Can America survive Trump?

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Indeed, the entire globe seems to be one massive socialist utopia and will just love another Dim in the White House.

In fact, they love Dims so much they would rather give a Dim President a Nobel Peace Prize even though he attacked Libya rather than Trump who is the first US President since I can't remember when who did not start a war. Thanks Europe.

In other words, F#ck the rest of the world.

And the rest of the world and much more than half of America says fuck you right back at you.
You mean like China and Mexico who are at our doorstep backing down and giving up all kinds of concessions to us?
Or like NK who quit testing Nukes, and firing ICBMS?
Or like NATO who is finally paying their fair share?
Or like Canada who dropped tarriffs they had on our products since The Clinton Regime?
Or like Mexico who is finally going to enforce their own Immigration Laws for a change?

Those guys?

Or are you talking about when the entire world walked all over the Gayest, Wimpiest, and most Incompetent and Corrupt President that ever was in Obama Bin Spying?

That guy?

Total Loser, so I agree.
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What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

So when asked to give specifics you give nothing. Thanks for admitting you have absolutely nothing.

I don't need a therapist, I have adjusted to not having Clinton as President, it seems you are still suffering from butthurt.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Indeed, the entire globe seems to be one massive socialist utopia and will just love another Dim in the White House.

In fact, they love Dims so much they would rather give a Dim President a Nobel Peace Prize even though he attacked Libya rather than Trump who is the first US President since I can't remember when who did not start a war. Thanks Europe.

In other words, F#ck the rest of the world.
actually, brainwash functional moron, he just went along with the French and Italian attack that saved Benghazi from being massacred because they were against one of the worst terrorist dictators in the world.
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.
Great answer, vague and pointless. You don't really have anything other than the lame-stream media hysteria, do you?
All Republicans want to do is cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. So the ruin of the non-rich continues... Along with the brainwash of the dupes... We will see how bad his policies otherwise really are... So far his successes are pure propaganda...
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.
Great answer, vague and pointless. You don't really have anything other than the lame-stream media hysteria, do you?
All Republicans want to do is cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. So the ruin of the non-rich continues... Along with the brainwash of the dupes... We will see how bad his policies otherwise really are... So far his successes are pure propaganda...

So you have nothing to back up your claims, thank you for the big nothing burger.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Indeed, the entire globe seems to be one massive socialist utopia and will just love another Dim in the White House.

In fact, they love Dims so much they would rather give a Dim President a Nobel Peace Prize even though he attacked Libya rather than Trump who is the first US President since I can't remember when who did not start a war. Thanks Europe.

In other words, F#ck the rest of the world.
actually, brainwash functional moron, he just went along with the French and Italian attack that saved Benghazi from being massacred because they were against one of the worst terrorist dictators in the world.

Actually Benghazi was attacked by Al Queda because they found out Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying were running guns and financing Libya's COUP against The Libyan Government from there.

So Obama & Clinton paid Al Queda to start a COUP in Libya, Killed Qaddafi who was actually cooperating with us in the area, and then Al Queda turned around and attacked the very weapons depot where they were getting their weapons & money from.

Guess how they found that out? Hillary Rotten Clinton's unsecured server, and through Sid Blumenthal's Unsecured Email account that Clinton was sending her Classified Information through.

Now, you have been bitch slapped with TRUTH, and are a better informed idiot.

Continue on with your stupidity, and nonsensical dribblings.

Now you know why Obama & Clinton tried to cover up the investigation in to Benghazi and the investigation in to Clinton's Illegal Email Server.
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?
How about shutting down our Gov't for a record amount of days and separating us from our allies for starters The man is a lying degenerate and no more deserves to lead America the Putin does Now he belittles China How they must give in or face his wraith? Maker of the deal is FOS
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?
How about shutting down our Gov't for a record amount of days and separating us from our allies for starters The man is a lying degenerate and no more deserves to lead America the Putin does Now he belittles China How they must give in or face his wraith? Maker of the deal is FOS
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How about do you have any facts at all other than what some Lib Tard Trump Hating Obama-Clinton Ass Kissing, Parasitic Piece of Shit tells you?
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?
How about shutting down our Gov't for a record amount of days and separating us from our allies for starters The man is a lying degenerate and no more deserves to lead America the Putin does Now he belittles China How they must give in or face his wraith? Maker of the deal is FOS
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How about do you have any facts at all other than what some Lib Tard Trump Hating Obama-Clinton Ass Kissing, Parasitic Piece of Shit tells you?
I expect that from you Republicans wouldn't know a fact if it slapped him upside his head
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.
Translation, I've got nothing.

Well, nothing that you are capable of understanding.
Bravo! You are consist, I'll grant you that. But you still have nothing substantive or factual to offer. Deflect much?
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?
How about shutting down our Gov't for a record amount of days and separating us from our allies for starters The man is a lying degenerate and no more deserves to lead America the Putin does Now he belittles China How they must give in or face his wraith? Maker of the deal is FOS
This Post was Judged to be


How about do you have any facts at all other than what some Lib Tard Trump Hating Obama-Clinton Ass Kissing, Parasitic Piece of Shit tells you?
I expect that from you Republicans wouldn't know a fact if it slapped him upside his head
Anytime you want to slap me in the head with a fact, it's the first time you have ever had the courage to.

I'll slap you back though......and trust will be like instant anesthesia.

You won't feel a thing until you wake up an hour later.

Then you will wonder if you were hit by a train.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...

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