Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

First you have to differentiate between healthcare and health insurance. Canada for example has a single payer system, but private hospitals. Same with Germany. If you mean government run hospitals look around the world including in the US (VA) and you see failed hospitals that a mess.

If you mean health insurance, then you could have a point. First, even in Canada, UK, Germany, Israel etc there is a private health insurance option. If you can afford it, it has been proven as the best option.

Personally I think we need to copy Germany's health insurance system. Here is how the German system works:
(1) Everyone must choose insurance between 15 providers (non-profit private-like companies). It's the one that fits their situation best. Their employer pays half and they pay the other half.
(2) If you want private insurance you can opt out, but your employer doesn't have to pay half unless their employer agrees to.
(3) The government covers insurance for children, elderly and the unemployed.

Yes sounds like Obamacare, but it's different.
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
Over 90% of AMericans must be financially secure. BEcause those are the people using it.

Or at least they were using it until Obama cancelled their plans and took away their doctors - That They Liked.

My insurance went up 15%.
My salary didn't.

And then add in the 10% food inflation that the Government doesn't count...and the energy inflation that is only going to get worse with the War on Fossil Fuels.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

We should have adopted Canada' system long ago. They've only got the highest standard of living in the world. They must be doing something right. Oh yea, I remember what they're doing right: that greedy, unconscionable, blood-sucking monster called the insurance industry doesn't get to sop up half the revenue that should be going back into public healthcare. That's what they're doing right. And spare me the "socialist" bullshit, folks. Canada's a healthy, wealthy, free market economy where everybody pays healthcare insurance premiums (to the government) every month, instead of to a bunch of vampires on Wall Street. It's a good system and it works.
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.
If that is true then why do so many people come here when they need treatment for serious health problems instead of Slovenia? By the way the VA is form of government run healthcare the job they were doing is as good as it gets for not having government run healthcare.
First how do you know they are all rich? Second why didn't you address the VA ?
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
Over 90% of AMericans must be financially secure. BEcause those are the people using it.

Or at least they were using it until Obama cancelled their plans and took away their doctors - That They Liked.

My insurance went up 15%.
My salary didn't.

And then add in the 10% food inflation that the Government doesn't count...and the energy inflation that is only going to get worse with the War on Fossil Fuels.

Food prices are the highest in history.
People are getting tired of big gvmt. interference and regressive taxes.

I think Scotland has the right idea.

It'll happen here again ...eventually....and it will end differently this time.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

We should have adopted Canada' system long ago. They've only got the highest standard of living in the world. They must be doing something right. Oh yea, I remember what they're doing right: that greedy, unconscionable, blood-sucking monster called the insurance industry doesn't get to sop up half the revenue that should be going back into public healthcare. That's what they're doing right. And spare me the "socialist" bullshit, folks. Canada's a healthy, wealthy, free market economy where everybody pays healthcare insurance premiums (to the government) every month, instead of to a bunch of vampires on Wall Street. It's a good system and it works.

I'll come over and help you pack the U-Haul so you can move up there. Why do liberal solutions to every problem involve taking money from me and redistributing to pay my neighbors bills?
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
how would they know if they have never had
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
See, Billy is stupid. And stupid people think that two things that sound or seem similar are actually identical.
So he could point to, e.g. Wang Computers as a "private industry that failed." Or Eastern Airlines. But private industry is not identical to private company (i.e. not government owned). But to brainless turds like Billy it's all pretty much the same thing.

I can not think of a single industry that failed in the US. Sure, some are fading out due to changes in technology and EPA regulations......but I can not think of one that failed.
Here's the problem with threads like this written by you left wing nut jobs. You have already decided that there isn't any way any right winger could ever answer your challenge. No matter what anyone said you would deny it. It isn't as if you really want to know and that you will take the right wingers answer seriously. You simply want to deny all comers and then claim that you posed a question that no right winger could answer.

