Can America survive Trump?

What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

No horrible things have happened. Dumbass.
All the GOP and a trump care about is tax cuts for the rich and cutting services for the rest. and deregulating so they can have another corrupt bubble and bust... We have lost total respect in the world that we care about.

Nothing "horrible" has happened.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.

Another lie from the super moron. Thanks for the laughs!
Ask anyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage hate and misinformation...

No bubble here you super moron.
∆∆∆∆ignoramus troll

You are the dumb ass that claimed I was in a bubble, troll moron. Fuck off and don't answer me if you don't like my responses, you dumb bitch.
Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the GOP lying propaganda machine are the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States, super dupe.

Another lie from the super moron. Thanks for the laughs!
Honestly, I think you are dead wrong here.

I tend to think of Franco as an average run of he mill moron.

Nothing Super or Special about him in any way except for the fact he rides a really short bus.
I admire and respect your "opinions", brainwashed functional morons and ignoramuses. LOL. Don't try any of it in polite Society....

You still trying to convince people that you and your boyfriend are all grownup?
∆∆ignoramus troll

You brainwashed moron, get a clue!
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

No horrible things have happened. Dumbass.
All the GOP and a trump care about is tax cuts for the rich and cutting services for the rest. and deregulating so they can have another corrupt bubble and bust... We have lost total respect in the world that we care about.

Nothing "horrible" has happened.

View attachment 264774
what he is doing to families on the border who are looking for asylum is a crime 5000 kids. He certainly isn't making things better for the middle class. Give him time and he will screw up the economy have a bubble and bust. He hasn't done much you know LOL gave the North Korean dictatorhis best thing ever for nothing. The Iran stuff and Venezuelan sanctions ruining that country- he's ruining quite a few countries. America first. What a scumbag and the deplorables. He is really wrecking the truth all the time. Give him time he Rex everything he touches except for his b*******.
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

No horrible things have happened. Dumbass.
All the GOP and a trump care about is tax cuts for the rich and cutting services for the rest. and deregulating so they can have another corrupt bubble and bust... We have lost total respect in the world that we care about.

Nothing "horrible" has happened.

View attachment 264774
what he is doing to families on the border who are looking for asylum is a crime 5000 kids. He certainly isn't making things better for the middle class. Give him time and he will screw up the economy have a bubble and bust. He hasn't done much you know LOL gave the North Korean dictatorhis best thing ever for nothing. The Iran stuff and Venezuelan sanctions ruining that country- he's ruining quite a few countries. America first. What a scumbag and the deplorables. He is really wrecking the truth all the time. Give him time he Rex everything he touches except for his b*******.
He loves the border crisis, he should help the Central American countries. So stupid and disingenuous. Only propaganda and racism make it possible
What horrible things have happened Bulldog?

If you are unaware of those things, I'm not qualified to reintroduce you to reality. Talk to your therapist about it.

No horrible things have happened. Dumbass.
All the GOP and a trump care about is tax cuts for the rich and cutting services for the rest. and deregulating so they can have another corrupt bubble and bust... We have lost total respect in the world that we care about.

Nothing "horrible" has happened.

View attachment 264774
Fake photograph, super dupe.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
Reagan also tripled the debt and gave us the bubble and bust s&l crisis and recession. The GOP is brilliant at screwing everyone while running off with corrupt Profits...
Who was better Reagan or Carter?
Carter. Good economy except for inflation. He wanted to cut taxes like Reagan but he would have done a much better job thank you. Not a single American killed in foreign Wars, his human rights thing was a tremendous success and had a hand in gorbachov and democracy in South America.Reaganism has ruined the middle-class our infrastructure political discourse and the country, as well as the Middle East and Central America. A lying scumbag great actor though his best role easilyand his incredible reputation among GOP voters is all propaganda.. Teddy Kennedy screwed Carter all up. His mistake was taking the shah of Iran in for surgery. Aaarrrggghhh.
The American people are in a malaise. I asked my daughter Amy what she thought. These pronouncements were worse than anything Trump has said and I was a Jimmy Carter supporter! Lets see what others at USMB think.
I expect when Trump leaves office, American will look a lot like it did before he took office. The economic expansion started under Obama and continued under Trump will probably still be with us but at a slower pace due to the Trump trade war. Considering the number of undocumented immigrants that have entered the country during his time in office, we will probably have about the same number of undocumented immigrants as when he took office. Immigration laws will not have changed Obamacare will still be with us and people will be bitching about it just as much as before he entered office. One thing I think everyone will notice is the divisions within the country will have increased.

I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
I think he's pushed the envelope a lot further.

I don't think so, Obama was pretty paranoid of Fox News.
Obama, Fox News and the Free Press -
True. Obama did lash back at Fox News several times. However, what Obama did does not even come close to Trump attacks on the Media. More than once a day, on average, Trump has publicly assailed news outlet with claims of "fake news," "fake polls," "fake media," and "fake stories." After Trump won the election, he almost single-handedly turned the definition of fake news on its head. Among his supporters, "fake news" is now a catch-all criticism for any news that Trump doesn't like.

Trump's daily spats with the media is of little consequence. The danger lies when the president tells the American people don't listen to the press. They lie, lie, lie. He has more than once raised the question as to what should be done with the media. The answer to that question is of course to shut them up. When government decides that Americans have reached a point where they don't know what to believe, a government controlled news service will be in our future. And you know, most Americans would probably welcome it because of all good news they would hear about our leaders and the government.
I have seen the divide increase since Clinton.
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
I think he's pushed the envelope a lot further.

