Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

Is there no one else? Are you Rightwingers done? Can we agree now socialized healthcare is the answer?
Funny how you ignore answers you do not like.

Lowers costs, increases quality.
This is especially true if we get rid of all third-party payers.
How about quality?

Yes obviously quality matters. Sure our system is state of the art. Again that's not enough to make it a good system if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.
How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.

Is there no one else? Are you Rightwingers done? Can we agree now socialized healthcare is the answer?
Funny how you ignore answers you do not like.

Lowers costs, increases quality.
This is especially true if we get rid of all third-party payers.
Here is the only answer needed to the question in the OP. Of course it's been provided ready but the OP isn't interested in answers:

"The VA"

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
How about quality?
Yes obviously quality matters. Sure our system is state of the art. Again that's not enough to make it a good system if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.
You have every right to whatever health care you can afford.
That you cannot afford any particular level of health care does not give you the right to have the state force other people to pay for it, or provide it for free.
Name one private industry company that is $17 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, you have your answer.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
How about quality?
Yes obviously quality matters. Sure our system is state of the art. Again that's not enough to make it a good system if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.
You have every right to whatever health care you can afford.
That you cannot afford any particular level of health care does not give you the right to have the state force other people to pay for it, or provide it for free.
So those kids growing up in poor families shouldn't get proper healthcare because it is too expensive?
Of course, the right is all about family values.

How about quality?
Yes obviously quality matters. Sure our system is state of the art. Again that's not enough to make it a good system if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.
You have every right to whatever health care you can afford.
That you cannot afford any particular level of health care does not give you the right to have the state force other people to pay for it, or provide it for free.
So those kids growing up in poor families shouldn't get proper healthcare because it is too expensive?
How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

I've given you answers to your questions before and you've simply ignored the answers and stuck with your faith-based views. Why should people expend effort on trying to educate you when you have no intention of abandoning your faith-based views?
Go ahead dude humor me. Give me these airtight arguments one more time. If I ignore them I would only be embarrassing myself.
So you asked me to cite our arguments...I do....and you, once again, ignore the post.

You are a child.

It's a favorite tactic of many, I you around and around in circles over the same ground. Explain this, define that, they try to play word games and cause distractions ...weak and transparent.

Look at his response to my post. He takes one point I made about cost efficiency and he responsds with ..."you think healthcare is cheap".....I mean.,....huh?

I make a point that the Canadian poll is a left wing poll....meaning the questions asked were likely very suggestive....such as "if the US healthcare system denied you coverage due to pre -existing conditions, would you prefer the Canadian plan"...and he says "how can a Canadian poll have a liberal bias."

I show him how the DMV and USPS are not efficient and he simply says "apples to carrots" if they are not perfect examples of where government failed....

I show him how the website cost 5 times what Amazon paid for theirs...and again, he says "not applicable"

The kid is a child.
No what's childish is suggesting a poll that you have never heard of has a liberal bias.
Seeing as Canadians, on the most part, do not use US ask them their opinion on it would be a waste of time....unless the one taking the poll has an agenda.

For example....asking someone who never saw a movie if they preferred seeing the movie they DID see over the movie they DIDNT see would be futile....unless you were marketing the movie the person DID see.

I know...tough concept to understand.

Apply yourself.
I see. Hm. Well by that logic you are in no place to judge their system as inferior considering you've never used it...

Guess what? You don't have to use a healthcare system to know whether or not it works. People inform themselves.
you are correct, son. I am in no place to judge the Canadian system for I have never used the Canadian system.

But here is where you and I differ on the topic of "judging"...

Whereas I am well aware that the polls taken that show Americans prefer the US system over the Canadian system are biased polls taken by those that are against the see the opposite polls as accurate and dependable.

As for your second part of your post.....

Can one be accurate if asked what movie was better....the one he personally saw or the one his friend saw and "informed him" about?

Son, you have a long life ahead of you. I suggest you start to open your mind and stop being pulled around by a collar and leash by those that see you as a tool for their agenda.
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.

That's just stupid. When private industry fails, it goes out of business; we're not forced to throw endless sums of money at it. Eventually a better business model emerges that succeeds, or, perhaps that industry just goes by the wayside.
How about quality?
Yes obviously quality matters. Sure our system is state of the art. Again that's not enough to make it a good system if poor people can't afford basic cancer treatment.
You have every right to whatever health care you can afford.
That you cannot afford any particular level of health care does not give you the right to have the state force other people to pay for it, or provide it for free.
So those kids growing up in poor families shouldn't get proper healthcare because it is too expensive?
OooOOoooh... an appeal to emotion.

Forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude, regardless of the reason behind it.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or are you just going to sling logical fallacies?
I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

With Obama's EPA alone creating more than 2,300 new jobs killing regulations what deregulation decade are you talking about?
So those kids growing up in poor families shouldn't get proper healthcare because it is too expensive?

Now we are getting somewhere, so how much of MY money do you want? (Blues Legend opens wallet) How much is enough by the way it would be good to know just how much the liberals feel is a fair share? As it is I have to work overtime to pay the able bodied deadbeats bills in this country.

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