Can America survive Trump?

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will set side the 22nd amendment.

What's the difference between that and setting aside the second amendment they're both amendments aren't they?

See why it's a really bad idea to start changing rules yet?

No president has been able to set aside the 2nd amendment since 42% of Americans households and businesses own over 300 million guns.
Ooops! See how that works? Just like the Founding Fathers wanted it to. If the socialist left continues their attack on the US and Americans, they may just find out exactly why it was planned that way.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The main reason US will get away with it is because Trump is basically incompetent... Look at all the reports from the White House, the place is a joke, nearly all of them are calling Trump an idiot (is f*cking Idiot, Moron, Liar....) in the open. But this moron brought the GOP Party to its knees, they all ended up been ostracised or assimilated...

This shows how weak the US form of Democracy is. The winner takes all (first past the post ) politics makes politicians open to being primaryed by his own side... Single Vote Transfer would cut this out and bring US politics back to the center.

It is not over yet... A second term of Trump will mean he might learn a bit to be more dangerous... The Cult have no clue what he is doing... These guys were the fools who thought Iraq was a good idea(and anyone who didn't agree was a traitor) and they managed to convince themselves that Democrats came up with the whole idea...
Oh, yes, those lame duck presidents. Like being caught in an "off mike" moment telling the leader of the Soviet Union to wait because "I'll have more flexibility after election".
For America to survive the Democrats will need to get some balls. We've gone far enough with this subpeonas that are ignored and then more subpeonas that are ignored and then holding people in contempt which doesn't do a damn thing. It's time to go to the extreme, start arresting people. Hope Hicks and Don McGhan should both be arrested, as should Barr and Mnuchin.

Something else to keep in mind. There is no law or regulation or memo or anything else saying Donald Trump can not be indicted. That regulation or memo or whatever it is says that the PRESIDENT can't be indicted. Trump will not be president forever and the White House and the Justice Department will be in the hands of a Democrat. When that happens we need a flood of indictments. Donald Trump, Bill Barr, Steve Mnuchin, and every single person who ignored a congressional subpeona needs to be indicted and prosecuted. We can't have more "looking forward not backwards" BS. These people are laughing at the Democrats now. And it's easy for them to laugh now because they're protected by Trump's justice department. But once that protection is gone the Democrats need to go after them and go after them hard.
Go for it, you can start your very own Great Purge. So much more like communist Soviet Union every time you propose shit like this. Dissidents will be rounded up and sent to the Gulag. There they will be used for labor or outright executed for their disagreement with the party narrative.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

Specifically you are an oblivious piece of shit for not realizing that the most dangerous existential threat to this nation was the past 8 years of Obama.

Specifically you are the proud owner of a particularly Virulent case of trump derangement syndrome.

Specifically each and every president that takes office has a dedicated chorus of detractors who think he is Satan incarnate; Trump is no exception neither will anyone who follows him be an exception.

Specifically you dedicate your entire posting day.... day in and day out to a single focus of hatred that makes you much less than one trick pony. Not only do you not have the trick you don't even have the pony.

As I said these points are all very specific.


The Didn't call Obama Bin Spying The Magic Muslim Marxist Manchurian Candidate for Nuthin!

You're right. It wasn't for nuthin. It was only after they were seriously brainwashed by the crazy right.
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
Trees outlive dogs and Edward, and sometimes they fall on Dogs, Edward, and Edwards House.
A Dog can piss on a tree for it's whole life and then it dies.
Some trees live to be 3,000 years old.
Be like me,take a step up A tree will outlive you and your mongrel.

Trees are made to make beautiful furniture, build houses, and make a fine piano, or violin.

Exactly what have you done with your worthless life that could even compete with what a tree does for nature and humanity?
Edward has consumed excess toilet paper made from trees dogs pissed on. Trees don't like Edward. Don't be like Edward.
I'm one of a kind step up into the real world,,,be like me
Oh, hayell NO!
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
Trees outlive dogs and Edward, and sometimes they fall on Dogs, Edward, and Edwards House.
A Dog can piss on a tree for it's whole life and then it dies.
Some trees live to be 3,000 years old.
Be like me,take a step up A tree will outlive you and your mongrel.