I don't think so, Obama was pretty paranoid of Fox News.
Obama, Fox News and the Free Press -
True. Obama did lash back at Fox News several times. However, what Obama did does not even come close to Trump attacks on the Media. More than once a day, on average, Trump has publicly assailed news outlet with claims of "fake news," "fake polls," "fake media," and "fake stories." After Trump won the election, he almost single-handedly turned the definition fake news on its head. Among his supporters, "fake news" is now a catch-all criticism for any news that Trump doesn't like.

Trump's daily spats with media is of little consequence. The danger lies when the president tells the American people don't listen to the press. They lie, lie, lie. He has more than once raised the question as to what should be done with the media. The answer to that question is of course to shut them up. When government decides that Americans have reached a point where they don't know what to believe, a government controlled news service will be in our future. And you know, most Americans would probably welcome it because of all good news they would hear.
If the so-called press wouldn't "lie, lie, lie" there would be no problem, would there?
It gets worse with each president. Trump has added a new twist. The media is fate news unless it supports your beliefs. This in effect, creates an environment in which voters disregard facts, great news for candidates where facts are a problem.

Obama did the same, Fox News was labeled "ultimately destructive".

Trump just pushed the envelop a little further, as did Obama.

Neither leader should have spoke about it but that is hindsight and it will get worse.
I think he's pushed the envelope a lot further.

I don't think so, Obama was pretty paranoid of Fox News.
Obama, Fox News and the Free Press -
True. Obama did lash back at Fox News several times. However, what Obama did does not even come close to Trump attacks on the Media. More than once a day, on average, Trump has publicly assailed news outlet with claims of "fake news," "fake polls," "fake media," and "fake stories." After Trump won the election, he almost single-handedly turned the definition fake news on its head. Among his supporters, "fake news" is now a catch-all criticism for any news that Trump doesn't like.

Trump's daily spats with media is of little consequence. The danger lies when the president tells the American people don't listen to the press. They lie, lie, lie. He has more than once raised the question as to what should be done with the media. The answer to that question is of course to shut them up. When government decides that Americans have reached a point where they don't know what to believe, a government controlled news service will be in our future. And you know, most Americans would probably welcome it because of all good news they would hear.
If the so-called press wouldn't "lie, lie, lie" there would be no problem, would there?
The media has always issued unwarranted attacks, lies, half truths, and exaggerations about the president. For the most part, previous presidents have ignored them and refused to play their game and for good reason. Once a president chooses to involve himself, it only creates more attention. It's like throwing meat to a pack of hunger dogs.

Trump's willingness to engage the media gives the story legs and encourages the media to dig up more shit. And don't think for a second think that Trump is concerned. He is following his Dad's advice, that it doesn't matter what people say about you as long as they are saying something. Trump mentioned this is in one his books and paraphrased it in discussing his TV series.

TV, internet, newspapers, and radio political writers and commentators will say just about anything to grab the viewers attention because that's how they make money, increasing their audience. Being called out by the president is gold. And if you can really engage the president and get some personal attacks you've got it made.
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With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
People will realize they had trump all wrong. People who support him think he’s a brilliant businessman and just a bad politician. They have it backwards.

Trump is a brilliant politician and lousy businessman.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.
In 1980, I felt about Reagan the way the left feels about Trump. We are going to have WWIII, factory workers won't have jobs or pay raises, the environment will disintegrate, Roe v Wade will be overturned, the economy will tank and never recover. How close were my predictions and fears? The same will happen here. We needed a morale shot in the arm then and Reagan provided it. We needed an economic shot in the arm now, and Trump provided it.
Reagan also tripled the debt and gave us the bubble and bust s&l crisis and recession. The GOP is brilliant at screwing everyone while running off with corrupt Profits...
Who was better Reagan or Carter?
Carter. Good economy except for inflation. He wanted to cut taxes like Reagan but he would have done a much better job thank you. Not a single American killed in foreign Wars, his human rights thing was a tremendous success and had a hand in gorbachov and democracy in South America.Reaganism has ruined the middle-class our infrastructure political discourse and the country, as well as the Middle East and Central America. A lying scumbag great actor though his best role easilyand his incredible reputation among GOP voters is all propaganda.. Teddy Kennedy screwed Carter all up. His mistake was taking the shah of Iran in for surgery. Aaarrrggghhh.
The American people are in a malaise. I asked my daughter Amy what she thought. These pronouncements were worse than anything Trump has said and I was a Jimmy Carter supporter! Lets see what others at USMB think.
I don't care about that. I blame Teddy. He should have been Carter's lieutenant and then he could have been president in 84. Reagan has been a disaster. Still is..
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Yup the children of the world will rejoice when no one will tell them NO

With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

LMAO and just what horrible, terrible things have happened there Bull??

I'm sure you don't mean the great economy. Or UE the lowest its been in 50 years.

And you surely can't mean jobs across the country.

You surely can't mean the Mueller shit show?? I know you were disappointed that his report didn't say what you hoped and prayed it would but clear is clear. LOL

Just let us know all these horrible, terrible things Trump has done. Enquiring minds want to know.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

America can, and will be stronger.

The anti-Americans who are pretending to be Americans in an attempt to take over... they can't. They are being exposed every day.
With all the doomsday hysteria about the Trump presidency, I am wondering what America will look like after he leaves office. How will it compare with before he took office?

Please cite specific examples.

The entire world will breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately issue the next Democratic president the Nobel piece prize in celebration. People will talk about the crazy and horrible things that happened under the Trump presidency, the way they talk about hurricanes now.

Indeed, the entire globe seems to be one massive socialist utopia and will just love another Dim in the White House.

In fact, they love Dims so much they would rather give a Dim President a Nobel Peace Prize even though he attacked Libya rather than Trump who is the first US President since I can't remember when who did not start a war. Thanks Europe.

In other words, F#ck the rest of the world.

Um: Oz excepted of course.


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