Can America survive Trump?

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The main reason US will get away with it is because Trump is basically incompetent... Look at all the reports from the White House, the place is a joke, nearly all of them are calling Trump an idiot (is f*cking Idiot, Moron, Liar....) in the open. But this moron brought the GOP Party to its knees, they all ended up been ostracised or assimilated...

This shows how weak the US form of Democracy is. The winner takes all (first past the post ) politics makes politicians open to being primaryed by his own side... Single Vote Transfer would cut this out and bring US politics back to the center.

It is not over yet... A second term of Trump will mean he might learn a bit to be more dangerous... The Cult have no clue what he is doing... These guys were the fools who thought Iraq was a good idea(and anyone who didn't agree was a traitor) and they managed to convince themselves that Democrats came up with the whole idea...
For America to survive the Democrats will need to get some balls. We've gone far enough with this subpeonas that are ignored and then more subpeonas that are ignored and then holding people in contempt which doesn't do a damn thing. It's time to go to the extreme, start arresting people. Hope Hicks and Don McGhan should both be arrested, as should Barr and Mnuchin.

Something else to keep in mind. There is no law or regulation or memo or anything else saying Donald Trump can not be indicted. That regulation or memo or whatever it is says that the PRESIDENT can't be indicted. Trump will not be president forever and the White House and the Justice Department will be in the hands of a Democrat. When that happens we need a flood of indictments. Donald Trump, Bill Barr, Steve Mnuchin, and every single person who ignored a congressional subpeona needs to be indicted and prosecuted. We can't have more "looking forward not backwards" BS. These people are laughing at the Democrats now. And it's easy for them to laugh now because they're protected by Trump's justice department. But once that protection is gone the Democrats need to go after them and go after them hard.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Depends on when he leaves, and under what circumstances.

Please cite specific examples.

??? WTF is that supposed to mean? Specific examples of a hypothetical future?
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
Doomsday? Is that what the best economy and excellent employment opportunities mean to you? Excuse me while I drive off to my laughing place...
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The main reason US will get away with it is because Trump is basically incompetent... Look at all the reports from the White House, the place is a joke, nearly all of them are calling Trump an idiot (is f*cking Idiot, Moron, Liar....) in the open. But this moron brought the GOP Party to its knees, they all ended up been ostracised or assimilated...

This shows how weak the US form of Democracy is. The winner takes all (first past the post ) politics makes politicians open to being primaryed by his own side... Single Vote Transfer would cut this out and bring US politics back to the center.

It is not over yet... A second term of Trump will mean he might learn a bit to be more dangerous... The Cult have no clue what he is doing... These guys were the fools who thought Iraq was a good idea(and anyone who didn't agree was a traitor) and they managed to convince themselves that Democrats came up with the whole idea...
So Mexico, All The NATO Nations, CHINA, CANADA are all Incompetent, because they are taking our lead right now, where as they used to just laugh at Obama and call him a gay string bean of a human being. The UK, Australia is also following our lead as is Japan and many other Nations.

America leads The World. It's what God Made it To Do.

Obama was an incompetent LibTard disaster wrapped in a pair of pink panties, Political Correctness, and Anti-Semitism and smothered in corruption. He was a joke. He couldn't even handle ISIS, soldiers driving a bunch of Toyota pickup trucks.

Mike Obama was more of a man that Obama Bin Spying.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will set side the 22nd amendment.

What's the difference between that and setting aside the second amendment they're both amendments aren't they?

See why it's a really bad idea to start changing rules yet?

No president has been able to set aside the 2nd amendment since 42% of Americans households and businesses own over 300 million guns.
The guns are to stop Dem Tards from staging a Bloody COUP against Democracy. That is why we ended up with a DemNazi Bloodless COUP ordered by The Obama Administration. They didn't want shot. All Liberals are Cowards anyways, unless they have guns, and we do not.

Same thing with Abortion. They have all kinds of courage when it comes to wanting to kill harmless babies. Ask them to defend a life and they shit their pants and cry for mommy.
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I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...
Moscow Teddy?

Putin's lapdog?
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number of undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have changed Obamacare will still be with us and people will be bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
There’s some serious right wing crazy on the his thread
I mean more jobs higher wages and less poor foreigners flooding poor American neighborhoods is a good thing no?
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...

So another excuse as to why they are incompetent? You keep blaming others, sorry your party is so weak and aimless.

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