Can America survive Trump?

There’s some serious right wing crazy on the his thread

To the Insane, Common Sense and Rational Thought seem like Insanity.
No wonder you thought Hillary Clinton was going to be a good president when she literally had accomplished NOTHING with her life but becoming a professional liar and a bureaucratic parasite.
There’s some serious right wing crazy on the his thread
They imitate their leader
You look a lot like your daddy Putin.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
The only way he can change things is to change the constitution or seize control of the government by force and set aside the constitution. Since changing the constitution requires that an amendment pass both houses with a 2/3 vote and ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures, the latter is more likely.

I'm still waiting to see the love of the people for Trump. Doesn't seem to be very likely when most of country doesn't even approve of the job he's doing as president.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number of undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have changed Obamacare will still be with us and people will be bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Too bad the rising wages is mainly among the rich, the average goes up but the mean goes down...
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...

So another excuse as to why they are incompetent? You keep blaming others, sorry your party is so weak and aimless.
I'll take that over your brainwashed goose-stepping big money screw the people GOP, idiot. Oh right you have no political views of your own, just enjoy trolling....
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have change. Obamacare will still be with us and people will bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

America is doing great under Trump and we are going to vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term.

You can move to Canada, or LibPhuckistan, or Venezuela.
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
The only way he can change things is to change the constitution or seize control of the government by force and set aside the constitution. Since changing the constitution requires that an amendment pass both houses with a 2/3 vote and ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures, the latter is more likely.

I'm still waiting to see the love of the people for Trump. Doesn't seem to be very likely when most of country doesn't even approve of the job he's doing as president.

16 Years of Trump, or Trump Policies as managed by Pence.

Quit Shitting Your Pants.

Start being a man for once.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...

So another excuse as to why they are incompetent? You keep blaming others, sorry your party is so weak and aimless.
I'll take that over your brainwashed goose-stepping big money screw the people GOP, idiot. Oh right you have no political views of your own, just enjoy trolling....
You Spewing Crap on a Message Board is not going to make your Welfare Check get bigger.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number of undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have changed Obamacare will still be with us and people will be bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...

So another excuse as to why they are incompetent? You keep blaming others, sorry your party is so weak and aimless.
I'll take that over your brainwashed goose-stepping big money screw the people GOP, idiot. Oh right you have no political views of your own, just enjoy trolling....
You Spewing Crap on a Message Board is not going to make your Welfare Check get bigger.
I continue to be happily retired, brainwashed functional moron.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number of undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have changed Obamacare will still be with us and people will be bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
I think he's pushed the envelope a lot further.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
Reagan also tripled the debt and gave us the bubble and bust s&l crisis and recession. The GOP is brilliant at screwing everyone while running off with corrupt Profits...
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Cats will kiss dogs.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

Specifically you are an oblivious piece of shit for not realizing that the most dangerous existential threat to this nation was the past 8 years of Obama.

Specifically you are the proud owner of a particularly Virulent case of trump derangement syndrome.

Specifically each and every president that takes office has a dedicated chorus of detractors who think he is Satan incarnate; Trump is no exception neither will anyone who follows him be an exception.

Specifically you dedicate your entire posting day.... day in and day out to a single focus of hatred that makes you much less than one trick pony. Not only do you not have the trick you don't even have the pony.

As I said these points are all very specific.


The Didn't call Obama Bin Spying The Magic Muslim Marxist Manchurian Candidate for Nuthin!
If by Rich, you mean The Dem Led House of Representatives who have a big GOOSE-EGG next to their list of accomplishments since Nazi Pelosi was given the gavel, and they had the gall to vote themselves a raise...

Those Rich People?
No. I am talking about the greedy idiot GOP rich who Are only interested in cutting taxes on themselves and services for everyone else, super duper. The Democrats have been obstructed for 50 years except for 35 days in session when they had 60 votes under Obama. And we got the greatest social reform since LBJ for the non rich... Considering they were in the middle of another corrupt GOP economic meltdown, that was all they could do, since it wouldn't happen for 4 years....

75-79 the Democrats had 61 votes, they also had control of the House by wide margins.
And they had Democrats like Teddy who would not cooperate with Carter...

So another excuse as to why they are incompetent? You keep blaming others, sorry your party is so weak and aimless.
I'll take that over your brainwashed goose-stepping big money screw the people GOP, idiot. Oh right you have no political views of your own, just enjoy trolling....

You know the Republicans have not had 60 votes ever and they keep kicking Democrats ass, how is that so?
You'll vote him in for a 3rd and 4th term? So you're saying Trump will declare another national emergency and set aside the 22nd amendment.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
Trees outlive dogs and Edwards, and sometimes they fall on Dogs, Edwards, and Edward's House.

A Dog can piss on a tree for it's whole life and then the dog dies. The tree just stands there ignoring the dogs entire existence.
Some trees live to be 3,000 years old.
A tree will outlive you and your mongrel.

Trees are used to make beautiful furniture, build houses, and make a fine piano, or violin.

Exactly what have you done with your worthless life that could even compete with what a tree does for nature and humanity?

Like all myopic minded liberals, you think pissing on a tree is insulting it.

You are just watering it and making it grow.

And it could care less about who you or who your dog thinks you are.
No , I am saying THE People will LOVE him so much after you turds continue to embarrass yourselves, that they will change things so he can run for 4 terms. That or Pence for 2 more. Either way, you idiots and your corruption and FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX, pretty much guaranteed 16 Years of TRUMP!

Congratulations Lib Tards!
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
Trees outlive dogs and Edward, and sometimes they fall on Dogs, Edward, and Edwards House.
A Dog can piss on a tree for it's whole life and then it dies.
Some trees live to be 3,000 years old.
A tree will outlive you and your mongrel.

Trees are made to make beautiful furniture, build houses, and make a fine piano, or violin.

Exactly what have you done with your worthless life that could even compete with what a tree does for nature and humanity?
Edward has consumed excess toilet paper made from trees dogs pissed on. Trees don't like Edward. Don't be like Edward.
Trump is like a fart in the wind Stunk up the place and disappeared
And you are a stain on his underwear.
I think he, like all liberals, are more like the Shit Hole under an Outhouse.

No matter how much shit and piss you fill it up with, it never seems to get full.

And I am not even sure if an Out House thinks of itself as an OUT House.

They probably imagine themselves as a cute little cottage in the woods, unaware of their own purpose, and oblivious to their own STANK!

That is liberalism in a nut shell.
Dogs piss on trees
Trees outlive dogs and Edward, and sometimes they fall on Dogs, Edward, and Edwards House.
A Dog can piss on a tree for it's whole life and then it dies.
Some trees live to be 3,000 years old.
Be like me,take a step up A tree will outlive you and your mongrel.

Trees are made to make beautiful furniture, build houses, and make a fine piano, or violin.

Exactly what have you done with your worthless life that could even compete with what a tree does for nature and humanity?
Edward has consumed excess toilet paper made from trees dogs pissed on. Trees don't like Edward. Don't be like Edward.
I'm one of a kind step up into the real world,,,be like me

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