Trees are made to make beautiful furniture, build houses, and make a fine piano, or violin.

Exactly what have you done with your worthless life that could even compete with what a tree does for nature and humanity?
Edward has consumed excess toilet paper made from trees dogs pissed on. Trees don't like Edward. Don't be like Edward.
I'm one of a kind step up into the real world,,,be like me
Oh, hayell NO!
It'd be an improvement ,,believe me
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.
Perhaps you are delusional and these horrible things are imaginary. And it is you who needs therapy.

Are you aware that many of the TDS afflicted suffer from delusions?
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.
Perhaps you are delusional and these horrible things are imaginary. And it is you who needs therapy.

Are you aware that many of the TDS afflicted suffer from delusions?
Take your head out of scumps butt Mo You're next on his list
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
Reagan also tripled the debt and gave us the bubble and bust s&l crisis and recession. The GOP is brilliant at screwing everyone while running off with corrupt Profits...
Who was better Reagan or Carter?
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.

Another lie from the super moron. Thanks for the laughs!
Ask anyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage hate and misinformation...

No bubble here you super moron.
∆∆∆∆ignoramus troll
Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.

Another lie from the super moron. Thanks for the laughs!
Honestly, I think you are dead wrong here.

I tend to think of Franco as an average run of he mill moron.

Nothing Super or Special about him in any way except for the fact he rides a really short bus.
I admire and respect your "opinions", brainwashed functional morons and ignoramuses. LOL. Don't try any of it in polite Society....

You still trying to convince people that you and your boyfriend are all grownup?
∆∆ignoramus troll
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
Reagan also tripled the debt and gave us the bubble and bust s&l crisis and recession. The GOP is brilliant at screwing everyone while running off with corrupt Profits...
Who was better Reagan or Carter?
Carter. Good economy except for inflation. He wanted to cut taxes like Reagan but he would have done a much better job thank you. Not a single American killed in foreign Wars, his human rights thing was a tremendous success and had a hand in gorbachov and democracy in South America.Reaganism has ruined the middle-class our infrastructure political discourse and the country, as well as the Middle East and Central America. A lying scumbag great actor though his best role easilyand his incredible reputation among GOP voters is all propaganda.. Teddy Kennedy screwed Carter all up. His mistake was taking the shah of Iran in for surgery. Aaarrrggghhh.
Yes, America can "survive" Trump.

What worries me is if we swing way the hell back in the other direction in response, and we're left wondering the same thing with the NEXT President.

That's what's concerned me since the day he was elected.
What are you afraid of? Good health care daycare cheap college living wage,taxing the rich a little more than everyone else for crying out loud and work on infrastructure.
Yes, America can "survive" Trump.

What worries me is if we swing way the hell back in the other direction in response, and we're left wondering the same thing with the NEXT President.

That's what's concerned me since the day he was elected.
What are you afraid of? Good health care daycare cheap college living wage,taxing the rich a little more than everyone else for crying out loud and work on infrastructure.
I'm no more fond of the Regressive Left than I am of the Talk Radio Right.

I know you won't understand that, but you asked, I answered.
Yes, America can "survive" Trump.

What worries me is if we swing way the hell back in the other direction in response, and we're left wondering the same thing with the NEXT President.

That's what's concerned me since the day he was elected.
What are you afraid of? Good health care daycare cheap college living wage,taxing the rich a little more than everyone else for crying out loud and work on infrastructure.
I'm no more fond of the Regressive Left than I am of the Talk Radio Right.

I know you won't understand that, but you asked, I answered.
The question was what is wrong with Health Care daycare living wage intelligence. Americans aren't talking about issues. Just about scandals. At least the scandals Democrats worry about are actual, not garbage propaganda.
Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.

Another lie from the super moron. Thanks for the laughs!
Ask anyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage hate and misinformation...

No bubble here you super moron.
∆∆∆∆ignoramus troll

What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

No horrible things have happened. Dumbass.
All the GOP and a trump care about is tax cuts for the rich and cutting services for the rest. and deregulating so they can have another corrupt bubble and bust... We have lost total respect in the world that we care about.

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