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Can any member of the rabid right-libertarian front justify this statement?

Why don't you tell us why America is so much better off because of desegregation, affirmative action and the voting rights act.

My question was not directed at you, but rather Gunny L. Please give him an opportunity to answer.
What are these effects and why are they so detrimental?

The first, obvious no-brainer is affirmative action. Hiring based on racial quota, not qualification. Same with promotions. Same with scolarships. Same with school seats.

Forcing people to integrate with people they neither want to integrate with or even know, causes nothing but hatred and/or resentment, by BOTH parties.

Since our laws and/or unwritten rules we live by cater to the minority at the expense of the majority, it's caused a seething resentment that just keeps growing. Labelling people "racist" doesn't change that. If anything, it reinforces it.

ANY controversy that involves whites and minorities of another race always defelcts to race, and that becomes the issue rather than the original issue; which, usually goes unresolved.

Katrina is a perfect example. There were screwups at every level, but because a bunch of people were too stupid to get out of the way of a Cat 5 hurricane, and the overwhelming majority of them happened to be black, the fact that our government bureaucacy is slow and stupid turned into an issue of racism. No one cared about NO because the people were black. Bullshit.

How about OJ? He walked on a murder because whites feared the response of blacks.

How about old Rodney King? He gets beat up by cops abusing their authority who also happen to be white and the blacks destroy part of LA. I recall them doing the same in Liberty City, a suburb of Miami, in 1980.

Forced integration is a failure every time, and it was played out on a smaller scale with bussing; which, was finally decalred a failure and abandoned.

What happened in Yugoslavia once the force (Tito) was gone? What's happening in Iraq?

I don't see that forced integration has done much of anything in this Nation. Everyone pretty-much huddles up with their own groups and interact with others only as much as they are required to in order to get through life.
American is worse off because of desegregation and the (racial) civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

I don't know why you'd lump libertarians with the "rabid-right", or why you think they would support segregation laws. If you think the government has any right to pass laws requiring business owners to treat certain demographics as sub-human, sorry but you aren't a libertarian.

Of course libertarians also oppose government mandated racial quotas. People, including business owners, should be free to associate and/or hire whoever they please.
The first, obvious no-brainer is affirmative action. Hiring based on racial quota, not qualification. Same with promotions. Same with scolarships. Same with school seats.

Affirmative action is not necessarily the result of the civil rights movement. The most you can say that the civil rights movement allowed minorities to become more politically active so naturally politicians try to attract their votes. Furthermore affirmative action has also been applied to women and non-black minorities so it did not stem solely from the black civil rights movement.

Forcing people to integrate with people they neither want to integrate with or even know, causes nothing but hatred and/or resentment, by BOTH parties.

Bigots cannot go to private schools, move to different neighborhoods or find a different job? And just how was it any better to tell minorities they are not welcome in certain places and are not entitled to hold certain jobs?

Since our laws and/or unwritten rules we live by cater to the minority at the expense of the majority,

What was Jim Crow doing?

ANY controversy that involves whites and minorities of another race always defelcts to race, and that becomes the issue rather than the original issue; which, usually goes unresolved.

Care to give some examples?

Katrina is a perfect example. There were screwups at every level, but because a bunch of people were too stupid to get out of the way of a Cat 5 hurricane, and the overwhelming majority of them happened to be black, the fact that our government bureaucacy is slow and stupid turned into an issue of racism. No one cared about NO because the people were black. Bullshit.

When’s the last time the federal government offered such an inadequate response to a major natural disaster that had struck a region with a large minority population? How fast did federal aid reach non-minorities after 9-11, or any one of the numerous earthquakes that hit non-minority areas of California? And I don’t recall anyone complaining about how slow the federal response was to the various non-minority regions of Florida when the state was hit by 4 hurricanes in 2004. You didn’t more than 2 weeks without hearing about GWB touring some storm ravaged region of Florida.

How about OJ? He walked on a murder because whites feared the response of blacks.

Talk about stereotyping.

How about old Rodney King? He gets beat up by cops abusing their authority who also happen to be white and the blacks destroy part of LA. I recall them doing the same in Liberty City, a suburb of Miami, in 1980.

True. But consider how easy it used to be for the Klan to lynch black people.

