Can a saved person backslide and be lost? (Ask Dr. Stanley)

another jesus thread?

its very nice that the o/p thinks he's saved.

but I don't think anyone who doesn't believe in that much cares.

Do I really care, to be honest, no.

However, I find this to be an interesting subject matter in Christianity. I mean, they don't get a CLEAR and PRECISE status report from Jesus on what they are doing right or wrong, so the whole concept of being saved while still alive is more like hopeful thinking.

They will not know the truth of the matter until after they physically die. By then, its to late.

I have no problem discussing issues of faith. comparative religion fascinates me.

I have zero patience, however, for arrogant people who think i'm going to hell and they're *saved* because I don't believe in their particular brand of religion.

Wait a second. Aren't you Jewish? Despite what the christians say, aren't Jews "grandfathered" into being saved?

Let see--

1.Believe in the father--who suppose to be the god of Abraham
2. Hold up the Law(the "strict" version) which is supposed to be what Jesus taught and did not change
3.Faithfully maintain all the covenants

OK, so how are Jews not saved? Is it not believing in Jesus is the messiah? Why is that even needed if you are basically doing everything he said which is 2--Uphold the Law?

I think you should ask the o/p if he thinks jews are saved. I've seen an awful lot of fundies say we're going to hell (which jews don't believe in, btw).

I am going to stop here.

I just wrote what can be construed as an "anti-christian rant" targeting the integrity of the "Apostolic Fathers" all due to what a lot of christian fundies say and where they reference their beliefs.

I'll think I will save it for now and cool down a bit. Maybe change subject matter for now as well.
Everyone always says "Jesus died on the cross for your sins". So he either died for my sins or he didn't. I say he did. :D

He is our perfect sacrifice, our sin offering, to offer to God instead of a sheep, goat, or bowl of grain.

We must still do the offering, correct?
another jesus thread?

its very nice that the o/p thinks he's saved.

but I don't think anyone who doesn't believe in that much cares.

Do I really care, to be honest, no.

However, I find this to be an interesting subject matter in Christianity. I mean, they don't get a CLEAR and PRECISE status report from Jesus on what they are doing right or wrong, so the whole concept of being saved while still alive is more like hopeful thinking.

They will not know the truth of the matter until after they physically die. By then, its to late.

I have no problem discussing issues of faith. comparative religion fascinates me.

I have zero patience, however, for arrogant people who think i'm going to hell and they're *saved* because I don't believe in their particular brand of religion.

Wait a second. Aren't you Jewish? Despite what the christians say, aren't Jews "grandfathered" into being saved?

Let see--

1.Believe in the father--who suppose to be the god of Abraham
2. Hold up the Law(the "strict" version) which is supposed to be what Jesus taught and did not change
3.Faithfully maintain all the covenants

OK, so how are Jews not saved? Is it not believing in Jesus is the messiah? Why is that even needed if you are basically doing everything he said which is 2--Uphold the Law?

I think you should ask the o/p if he thinks jews are saved. I've seen an awful lot of fundies say we're going to hell (which jews don't believe in, btw).

I am going to stop here.

I just wrote what can be construed as an "anti-christian rant" targeting the integrity of the "Apostolic Fathers" all due to what a lot of christian fundies say and where they reference their beliefs.

I'll think I will save it for now and cool down a bit. Maybe change subject matter for now as well.

i'm not sure what happened or how it could be construed as "anti-Christian", but ok.

Martin Luther spread lies and heresy and the concept that you can sin all you want after you are "saved" is one of his worst ideas.

thats not what he says. Btw- just ONE SIN seperates us from God. That is why Jesus came- and He covered ALL OUR SINS.
Go ahead, sin as much as you want. Jesus died for our sins, so that bill is already paid.

if you are a believer, you are a new creature in Christ, and your sins are paid for- that is what Jesus did. His blood covers our sins. Other verses say that He takes away the sins as far as from the east to west. I believe Him.
Strange--I thought Christians were not actually saved until AFTER they die.

I think the usage of "saved" is highly misused. Probably the best way to describe it is that you are actively in the process of being saved for Christians that are still alive.

At least that is how I look at it. But then I am not christian, s what do I know?
God already knows who is saved and who is not. We are the ones seeing things from moment to moment. God sees eternity.

I think that is the gist of it. God knows you are saved or not after you die, right(since he is going to judge you after you die)

Until then, you are working to maintain a favorable judgeship.

but not salvation, which was already forever secured by Jesus (If you are a Believer).
Everyone always says "Jesus died on the cross for your sins". So he either died for my sins or he didn't. I say he did. :D

He is our perfect sacrifice, our sin offering, to offer to God instead of a sheep, goat, or bowl of grain.

We must still do the offering, correct?

Jesus did the offering. We must do the accepting before anything else. Nothing we could offer God without Jesus.
Strange--I thought Christians were not actually saved until AFTER they die.

I think the usage of "saved" is highly misused. Probably the best way to describe it is that you are actively in the process of being saved for Christians that are still alive.

At least that is how I look at it. But then I am not christian, s what do I know?
God already knows who is saved and who is not. We are the ones seeing things from moment to moment. God sees eternity.

I think that is the gist of it. God knows you are saved or not after you die, right(since he is going to judge you after you die)

Until then, you are working to maintain a favorable judgeship.
God judges our works. God judges the unsaved to give such the appropriate degree of eternal punishment. God judges the saved to give the best eternal treasure.

The Bema Seat or the Judgment Seat of Christ.

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