Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

"they can charge whatever they want "

No they cannot.

"Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US " shit?
Here's the problem with threads like this written by you left wing nut jobs. You have already decided that there isn't any way any right winger could ever answer your challenge. No matter what anyone said you would deny it. It isn't as if you really want to know and that you will take the right wingers answer seriously. You simply want to deny all comers and then claim that you posed a question that no right winger could answer.

You are too transparent there loser. I just laugh at you.
Lol translation: you have no argument to put forth.

You have no clue how Canada achieves its cost efficiencies. I'd like though for you to educate us about your vision of how the US can achieve the same cost efficiencies as the Canadian system.

Here's the income statement for a large health provider - United Health. They earned only a 4.32% profit on their operations and to earn that profit they had to manage their financial operations very carefully in order to reduce waste and fraud, something that Medicare administrators don't have to do because they don't risk losing their jobs via bankruptcy if they lose money.

IN order to earn that 4.32% profit, the shareholders of United Health have had to invest billions of dollars. The profit that was earned on operations amounted to a 4.38% return on invested capital.

So if you took over the operations of United Health and put the whole shebang under government control you'd also have to supply the billions of dollars for the capital needed to operate the system and now you could keep that 4.32% profit from operations for the government.

Now that private enterprise is out of the equation, other than than 4.32% what else are you going to do to bring American expenditures down to Canadian levels?

I'm all eyes and ears awaiting your lesson for me.
So you're suggesting that I am suggesting gov should take over a well established profitable company? No. I am talking about a massive overhaul. There would be no sense in taking over a company. That's not what this is about.
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
Over 90% of AMericans must be financially secure. BEcause those are the people using it.

Or at least they were using it until Obama cancelled their plans and took away their doctors - That They Liked.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
You're joking right? You want me to give you examples of a business going under?
A business going under?

You did not say "a business"...

You said there were countless "private industries" that went under.....and I asked you to name one.

Sparky....a private business is a component of a private industry......but it is not an industry.

How the hell can you debate economics when you are not aware of the basic economic principles?
My point wasn't so much that an industry itself fails. I meant that failures happen within it. The obvious point I am making is that capitalism, like government, has failures.
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
Over 90% of AMericans must be financially secure. BEcause those are the people using it.

Or at least they were using it until Obama cancelled their plans and took away their doctors - That They Liked.

My insurance went up 15%.
My salary didn't.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
See, Billy is stupid. And stupid people think that two things that sound or seem similar are actually identical.
So he could point to, e.g. Wang Computers as a "private industry that failed." Or Eastern Airlines. But private industry is not identical to private company (i.e. not government owned). But to brainless turds like Billy it's all pretty much the same thing.

I can not think of a single industry that failed in the US. Sure, some are fading out due to changes in technology and EPA regulations......but I can not think of one that failed.
Here's the problem with threads like this written by you left wing nut jobs. You have already decided that there isn't any way any right winger could ever answer your challenge. No matter what anyone said you would deny it. It isn't as if you really want to know and that you will take the right wingers answer seriously. You simply want to deny all comers and then claim that you posed a question that no right winger could answer.

You are too transparent there loser. I just laugh at you.
Lol translation: you have no argument to put forth.
This whole thread is filled with arguments to your just ignire them and say they are not viable...without backing it up.
im sorry. What argument am I ignoring exactly?
1) When government tries to do what private industry can do, it winds up with higher costs and less efficiency. This is fact. Look into the time the federal government deemed it more cost efficient to manufacture iron on its own for tanks and other military wound up costing twice as much to produce it than it did to buy it from private industry

2) The Canadian poll is a farce. How can Canadians compare theirs to ours if they don't use ours? You were duped by a left wing poll

3) The DMV is a disaster. No efficiency; no customer service. The USPS runs in the red...year after year. Fed Ex ande UPS walk all over USPS overnight delivery

4) It cost the US government 600 million dollars to design and implement a web site that caters to 300 million people in one country. How much did AMazon spend to cater to billions over 7 continents?

Shall I continue?
1) you're making a generalized statement about gov itself. To suggest gov is inherently flawed is a fallacy. High cost huh? You actually think our healthcare system is cheap? You're shitting me right?

2) You don't even know the poll. Tell me how could a poll taken of Canadians have an American liberal bias?

3) more fallacy. You're comparing apples to carrots. Non sense.

4) same point as above. Anecdotal irrelevant comparisons do jack shit for your argument.
That's how you debate? You simply say I am wrong without backing it up?
How fucking juvenile.

You are not longer worth my time.
Another one bites the dust...
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

I've given you answers to your questions before and you've simply ignored the answers and stuck with your faith-based views. Why should people expend effort on trying to educate you when you have no intention of abandoning your faith-based views?
Go ahead dude humor me. Give me these airtight arguments one more time. If I ignore them I would only be embarrassing myself.
So you asked me to cite our arguments...I do....and you, once again, ignore the post.

You are a child.

It's a favorite tactic of many, I you around and around in circles over the same ground. Explain this, define that, they try to play word games and cause distractions ...weak and transparent.

Look at his response to my post. He takes one point I made about cost efficiency and he responsds with ..."you think healthcare is cheap".....I mean.,....huh?

I make a point that the Canadian poll is a left wing poll....meaning the questions asked were likely very suggestive....such as "if the US healthcare system denied you coverage due to pre -existing conditions, would you prefer the Canadian plan"...and he says "how can a Canadian poll have a liberal bias."

I show him how the DMV and USPS are not efficient and he simply says "apples to carrots" if they are not perfect examples of where government failed....

