration of the truth of their premise lacks integrity.
And....is really a bore.

Grow up.

Confront alternative viewpoints.....and try to negate the facts rather than pretend that the name alone does so.

If you can.
PoliChic is like Malkin on steroids. :shock: Throttle it back a little PoliChic geez :rolleyes: You shoulda' cut 'n run when you had the chance back on the other page.


"You shoulda' cut 'n run...."
From YOU????
Do you know who you’re messing with?
When ghosts go camping, they tell PoliticalChic stories!
You've heard of "running with the bulls"? I’m the one chasing ‘em!

Nothing Sqiggy and Lenny would like better than my being 'missing in action.'
Ain't about to happen.

I love both beating you guys senseless.....Ooops! That'd be like a dunking stool on the Titanic......in the debate.....

....and love when you guys make the posts about moi.

I don't know which I like more!!

1. None of you Obama apologists has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP:

"Can A President Who Hates Business....
...Be Good For America?"

2. And, even more telling.....

None of you, aptly named by Karel Čapek .....( I love using references that only educated folks understand!)....

....have even denied that Obama hates business!!!

I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.

BTW....I believe that 'ostentatious' is off the mark.

I view my.....presentations....more along the line of Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Can I get an 'Amen'?
"You shoulda' cut 'n run...."
From YOU????
Do you know who you’re messing with?
When ghosts go camping, they tell PoliticalChic stories!
You've heard of "running with the bulls"? I’m the one chasing ‘em!

Nothing Sqiggy and Lenny would like better than my being 'missing in action.'
Ain't about to happen.

I love both beating you guys senseless.....Ooops! That'd be like a dunking stool on the Titanic......in the debate.....

....and love when you guys make the posts about moi.

I don't know which I like more!!

1. None of you Obama apologists has even tried to answer the question posed in the OP:

"Can A President Who Hates Business....
...Be Good For America?"

2. And, even more telling.....

None of you, aptly named by Karel Čapek .....( I love using references that only educated folks understand!)....

....have even denied that Obama hates business!!!

I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.

BTW....I believe that 'ostentatious' is off the mark.

I view my.....presentations....more along the line of Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Can I get an 'Amen'?

I don't think so. In fact I'm sure you couldn't get a man, let alone more than one.
I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.

BTW....I believe that 'ostentatious' is off the mark.

I view my.....presentations....more along the line of Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Can I get an 'Amen'?

I don't think so. In fact I'm sure you couldn't get a man, let alone more than one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyCmNZheYZg]Just Dance Greatest Hits - It's Raining Men - 5* Stars - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a simple question for PoliChic, or rw princess:

Do Librals like revenue AND how does a Libral maintain a steady stream of revenue?
I suppose being Ostentatious makes you feel important, since it impresses the echo chamber [It makes others cringe].

Your posted question, BTW, asks something quite generic, yet most anyone who has read your 'work' knows President Obama was your target; a post which might cost you your license to troll. Of course such a dishonest post is spot on target in the land of trolls, so I suppose you have no need to fear such a loss.

BTW....I believe that 'ostentatious' is off the mark.

I view my.....presentations....more along the line of Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Can I get an 'Amen'?

I don't think so. In fact I'm sure you couldn't get a man, let alone more than one.

I have no idea how she looks BUT, her threads alone would "get her admitted" to any institution & I'm not referring to colleges or universities. ;)
BTW....I believe that 'ostentatious' is off the mark.

I view my.....presentations....more along the line of Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

Can I get an 'Amen'?

I don't think so. In fact I'm sure you couldn't get a man, let alone more than one.

I have no idea how she looks BUT, her threads alone would "get her admitted" to any institution & I'm not referring to colleges or universities. ;)

I have a hunch a dinner date with PC would be "I" rated, and most A Men as well as B-men, C-men and D-men would spend the evening looking at their watch as she droned on with, "I" sentences.

Of course a response from Ms. SmartyPants would begin with, "Yes but, I ..."
So.... your dog is bigger than PC's dog? Yet PC reads only authors who reinforce her opinions?

Sounds like your dog is the one howling the moon. Just sayin.' :eusa_whistle:
what books have you read :confused:

link? :eusa_whistle:
Weekly Standard, Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law

Solyndra Dwarfed by Pelosi's Solar Reserve Cronyism

Nancy Pelosi pushing for NAT GAS Energy Subsidies That Will Enrich herself and her supporter T. Boone Pickens

Congressional “insider trading” has become a major issue since being extensively reported in a new book by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer. Pelosi has been one of the worst offenders.

I'll add this one. It's a case study in Big Government Cronyism...

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Reckless-Endangerment-Outsized-Corruption-Armageddon/dp/B0085RZF5K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372952442&sr=8-1&keywords=reckless+endangerment]Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon: Gretchen Morgenson, Joshua Rosner: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
I don't think so. In fact I'm sure you couldn't get a man, let alone more than one.

I have no idea how she looks BUT, her threads alone would "get her admitted" to any institution & I'm not referring to colleges or universities. ;)

I have a hunch a dinner date with PC would be "I" rated, and most A Men as well as B-men, C-men and D-men would spend the evening looking at their watch as she droned on with, "I" sentences.

Of course a response from Ms. SmartyPants would begin with, "Yes but, I ..."

This is pretty danged funny coming from an Obama Acolyte.

Just sayin'.

I'll add this one. It's a case study in Big Government Cronyism...

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Reckless-Endangerment-Outsized-Corruption-Armageddon/dp/B0085RZF5K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372952442&sr=8-1&keywords=reckless+endangerment]Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon: Gretchen Morgenson, Joshua Rosner: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

These two are very good reads about what led up to the orgy on Wall St.

The Big Short - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine

Griftopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America
I have no idea how she looks BUT, her threads alone would "get her admitted" to any institution & I'm not referring to colleges or universities. ;)

I have a hunch a dinner date with PC would be "I" rated, and most A Men as well as B-men, C-men and D-men would spend the evening looking at their watch as she droned on with, "I" sentences.

Of course a response from Ms. SmartyPants would begin with, "Yes but, I ..."

This is pretty danged funny coming from an Obama Acolyte.

Just sayin'.

And you have every right to say what you want 'cause accuracy ain't required. I voted for Obama twice but that does not make me a follower. I think he's a good man, quite bright but a weak POTUS. He is too willing to compromise and needs to be much more assertive. If I had is ear I tell him to read up on "give 'em hell" Harry Truman.
WWII helped pull us out of the Depression. It forced us to be more productive. We went into dept because of it but not like we are today.

Obama is pumping close to a trillion dollars into the market driving it up to unseen heights. What will happen when all of that free money stops flowing? The market will crash. So will the economy.

And that is the goal of Islam. First cripple the economy....

I have read the Koran. I do not remember anything about crippling the economy.
One could argue that Franklin Roosevelt hated business. His family had been rich for generations. He viewed businessmen as social inferiors.

Nevertheless, there was nearly as much economic growth during his first term as during the terms of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge. There was certainly more job creation. After his inauguration in 1933 there was a steady decline in unemployment except for a year after 1937 when he reduced government spending.

Roosevelt's method of ending the Great Depression was fairly simple. He raised taxes on the well to do, hired people at government expense, and raised wages of people in the private sector by passing a minimum wage law and by strengthening labor unions.

Those who claim that the New Deal did not end the Great Depression, the Second World War did, forget that military spending and employment is government spending and employment.

More recently, from the presidencies of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush there was nearly always more job creation per year under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.
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