You are too transparent there loser. I just laugh at you.
Lol translation: you have no argument to put forth.
This whole thread is filled with arguments to your just ignire them and say they are not viable...without backing it up.
im sorry. What argument am I ignoring exactly?
1) When government tries to do what private industry can do, it winds up with higher costs and less efficiency. This is fact. Look into the time the federal government deemed it more cost efficient to manufacture iron on its own for tanks and other military wound up costing twice as much to produce it than it did to buy it from private industry

2) The Canadian poll is a farce. How can Canadians compare theirs to ours if they don't use ours? You were duped by a left wing poll

3) The DMV is a disaster. No efficiency; no customer service. The USPS runs in the red...year after year. Fed Ex ande UPS walk all over USPS overnight delivery

4) It cost the US government 600 million dollars to design and implement a web site that caters to 300 million people in one country. How much did AMazon spend to cater to billions over 7 continents?

Shall I continue?

Fed Ex ande UPS walk all over USPS overnight delivery
that aint true Jar.....
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

We should have adopted Canada' system long ago. They've only got the highest standard of living in the world. They must be doing something right. Oh yea, I remember what they're doing right: that greedy, unconscionable, blood-sucking monster called the insurance industry doesn't get to sop up half the revenue that should be going back into public healthcare. That's what they're doing right. And spare me the "socialist" bullshit, folks. Canada's a healthy, wealthy, free market economy where everybody pays healthcare insurance premiums (to the government) every month, instead of to a bunch of vampires on Wall Street. It's a good system and it works.

You're joking, right?
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
i aint rich and i get to use UCI and St.Joseph Med Centers....both have top of the line Med Equipment and Personnel....
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.

Bull shit. You did deny it, that's what you said when you quoted the WHO study:
"Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world?"
You're a Rightwinger so I don't expect you to understand nuance. A healthcare system must be judged based on affordability and accessibility.

More bull shit. Says you. You don't count for shit. When you have a disease, you want results. You might like affordability, but you want results
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
See, Billy is stupid. And stupid people think that two things that sound or seem similar are actually identical.
So he could point to, e.g. Wang Computers as a "private industry that failed." Or Eastern Airlines. But private industry is not identical to private company (i.e. not government owned). But to brainless turds like Billy it's all pretty much the same thing.

I can not think of a single industry that failed in the US. Sure, some are fading out due to changes in technology and EPA regulations......but I can not think of one that failed.
Here's the problem with threads like this written by you left wing nut jobs. You have already decided that there isn't any way any right winger could ever answer your challenge. No matter what anyone said you would deny it. It isn't as if you really want to know and that you will take the right wingers answer seriously. You simply want to deny all comers and then claim that you posed a question that no right winger could answer.

You are too transparent there loser. I just laugh at you.
Lol translation: you have no argument to put forth.
This whole thread is filled with arguments to your just ignire them and say they are not viable...without backing it up.
im sorry. What argument am I ignoring exactly?
1) When government tries to do what private industry can do, it winds up with higher costs and less efficiency. This is fact. Look into the time the federal government deemed it more cost efficient to manufacture iron on its own for tanks and other military wound up costing twice as much to produce it than it did to buy it from private industry

2) The Canadian poll is a farce. How can Canadians compare theirs to ours if they don't use ours? You were duped by a left wing poll

3) The DMV is a disaster. No efficiency; no customer service. The USPS runs in the red...year after year. Fed Ex ande UPS walk all over USPS overnight delivery

4) It cost the US government 600 million dollars to design and implement a web site that caters to 300 million people in one country. How much did AMazon spend to cater to billions over 7 continents?

Shall I continue?
1) you're making a generalized statement about gov itself. To suggest gov is inherently flawed is a fallacy. High cost huh? You actually think our healthcare system is cheap? You're shitting me right?

2) You don't even know the poll. Tell me how could a poll taken of Canadians have an American liberal bias?

3) more fallacy. You're comparing apples to carrots. Non sense.

4) same point as above. Anecdotal irrelevant comparisons do jack shit for your argument.
That's how you debate? You simply say I am wrong without backing it up?
How fucking juvenile.

You are not longer worth my time.
Another one bites the dust...

And there we have it. Just as I predicted. You make an idiotic challenge with absolutely no intention of accepting an answer, you dismiss all arguments, then you proclaim victory.

You are just a run-of-the-mill left wing hack idiot.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

We should have adopted Canada' system long ago. They've only got the highest standard of living in the world. They must be doing something right. Oh yea, I remember what they're doing right: that greedy, unconscionable, blood-sucking monster called the insurance industry doesn't get to sop up half the revenue that should be going back into public healthcare. That's what they're doing right. And spare me the "socialist" bullshit, folks. Canada's a healthy, wealthy, free market economy where everybody pays healthcare insurance premiums (to the government) every month, instead of to a bunch of vampires on Wall Street. It's a good system and it works.