I show him how the website cost 5 times what Amazon paid for theirs...and again, he says "not applicable"

The kid is a child.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

I've given you answers to your questions before and you've simply ignored the answers and stuck with your faith-based views. Why should people expend effort on trying to educate you when you have no intention of abandoning your faith-based views?
Go ahead dude humor me. Give me these airtight arguments one more time. If I ignore them I would only be embarrassing myself.
So you asked me to cite our arguments...I do....and you, once again, ignore the post.

You are a child.

It's a favorite tactic of many, I you around and around in circles over the same ground. Explain this, define that, they try to play word games and cause distractions ...weak and transparent.

Look at his response to my post. He takes one point I made about cost efficiency and he responsds with ..."you think healthcare is cheap".....I mean.,....huh?

I make a point that the Canadian poll is a left wing poll....meaning the questions asked were likely very suggestive....such as "if the US healthcare system denied you coverage due to pre -existing conditions, would you prefer the Canadian plan"...and he says "how can a Canadian poll have a liberal bias."

I show him how the DMV and USPS are not efficient and he simply says "apples to carrots" if they are not perfect examples of where government failed....

I show him how the website cost 5 times what Amazon paid for theirs...and again, he says "not applicable"

The kid is a child.
No what's childish is suggesting a poll that you have never heard of has a liberal bias.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

I've given you answers to your questions before and you've simply ignored the answers and stuck with your faith-based views. Why should people expend effort on trying to educate you when you have no intention of abandoning your faith-based views?
Go ahead dude humor me. Give me these airtight arguments one more time. If I ignore them I would only be embarrassing myself.
So you asked me to cite our arguments...I do....and you, once again, ignore the post.

You are a child.

It's a favorite tactic of many, I you around and around in circles over the same ground. Explain this, define that, they try to play word games and cause distractions ...weak and transparent.

Look at his response to my post. He takes one point I made about cost efficiency and he responsds with ..."you think healthcare is cheap".....I mean.,....huh?

I make a point that the Canadian poll is a left wing poll....meaning the questions asked were likely very suggestive....such as "if the US healthcare system denied you coverage due to pre -existing conditions, would you prefer the Canadian plan"...and he says "how can a Canadian poll have a liberal bias."

I show him how the DMV and USPS are not efficient and he simply says "apples to carrots" if they are not perfect examples of where government failed....

I show him how the website cost 5 times what Amazon paid for theirs...and again, he says "not applicable"

The kid is a child.
No what's childish is suggesting a poll that you have never heard of has a liberal bias.
Seeing as Canadians, on the most part, do not use US ask them their opinion on it would be a waste of time....unless the one taking the poll has an agenda.

For example....asking someone who never saw a movie if they preferred seeing the movie they DID see over the movie they DIDNT see would be futile....unless you were marketing the movie the person DID see.

I know...tough concept to understand.

Apply yourself.
Is there no one else? Are you Rightwingers done? Can we agree now socialized healthcare is the answer?
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
You're joking right? You want me to give you examples of a business going under?
A business going under?

You did not say "a business"...

You said there were countless "private industries" that went under.....and I asked you to name one.

Sparky....a private business is a component of a private industry......but it is not an industry.

How the hell can you debate economics when you are not aware of the basic economic principles?
See my post above. To stupid people like Billy two things that sound sort of the same are identical. He proved it in the very next post.
You're not dealing with PhD material here.
Is there no one else? Are you Rightwingers done? Can we agree now socialized healthcare is the answer?
I think the general agreement here is you are a smelly troll who can't debate because he doesnt know his asshole from a hole in the ground.
Others can Like if they think I'm right.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

I've given you answers to your questions before and you've simply ignored the answers and stuck with your faith-based views. Why should people expend effort on trying to educate you when you have no intention of abandoning your faith-based views?
Go ahead dude humor me. Give me these airtight arguments one more time. If I ignore them I would only be embarrassing myself.
So you asked me to cite our arguments...I do....and you, once again, ignore the post.

You are a child.

It's a favorite tactic of many, I you around and around in circles over the same ground. Explain this, define that, they try to play word games and cause distractions ...weak and transparent.

Look at his response to my post. He takes one point I made about cost efficiency and he responsds with ..."you think healthcare is cheap".....I mean.,....huh?

I make a point that the Canadian poll is a left wing poll....meaning the questions asked were likely very suggestive....such as "if the US healthcare system denied you coverage due to pre -existing conditions, would you prefer the Canadian plan"...and he says "how can a Canadian poll have a liberal bias."

I show him how the DMV and USPS are not efficient and he simply says "apples to carrots" if they are not perfect examples of where government failed....

I show him how the website cost 5 times what Amazon paid for theirs...and again, he says "not applicable"

The kid is a child.
No what's childish is suggesting a poll that you have never heard of has a liberal bias.
Seeing as Canadians, on the most part, do not use US ask them their opinion on it would be a waste of time....unless the one taking the poll has an agenda.

For example....asking someone who never saw a movie if they preferred seeing the movie they DID see over the movie they DIDNT see would be futile....unless you were marketing the movie the person DID see.

I know...tough concept to understand.

Apply yourself.
I see. Hm. Well by that logic you are in no place to judge their system as inferior considering you've never used it...

Guess what? You don't have to use a healthcare system to know whether or not it works. People inform themselves.
Try again with the post office.

Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.

Bull shit. You did deny it, that's what you said when you quoted the WHO study:
"Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world?"
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.

Bull shit. You did deny it, that's what you said when you quoted the WHO study:
"Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world?"
You're a Rightwinger so I don't expect you to understand nuance. A healthcare system must be judged based on affordability and accessibility.

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