Forced integration is a failure every time,

You prefer legally sanctioned bigotry?

What happened in Yugoslavia once the force (Tito) was gone? What's happening in Iraq?

How does this compare to America? Are you saying America cannot be a racially and religiously diverse country and still have a great deal of national unity?

I don't see that forced integration has done much of anything in this Nation.

If integration had not been forced, how else would it have been achieved? Or do you prefer a segregated society?

The fact that bigotry is no longer given official sanction through either the overt or covert support of the government is the greatest achievement of the civil rights movement. America is no longer a society in which it is acceptable to be a bigot.
Affirmative action is not necessarily the result of the civil rights movement. The most you can say that the civil rights movement allowed minorities to become more politically active so naturally politicians try to attract their votes. Furthermore affirmative action has also been applied to women and non-black minorities so it did not stem solely from the black civil rights movement.

Bigots cannot go to private schools, move to different neighborhoods or find a different job? And just how was it any better to tell minorities they are not welcome in certain places and are not entitled to hold certain jobs?

What was Jim Crow doing?

Care to give some examples?

When’s the last time the federal government offered such an inadequate response to a major natural disaster that had struck a region with a large minority population? How fast did federal aid reach non-minorities after 9-11, or any one of the numerous earthquakes that hit non-minority areas of California? And I don’t recall anyone complaining about how slow the federal response was to the various non-minority regions of Florida when the state was hit by 4 hurricanes in 2004. You didn’t more than 2 weeks without hearing about GWB touring some storm ravaged region of Florida.

Talk about stereotyping.

True. But consider how easy it used to be for the Klan to lynch black people.

You prefer legally sanctioned bigotry?

How does this compare to America? Are you saying America cannot be a racially and religiously diverse country and still have a great deal of national unity?

If integration had not been forced, how else would it have been achieved? Or do you prefer a segregated society?

The fact that bigotry is no longer given official sanction through either the overt or covert support of the government is the greatest achievement of the civil rights movement. America is no longer a society in which it is acceptable to be a bigot.

Affirmative action is not necessarily the result of the civil rights movement. The most you can say that the civil rights movement allowed minorities to become more politically active so naturally politicians try to attract their votes. Furthermore affirmative action has also been applied to women and non-black minorities so it did not stem solely from the black civil rights movement.

Affirmative Action is most commonly associated with blacks. It all amounts to the same thing, regardless. Unequal treatment for minorities.

Bigots cannot go to private schools, move to different neighborhoods or find a different job? And just how was it any better to tell minorities they are not welcome in certain places and are not entitled to hold certain jobs?

You really need to open your mind a little. You have this black and white mindset which you are using to put words in my mouth.

First, EVERYONE, to include YOU, is bigotted. Trying to sling that label around like a battleaxe with me is wasting your time. You know as well as I do that the vast majority cannot afford to send their children to private school.

Second, I did not state nor imply in any way that telling minorities they were not welcome in certain places/not entitled to hold certain jobs was right, nor any part of the argument I am making.

I'm arguing against the title of this thread. I'm arguing against the closed minded, black-or-white-only mentality and double standard you represent. You keep on attempting to dismiss all arguments with labels of racism rather than making any attempt at a logical argument.

What was Jim Crow doing?

Please list all current Jim Crow laws, and the judgements that have upheld them.

Care to give some examples?

When’s the last time the federal government offered such an inadequate response to a major natural disaster that had struck a region with a large minority population? How fast did federal aid reach non-minorities after 9-11, or any one of the numerous earthquakes that hit non-minority areas of California? And I don’t recall anyone complaining about how slow the federal response was to the various non-minority regions of Florida when the state was hit by 4 hurricanes in 2004. You didn’t more than 2 weeks without hearing about GWB touring some storm ravaged region of Florida.

When was the last time the Federal government HAD TO handle a state's affairs concerning a natural disaster? And don't try to pull any Florida bullshit on me. I lived in Miami for 10 years and Key West for 2. When we came to the conclusion a hurricane was going to hit, we took whatever precaustions we needed to. I don't recall too many Floridians that just stood there and waited for the hurricane to slam into them.

Not to mention that the Gov of FL didn't wait until AFTER the hurricane hit to request Federal aid, a prerequisite for the Fed to intervene.