Last time I did this calculation America would have to junk about 8,400 of it's 10,000 MRI machines in order to get down to Canadian MRI per capita levels.

Cost savings can certainly be achieved through rationing access to medical care. The question is would Americans stand for that type of rationing?
Does billy actually have a job and a car note and a mortgage and insurance, or is this all "theory" to him?

I have my suspicions.
and he calls himself a "Moderate" Liberal.....Moderate my ass
Government Healthcare:

The efficiency of the DMV with the compassion of the IRS.
there is not a lot of compassion in the private sector either....

Not in the least true. Ive been in medicine for 31 years. The competition is fierce. If you don't provide compassionate, state if the art care with top notch customer service, you won't survive.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

Because federal bureaucracies always do it badly. Didn't communist Russia teach radical Americans anything? When jobs are guaranteed and there is no incentive to become more efficient and the unstated purpose of a bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more confiscated funding it is impossible for the federal government to run anything without screwing it up. When the freaking law is longer than a Stephen King novel and twice as scary it is doomed to implode under it's own weight.
The deregulation that happened during the reign of ronnie reagan and the misery he projected upon the working class.
Airlines were deregulated, banking was deregulated and made into a quagmire.

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

With Obama's EPA alone creating more than 2,300 new jobs killing regulations what deregulation decade are you talking about?
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
i aint rich and i get to use UCI and St.Joseph Med Centers....both have top of the line Med Equipment and Personnel....

The hospital that I currently work at treats everyone regardless of ability to pay. Most of the patients I treat cannot pay, and a lot of the treatments I provide are not reimbursed by insurance companies anyway.

It's a left wing nut lie that there are millions of poor people who can't get healthcare in this country. This lie explains why we were told that there were 40 million uninsured in America yet less than a quarter of that signed up for obamacare.
It's all a lie people.
maybe the best solution really is to end all welfare and subsidies, as well as switch to a direct sales tax of 10% on everything but food and utilities and just send every adult American a check for $30K once a year.

Most people who are worthwhile are going to work anyway, and the ones who don't , it's probably cheaper to give them the $30K up front.

Of course, this we suppose actually ending all welfare, not just saying we're going to do so.

Also, it would entail closing our borders. We can't be paying the entire world.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Link to the poll or you are just lying as libtards do. Reason why private co. should run healthcare and not the gov't.; because this is not a socialist country as libtards would love it to be. Idiots.
Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
i aint rich and i get to use UCI and St.Joseph Med Centers....both have top of the line Med Equipment and Personnel....

The hospital that I currently work at treats everyone regardless of ability to pay. Most of the patients I treat cannot pay, and a lot of the treatments I provide are not reimbursed by insurance companies anyway.

It's a left wing nut lie that there are millions of poor people who can't get healthcare in this country. This lie explains why we were told that there were 40 million uninsured in America yet less than a quarter of that signed up for obamacare.
It's all a lie people.
Smart people don't believe their lies anyway. Look at obnama, he speaks he lies.
Preventative medicine!

Because for the most part private industry can run things better and more efficient than the government can. The government is currently 17 trillion in debt and counting I can not think of any company in the private sector that can say the same.
Oh really? Is that why WHO ranks our healthcare system as one of the worst for the developed world? According to them our system ranks right above Slovenia's.

What does that have to do with the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Can you read? You mean the WHO study that was debunked many times over? You mean the WHO study that was heavily weighted toward socialized medicine?

Answer me this nut job; who is curing Ebola patients? Great Britain? France? Canada?

I am not denying that our healthcare system is sophisticated. The obvious problem is that only the financially secure can afford it and only rich people can afford the really good stuff.
i aint rich and i get to use UCI and St.Joseph Med Centers....both have top of the line Med Equipment and Personnel....

The hospital that I currently work at treats everyone regardless of ability to pay. Most of the patients I treat cannot pay, and a lot of the treatments I provide are not reimbursed by insurance companies anyway.

It's a left wing nut lie that there are millions of poor people who can't get healthcare in this country. This lie explains why we were told that there were 40 million uninsured in America yet less than a quarter of that signed up for obamacare.
It's all a lie people.

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