Talk about stereotyping.

Talk about ignoring the facts that surrounded the trial.

True. But consider how easy it used to be for the Klan to lynch black people.

Irrelevant to here and now.

You prefer legally sanctioned bigotry?

There's a whole world in between legal sanctioned bigotry and forced integration. Something you obviously cannot see.

How does this compare to America? Are you saying America cannot be a racially and religiously diverse country and still have a great deal of national unity?

Obviously, an America with common history, of the same race and beliefs will have MORE unity than one that is diverse. Simple logic. That isn't saying there can't be national unity. But in case you've missed it, we've lost a WHOLE lot of ours.

If integration had not been forced, how else would it have been achieved? Or do you prefer a segregated society?

I don't prefer a segregated society, nor have I argued for one. The only solution I know of to achieve racial integration successfully is for all sides to get over themselves. Obviously, such is not the case, and forcing the issue has just perpetuated it.

The fact that bigotry is no longer given official sanction through either the overt or covert support of the government is the greatest achievement of the civil rights movement. America is no longer a society in which it is acceptable to be a bigot.

Wrong. It's completely acceptable to be a bigot just so long as you are allowed to be a bigotted against the appropriately listed PC, SP bad guy list. You, for example, in your extremism against those you label "bigot," are as bigotted as the worst racist I have ever met. The second someone says race the original problem vanishes in your mind and you go into attack mode, labelling people as if that in an dof itself was a suitable argument.

And it's people who express the opinions you have who I referred to earlier who need to get over themselves.
Wrong. It's completely acceptable to be a bigot just so long as you are allowed to be a bigotted against the appropriately listed PC, SP bad guy list. You, for example, in your extremism against those you label "bigot," are as bigotted as the worst racist I have ever met. The second someone says race the original problem vanishes in your mind and you go into attack mode, labelling people as if that in an dof itself was a suitable argument.

And it's people who express the opinions you have who I referred to earlier who need to get over themselves.

In what ways have I been racist? Give me specific examples.
you are such a baby....

In case you missed it, my answer was included in my next to last post to GL: It is no longer acceptable to be a bigot in public or to think you are entitled to have your bigotry sanctioned by law.
In case you missed it, my answer was included in my next to last post to GL: It is no longer acceptable to be a bigot in public or to think you are entitled to have your bigotry sanctioned by law.

And that makes America better ? Laws that prohibit certain people from doing anything vaguely resembling bigotry ?
In case you missed it, my answer was included in my next to last post to GL: It is no longer acceptable to be a bigot in public or to think you are entitled to have your bigotry sanctioned by law.

You need to look up the words you use beforehand.

bigot: "–noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion."


You clearly are bigotted against those who think differently than you.
In case you missed it, my answer was included in my next to last post to GL: It is no longer acceptable to be a bigot in public or to think you are entitled to have your bigotry sanctioned by law.

that wasn't an answer.... it was a series of wise ass, biased, bigoted, racists rants at gunny

oh and black bigotry is sanctioned by law it is called quotas
You need to look up the words you use beforehand.

bigot: "–noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion."


You clearly are bigotted against those who think differently than you.

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to say that I can be a BIGOT about a lot of things!!! Thanks for the definition Gunny.

I'm totally intolerant of:

child porn; physical, sexual and verbal abuse; legalizing illegal drugs; gangs; spam; telemarketing; satanism; using foul language in public; deserters; just about every opinion expressed by the far left wing radical progressive liberals; and too many other subjects to ever be listed here.

My point is that I don't believe there is an individual alive that doesn't have some bigotry in them.

Being a bigot does not equal being a racist.
And that makes America better ? Laws that prohibit certain people from doing anything vaguely resembling bigotry ?

Huh? Is there a complete thought in this collection of words? Are you saying that laws that say black people and white people have to use separate water fountains or go to separate schools do not equate to bigotry?
I did not say you are or or not racist. I called you a bigot. Bigotry and racism are not mutually inclusive terms. While racism requires bigotry to exist, bigotry does not require racism to exist.

If you are a racist, how can you not also be a bigot? Now give me examples of what you take as my bigotry.

If you support laws that mandate that people be separated one from another because of their race (something you seem to be in favor of), are you not a racist and thus a bigot?

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